Achille stood leaning against a wall and watched as a door down the corridor opened and a man was escorted away by two armed soldiers. Demitri exited the room shortly afterwards and spotted Achille.
"Hey!" called Demitri as he jogged over.
"Dark Nebula would like to thank you for your services. Here is your payment as per our agreement and a long range vessel have been prepared in hanger 37-b." stated Achille almost robotically and she held out a small cylindrical storage device. Demitri seemed almost disappointed by the act.
"What, trying to get rid of me already?" joked Demitri as he took Achille's hand that held the storage device and kissed it. A quick look into Achille's eyes later, Demitri took the device and strolled down the corridor to hanger 37-b. Achille looked at her hand and wiped in on her trouser leg in disgust. She made her way to an elevator and entered her destination.
A video call began on the elevator screen and a woman wearing the Dark Nebula uniform appeared on the screen.
"Is everything complete on your end?" quizzed Achille.
"Yes ma'am. Aniello is awaiting your arrival in your room. Omeganu would like to know if Demitri has been rewarded yet?" the woman asked back.
"Yes. he's received his payment directly from me and should be leaving in a vessel shortly." the woman nodded and wished Achille a good day. The call ended and the elevator doors opened.
Achille stepped out into her room and looked over at Aniello sat on the floor with his hands encased and a metal guard over his mouth. A guard stood with their weapon trained on Aniello who came to attention saluting Achille before quickly returning to their previous state. Achille took a deep breath and walked over to Aniello.
"Lower your weapon, remove his restraints, and get out." ordered Achille. The guard looked up at her suspiciously.
"Ma'am, I've been told this individual is dangerous and needs to be kept under constant armed-supervision." explained the guard. Achille grabbed a bottle from a table next to her and threw it at the guard's head. They blocked the bottle with their weapon but shards of glass left multiple cuts on their face.
"Do as you are told, you pathetic runt!" screamed Achille. The guard quickly followed the orders and made their escape into the elevator. Achille watched as the doors closed and made her way over to Aniello. She extended her hand to him and Aniello hesitantly took it. As Aniello pulled himself up off the floor, he didn't notice in time as Achille pulled herself towards him instead and wrapped her other hand around his throat. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused!? I've been turned into a laughing stock by the other four heads all because of YOU!"
Aniello grabbed at Achille's wrist with the hand that wasn't pinned down and gagged and the pressure on his airway increased. "You were created for so much more than betraying your fellows. You were going to pave the way for a new generation of Dark Nebula. Not just with your tactics, but with your ability as well!" Tears began forming in the corners of Aniello's eyes and Achille pushed herself up. Aniello rushed over onto his hands and knees coughing and rubbing his neck.
Achille opened a hidden panel in the wall and took a full bottle of a red liquid. Her threw her helmet off onto her bed and slumped down into a chair. The contents of the bottle quickly disappeared and the carcass was tossed to the floor with a sigh. Aniello finally started to recover and looked back at Achille.
"What did you mean -cough- by a new generation?" asked Aniello struggling to even speak without it hurting more. Achille gave him a side look and pulled out a glass tablet. She typed something in and tossed the tablet to Aniello's feet. He sat down and looked at the tablet. A long list of names was displayed on the screen underneath a title of 'Support Squadron'. Aniello scrolled down and began noticing names with red, yellow, and blue symbols next to them indicating dead, infant, and training. One name was different with a purple symbol...
Aniello [o]
"Their are more people with my ability?" queried Aniello in amazement. Achille simply nodded as she eyed a half empty bottle on the floor next to her feet and began drinking it as well.
"Many were genetically modified to have the ability of amplification in hopes of strengthening our troops. But that plan was put on hold after the discovery of the Anti-crystal." Achille explained lazily. Aniello turned the tablet off and put it down.
"So, am I going to be executed then or imprisoned for life? Or-"
"Shut up! I just- don't know what to do at this moment. Just be quiet and let me think."