1st Week of School Ⅲ

The two reluctant prisoners of Prefect Wilkes are firmly seated next to him. Rowan and Severus both have identical scowls on their faces making them appear that much more alike to each other. The food promptly appears before them and the older Slytherins begin to eat. Many of them had excellent table manners, but there are always exceptions.

With care, Rowan selects food that isn't too greasy or heavy on the stomach. Severus isn't as picky grabbing a bit of everything including pumpkin juice. Seeing that the twins are finished serving themselves, Prefect Wilkes raises his goblet in salute. "A toast to our first-year lucky charms, the Prince twins!" The Slytherins quite heartily lift their goblets in toast and let out a cheer causing the other houses to stare in surprise at the Slytherin table.

Head Boy Lucius Malfoy extends a cool smile at Rowan and Severus. "Slytherin expects a great deal from both of you," he coolly declared. Severus vehemently nods his head at the elder Slytherin, while Rowan doesn't acknowledge the statement by spearing a piece of potato with her fork.

Lucius's companion, a tall, slim blond with blue eyes furrows her brow. "It is rude to not face forward when spoken to," Narcissa Black chided the first-year Slytherin.

Rowan's fork froze in midair causing Severus to feel a shiver down his spine. This is not a good sign. He may have to grab hold of Rowan before she leaps across the table and attacks the older Slytherin.

A cold smile spreads across Rowan's face. It held no warmth or regard. It sent an unconscious shiver through those watching. "My apologies, I was distracted," she deliberately said, "by our intrepid Head Boy. I must admit he is most agreeable and fitting to my tastes that I utterly forgot myself."

Narcissa is stunned at the response as Wilkes lets out a low whistle at the statement. "Well, it looks like we have a contender for our dear Head Boy's affections," Wilkes wickedly grinned.

"I hope that our age differences will not be an impediment if I am serious about my intentions," Rowan said to Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy's icy blue eyes blink in a rare case of bewilderment. "Lucius already has a courting partner," Narcissa snapped, before flushing in mortification at allowing her passionate emotions to dictate her actions in public.

"And?" Rowan shamelessly taunted. "It is merely as you say, a courtship. A courtship is easily broken until an engagement is announced. And even then, betrothals have been known to be broken before the wedding date."

"And?" Rowan shamelessly answered. "It's only a simple school relationship and it won't be official until he puts a ring on it. And even then, plenty of couples break up before reaching the wedding altar."

Narcissa narrows her eyes with anger and hatred at the 1st year girl. She looks as though she wants to leap across the table and claw Rowan's face off. Seeing Narcissa in such an uncharacteristic state, Lucius hastily says, "Thank you, Miss Prince, but I am not faint of heart, and I will not be so easily persuaded from my course."

"Of course," Rowan's expression sharpened with a shark-like glint. "As lovely as you are Malfoy, I find it much more interesting to get a rise out of Narcissa Black."

Prefect Wilkes coughs trying to badly disguise a chuckle. "Oh, you're definitely a wily one, Rowan Prince. You'll be certain to make Slytherin proud."

Embarrassed, Narcissa twists her lips into an unhappy frown. "Keep your nasty little jokes to yourself, Rowan Prince!"

"But where's the fun in that?" Rowan crisply retorted. "The lovely Lucius and Narcissa are 7th years. You certainly won't be around next year. I might as well make the most of this year."

Wilkes cackles with laughter, while Lucius furrows his brow resisting the urge to rub his forehead in exasperation. "Please Prince try to least maintain some measure of decorum."

"Yes, Lucius," Rowan obediently said returning to her meal.

Severus's shoulders slump in relief. He tiredly looks at his food and thinks, "This is going to be a long year."

The rest of the dinner passes smoothly with the older years discussing their N.E.W.T.'s and other savory topics. Rowan and Severus learn quite the gossip from Prefect Wilkes. By the time dinner is over Rowan and Severus head back with Wilkes in tow.

"Why are you following us?" Severus suspiciously asked after a minute.

"Because the two of you are danger magnets, I can sense it in my bones," Wilkes impishly replied.

Rowan snickers as Severus loftily retorts, "Rowan most certainly is, but I am a good student."

"No, I have a 6th sense for trouble," Wilkes argued shaking his head in disagreement. "Severus Prince may be passive right now, but once you get going there's no stopping you." Severus chokes at Wilkes's reply as Rowan tries not to loudly snicker.

"But seriously, I have a ton of homework. The professors are serious about our O.W.L.'s," Wilkes made a disgruntled face.

The three of them make their way back into the common room area where some younger years are chattering, while some of the 5th years and 7th years already studying for their O.W. L's. and N.E.W. T's. "Well, I take my leave," Wilkes muttered with a haunted look as he went forth to battle against the dreaded homework in preparation for the fearful exams that were still a year away.

Severus turns to Rowan. "Well, I'm going to do my homework, care to join me?"

"I already finished mine," Rowan shrugged.

"Impossible! I saw you dozing off in most of our classes," Severus protested.

"When I woke up from my nap during Professor Stricken's monologue, I took the time to finish our homework, it was pretty simple too," Rowan mused out loud.

Severus turns on his heels and stomps off leaving Rowan with a smirk on her face. Rowan hums to herself as she heads upstairs to take a shower before bed. To her surprise she finds her three roommates sitting on their beds with frowns. The three girls turn at hearing Rowan as they all glance at each other, before turning to one of them.

An auburn-haired girl with long wavy hair anxiously turns toward Rowan and says, "Sorry to be a bother, but we were wondering if you could help us a bit with our homework?'

"It's still early, why not?" Rowan answered moving over to the roommate's vast relief. "But first, how about we introduce ourselves. I don't think we've actually had a formal chance to do so."

The auburn-haired girl with a faint sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her nose points to herself and says, "I'm Bethanie Fawley."

"She belongs to one of the 28 Sacred Families," a strawberry blond, bobbed-haired girl piped in with great emphasis.

The third girl with sharp features and gray eyes rolls her eyes. "The both of us are you, twit." The third girl rolls her eyes and apologetically turns towards Rowan. "Sorry about her, she's a little slow in the head sometimes." The second girl puffs out her cheeks sullenly at the third girl's comment.

"Any who, I'm Silvia Flint," the third girl introduced herself, before pointing at the second girl, "And the ditz over there is Tiffany Topsy."

"I'm Rowan Prince, a pleasure to meet all of you," Rowan said as she took a seat on the bed. Within minutes, the three of them get to know each other as Rowan patiently answers their questions and explains their homework to them in such a way that the three of them are able to finish their homework all on their own, before going to bed.