She likes cute guys

"I kissed her." Rong Yixuan chuckled.

Wen Jinyang was in shock. He knew about all the rumors that surrounded Su Yanruo, and he also knew about her preference for guys so it was highly impossible for her to let Rong Yixuan kiss her. "And she let you?" he asked in disbelief.

Rong Yixuan shook his head with a funny smile.

Understanding what might have happened between them, Wen Jinyang nodded. Patting his arm, he said, "Be careful then. Next time, when you will go in front of her, she might stab you for sure."

"She said the exact same thing," Rong Yixuan laughed remembering her words.

"Does she know who you are?" he asked curiously.

"If I did that then I wouldn't be standing here in front of you." Rong Yixuan answered. "But this is what makes it more interesting, more challenging. Isn't it?"

"All that is fine but what are you going to do next?" Wen Jinyang asked curiously.

"Look behind you," Rong Yixuan said.

Turning around, Wen Jinyang saw one of their shadow guard entering the yard and walking towards them. When the shadow guard came closer to them, he recognized him. This was not any ordinary shadow guard. This was a very special guard personally trained by Rong Yixuan and planted in the Su Mansion. But what is he doing here?

Wen Jinyang was confused and baffled by what he was trying to do. Glancing at him, he asked, "Why did you call him here? Do you know how risky this is?"

"I know," Rong Yixuan smiled. "Trust me, I know what I am doing."

"But -"

"Jinyang, everything is under my control. Stop worrying!"

"Fine," Wen Jinyang muttered under his breath.

The shadow guard quickly walked up to them and bowed down respectfully, "Leader Rong, Boss Wen!"

"Have you got the thing that I told you to bring?" Rong Yixuan asked.

The shadow guard nodded. Lifting his head, he took out a file and gave it to Rong Yixuan. "Leader here is the information that you needed," he said.

Taking the file, Rong Yixuan smiled. "You can leave," he said to the guard and within seconds the shadow guard disappeared from their sights as if he was not even there in the first place.

"What is this?" Wen Jinyang asked curiously.

Waving the file in the air, Rong Yixuan informed. "To capture your future wife, you need to know what is going on in her life."



Rong Yixuan rolled his eyes. "This is the plan to woo my future wife."

"What's in it?" Wen Jinyang asked curiously.

Taking the file from Rong Yixuan's hand, he opened it. Inside it, everything was written about Su Yanruo's life, about her likes, her dislikes, her persona, her relationships, her fear, her strength, and all little information that you can think about. Reading the file, Wen Jinyang commented with a small chuckle, "You are going to have a hard time wooing her."

"Why's that?" Rong Yixuan asked, taking the file back and going through it carefully.

"Because she likes cute guys," he laughed.

"That's because she hasn't met anybody like me yet," he bragged confidently.

"So confident?"

"Hmm…." Rong Yixuan nodded. "By the way, who is this Ji Chenglang?" he asked.


"Tomorrow, she is going to his birthday celebration on his cruise ship for two days." Rong Yixuan informed.

"Why would she do that?" Wen Jinyang asked. "Isn't she aqua phobic?"

"She is," Rong Yixuan agreed. It was mentioned in the file that something major happened in the Su clan five years ago which made her develop a fear towards the water and since then she has stayed away from such situations. Now, he was sure that she must have a motive to go to this cruise ship.

At this moment, Wen Jinyang remembered something. He knew about this Ji Chenglang guy. "Yixuan, I know this guy," he said.


"He was an orphan before he was chosen to serve for the Lu clan. He worked for them until the Lu clan was annihilated by us and the Su clan but somehow this guy managed to save his life. He remained underground for quite a while before he was poached by someone to kill Mrs. Su."

"Oh! So, it's about the murder mystery of my Mother-in-law," Rong Yixuan muttered.

"Yeah, he was part of that murder and maybe that's why Su Yanruo is after him." Wen Jinyang said.

Rong Yixuan glanced at him, "There are more people who were with him?"

Wen Jinyang nodded. "Three. Including him, there were one more man and a woman."

"But as far as I know, all of these people killed Mrs. Su on somebody's order. So, her target must be to find that mysterious man," he added.

"You do know a lot!" Rong Yixuan praised, "They don't call you brainy guy for nothing!"


"Oww….. Why did you hit me? I was praising you." Rong Yixuan asked, rubbing his arm.

"It's intelligent. I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T!" Wen Jinyang glared. "Don't call me brainy guy."

Who was it that gave me such a bad name? Wen Jinyang thought. If he finds the person who dared to give him such an idiotic name, then he would shoot that person dead.

"Whatever, brainy guy!" Rong Yixuan smiled. "But you really do know a lot about this matter. I am sure that even the Su clan must not be knowing about all this information."

Wen Jinyang nodded proudly.

"Tell me something, is this Ji Chenglang a pervert?" Rong Yixuan asked.

Wen Jinyang nodded, "Yes, he is quite a pervert. He likes delicate beauty, and he likes to be the hero of every damsel in distress."

"Why are you asking this?" he asked curiously seeing Rong Yixuan's angry face.

"Nothing…" Rong Yixuan spoke through gritted teeth. "Have to take care of another pervert."

"So, are you going to that cruise ship tomorrow?" Wen Jinyang asked.

Rong Yixuan nodded. Of course, he has to be there. Where there is his future wife, there he will be also. He has to protect her and also help her in killing that Ji Chenglang bastard.

"So, what are you going to say to Uncle Rong?" Wen Jinyang asked. "If he finds that you are in love with Su Yanruo then he won't accept it," he said.

Rong Yixuan smiled wickedly. Placing his hand on Wen Jinyang's shoulder, he gave him an expectant look. "Aren't you known as the brainy person?" he asked.

"It's intelligent." Wen Jinyang corrected.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." Rong Yixuan smiled. "I am sure that you can think of something to help me otherwise you know what I am going to say to Xiaoyu, don't you?"

Wen Jinyang: "...…."