I missed you.....

Meanwhile, in the other cabin, Su Yanruo and Rong Yixuan sat in awkward silence. 

Rong Yixuan stared outside the window paned glass as the cabin went higher and higher. From the corner of his eyes, he peeked at her and saw her doing the same. He sighed, moving his gaze back at the scenery. He wanted to talk to her but didn't know what to say. He had several thoughts in his mind and he didn't know where to begin.

He was worried and his heart was filled with several doubts. He didn't know whether she would hate him more because he sat in front of her. After all, he was doing his level best to adhere to and obey her words. But this time, it wasn't his fault. Somebody else pushed him inside so maybe, she wouldn't hate him more than she did.