Are you a voyeur?

A thick smell of blood permeated throughout the entire room, overpowering the initial pomegranate fragrance inside the room. Cleaning her knife on the lifeless body of Wu Chen, she cut open his shirt.

"You are not worthy of this," she sneered on seeing the rose tattoo on his chest. 'Rose' is the symbol of their gang, and every member needs to have the tattoo representing the gang on some part of their body. Taking her dagger, she made slight cuts all over his tattoo, tracing it, she removed the complete tattoo from his chest. The whole procedure was quite bloody, but she was satisfied.

"Phew! It's done," she said, wiping the imaginary sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. Looking around, she grabbed the hem of a blanket and quickly wiped off the blood staining her hands and her dagger.

"Xia Ming, I'm done. What about you?" she asked, getting up from the dead body and walking towards the washroom to wash her face properly.

"Almost done," the voice replied. "You will find your clothes on the left-hand side, inside the closet. If you want, you can change that sexy dress,"

"Thank you, love." Su Yanruo said. Coming out of the washroom, she wiped her face with the towel and she walked straight towards the closet, ignoring the dead body on the bed. Following Xia Ming's instructions, she found a pair of jeans and a simple beige top kept on the left-hand corner.

Taking them, she quickly started removing her dress. Undoing the straps, her dress fell in one swift motion, creating a puddle on the floor. Stepping out of that dress, she wore her jeans and that top when suddenly she felt someone's presence behind her.

But before she could react, a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her tiny waist. She felt a wide, muscular chest pressing against her back and a fiery breath blowing on her neck, giving her the feeling of itchiness. It stunned Su Yanruo for a moment, but when she realized what was going on, she struggled against him. Shooting her right leg out, she wanted to break free from his grip, but her movements were too far slow compared to him.

"Sweetheart, you didn't struggle so much when that man grabbed you like this?" the man said in his low husky voice, hit hot breath blowing past her ear giving her weird shivering sensations.

Her eyes narrowed at his voice. She felt as if she had heard this voice before. Where?

Struggling to get out from his grip, she jabbed him with her elbow on the side of his stomach. "Oww…" the stranger moaned. Twisting his arm, she broke free from his grip, and grabbing her dagger in one swift motion, she held it across his neck.

"Who are… It's you," she said, her voice and her face showing her surprised reaction. This person was none other than that mystery man with dark gray eyes.

"Xiaoruo, hey, are you okay? Who is it? What is going on?" the voice asked, but Su Yanruo ignored it.

Glancing at the mystery man with vigilance, she watched his every move. She didn't who he was or what motive he had. If he can come here, in this room, without her noticing anything, then it means that he was an expert. He can be someone from the Underworld, an enemy, the masked man in Wu Chen's word, someone from his gang, or worse, a pervert.

"Hello, sweetheart." The mystery man smiled, pulling her by her waist and wrapping his arms around her, not caring about the dagger which was pressing up against his neck. His move startled Su Yanruo, and she glanced at his neck.

"Who are you? How did you come here? Since when were you spying on me? Who do you work for?" she asked, pressing her dagger against his neck. One wrong move, one wrong answer from him, and he will be dead.

The man gave her an effortless smile. Raising his brows, he said, "Calm down, sweetheart. I am not your enemy. If I get hurt, then your heart will be in pain."

Hearing his words, Su Yanruo had a big question mark on her face. She wasn't able to understand what he was saying. "What nonsense are you saying?" she glared. "Tell me, since when were you spying on me? How did you get here?"

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy," he answered.


"I mean, I climbed up the pipes and came in through the window. You see, when you and that dead guy over there were having fun on the bed, I was sitting here on this window watching you," he explained.

"Xiaoruo, who are you talking to? Who is this guy? Is he that kind of a person?" the voice asked.

Her best friend's words clicked something in her mind. She looked up and down at the mystery man keenly. He didn't look that kind of person to her who would get pleasure in doing stuff like this. But you also can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe he is the kind of person who enjoys doing this dirty stuff, otherwise why would he come here to spy over them. Pondering over her words, she asked, "Are you a voyeur?"

The mystery man was too dumbfounded to speak. He looked at her closely, not understanding why she came to this weird conclusion. Was he that kind of person in her eyes? Thinking like this, he panicked. He needed to change her viewpoint about him otherwise how will he achieve his goal? He can't be a voyeuristic pervert who enjoys climbing the windows and watching other people in their deeds.

"Are you not a voyeuristic pervert?" she asked, looking at his dumbfounded face.

"Of course not, sweetheart." he quickly denied. "Do I look like that kind of person to you?"

Su Yanruo shook her head. "You don't look like one, but your behavior does."

"I didn't come here for that."