The ferry came to a stop along side multiple others at the dock of island and waves of people stepped off the boat and into the wondrous chaos of the festival. The island had been split into three rough areas to help make navigation easier. The north-western section was for performances and events such as the big dance as well as smaller shows like singers and magicians. The north-eastern section was more for shopping with stalls selling key-chains and t-shirts with the festival printed on them but it was also open to small merchants who could sells here with the right permits. Finally, the southern section was for accommodation containing a few hotels and restaurants for people attending the festival from off-island to stay at.
Amy, Aniello, and Joseph made their way to the southern section and reached the hotel they'd be staying in. It wasn't big and fancy like the others but a room is still a room even if the pillows smell a little like cheese. The three of them split off as Amy went to her room on the 3rd floor while Aniello and Joseph's room was on the 5th. They agreed to meet up outside the hotel once they had finished unpacking so they could enjoy the rest of the day going around the festival.
Aniello opened the door to their room. It was just big enough for the both of them with a bathroom in the corner, a single chest of draws, a small TV with only Portuguese channels, and two beds separated by a bedside table. Joseph placed his bag and his backpack on his bed and began to transfer his clothes for the festival into one side of the chest of draws while Aniello took the other side. Finally, Joseph took a relatively large hard drive out the bottom of the bag and tucked it into a hidden pocket inside his back pack.
The two of them finished unpacking at went downstairs. Amy was already waiting for them so they instantly set off to explore what the festival had in store for them. First, they visited the stalls in the north-eastern section looking at trinkets, foods, and drinks. One or two merchants for the island they visited the other day to get their new clothes made an appearance but they were too busy selling to be able to say hi. Later on in the day they visited the north-western section and watched small performances of dancers, singers, and even a comedian. Although they seemed to be putting more effort into trying not to laugh themselves that they sounded like they were barely trying when actually telling the jokes.
While they were walking over to another performance, a lady caught Joseph in her eye and she moved over to intercept them.
"Hello sir, would you like to buy some flower leis for you and your children?" she asked smiling at the three of them. Joseph looked at Amy and Aniello then back at the lady.
"These aren't MY children. Amy from somewhere north and Aniello from somewhere straight up." explained Joseph. The lady's face dropped from and smile to a very confused face before she walked off glancing back at Joseph every now and then and then looking up at the sky.
That night, the three of them went to the restaurant closest to their hotel. It was one of three main restaurants of the section while two smaller restaurants covered over flow and lunches. The restaurant was mostly a large hall filled with circular tables surrounded by chairs while a second floor was for the more wealthy of those going to the festival with much more spaced tables and even a live performance.
The three of them sat in the middle of the downstairs area. It was a little cramped as you only had a few inches space between your chair and the chair belonging to the person behind you (if you were lucky) but the food was good. Half way through dessert, Joseph looked around the room. He felt like someone had been watching him for a while but couldn't quite-
There he was.
Demitri sat in the corner of the room. His hat resting on the table as he feasted upon a plate of burger and chips. Joseph felt a warm sensation in the palm of his hand and he looked down. Blue flames were beginning to escape from his hand. He clenched his fist and quickly stood up. His chair bumped into the one behind as he quickly made his way to the bathroom.
He made sure the bathroom was empty before shoving him hands under a cold tap.
"What do you think you're doing?! If we start a fight here there's no telling how many people will get hurt! Just have some patience. I'll give him the plans at the end of the third day during the dance. THAT is when you can start to get some ideas to attack. But not now. Not while those two are here." said Joseph to his reflection. Before they had a chance to reply, a man entered the bathroom and walked into one of the stalls.
Joseph returned to his seat lying about how he had a sudden wave of not feeling well but he's fine now.
Demitri sat and watched as Joseph finished dessert, paid, and left with Aniello and Amy. A waitress came over with a glass of wine and placed it in front of him.
"I didn't order any wine?" said Demitri.
"A gentleman ordered it for you asked to give you a message. 'Give him 48 hours to enjoy the festival'. I ask on behalf of everyone at the festival if you here to cause problems? If you are I will have to ask you to leave the island." said the waitress looking a little worried.
"No no! We are just here for business. No one is going to to hurt anyone or destroy anything." Demitri downed the glass of wine and sighed. "I'd like to play now please!"