
For Joseph, everyday had been the same for over 20 years. Wake up, shower, get dressed, take his medication, prep for opening, work at his pub, close his pub, clean his pub, check on the animals, and then go to sleep. Today was the same... mostly.

The first change to his daily routine was after waking up the bathroom door was locked. He knocked on the door and the reply came in the form of a muffled 'One minute!'. Joseph groaned as he went back to his room and took his medication. His annoyance and anger slipped away in a matter of seconds as the door to the bathroom opened and Amy stepped out.

"Sorry, I'm used to waking up early for school so I thought I would be ahead of you in getting ready. Didn't realise we would be getting up at the same time." apologised Amy.

"Well, take this as an opportunity to stay in bed a few minutes longer from now on." said Joseph blankly and he shut the bathroom door behind him. Joseph sat down on the edge of the bath and looked at his hands. He knew having the girl or any other person live with him was a bad idea but he couldn't help it. They just had to hope over time the two of them would find a balance that would keep the both of them out of danger.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Joseph went downstairs into the pub where Amy was sat at the bar waiting for him.

"So, boss, what do you want me to do today?" asked Amy. Joseph pulled two aprons out from under the bar and passed one to Amy who put it on over a white buttoned shirt and black shorts (just some of the old clothes Dorothy lent to her).

"For today you'll take orders, give them to me, take drinks to the tables, and collect empty glasses. If anyone gives you any trouble tell me." explained Joseph as he put on his own apron.

The next change to Joseph's daily routine wasn't too bad. If anything, it was good. Amy would greet everyone that came in, take their order, and get the drinks to people quickly. Now that Joseph didn't have to do everything he could just stay behind the bar pouring drinks and replacing barrels without worrying too much about people waiting.

After a busy day, the last customer left and Amy shut the door. Joseph took off his apron and stuck his hand out for Amy to give him hers. Both aprons went down the same flap in the wall as Amy's clothes yesterday.

"You're free to do what you want now. You can stay here or go out, it's up to you. I'm going to go for a walk and I'll be back in one hour exactly." said Joseph and he walked out from behind the bar towards the door. "If you do go out, remember to lock the door." he opened the door and walked off letting it swing closed.

A ten minute walk from the pub can take you pretty far. For Joseph, it takes him to a secluded section of the island protected by large rocks and trees. The area itself was a clearing 8 foot wide with a steep hill on one side with a sheltered hut on the other side Joseph had built a while back. In it was a single chair he would sit on and wait for the local animals to come visit him everyday.

Joseph opened the doors to the hut opened 270 degrees becoming supports for an extendable roof. This way he could bring the chair out of the hut and stay dry if it started to rain. He sat down and waited. It was only a couple of minutes before a small deer walked out from the trees surrounding the clearing and sat down next to Joseph.

"Hello there. Have you had a nice day?" asked Joseph softly. He let the deer sniff his hand until it moved it's head underneath it signalling it was OK for him to touch. Joseph began softly stroking the deer's head as a flock of birds flew over head. They were then followed by more and more birds chirping wildly as if calling out to warn people of something.

Suddenly, the deer's ear's pricked up and it began galloping away into the trees. Joseph stood up and looked to the sky. A tiny spec of light began growing in the sky. Joseph began to hear the rumble as the object began coming closer and closer until it's was overhead. The light it was producing stopped as the object slowed down before parachutes deployed behind it. The object past over head and the sound of it passing quickly through tree branches and then hitting the ground weaved its way through the trees to Joseph.

Joseph stood for a short time in utter confusion until he gathered himself back up and went to investigate.