I lost!

"Woo-hoo!!! Brother Xuan, you can do it...." Ming Xiaoyu cheered. "Go and win this game...."

Seeing this, Wen Jinyang got puzzled. Before she was cheering for Su Yanruo and made him cheer for her too. How come she suddenly shifted sides and cheer for Rong Yixuan? He looked at her and couldn't help but ask, "Weren't you cheering for Su Yanruo? Did you change sides?"

"I am cheering for the both of them," she laughed and continued to cheer. 

Wen Jinyang chuckled helplessly. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel amazed at how good of a person she was. He was feeling proud in his heart because he fell in love with such a wonder full woman. And, to think that she was condemning herself a few days back for being not worthy enough for him. Looking at her, who would say that she was unworthy?