1st Cog

After several days of contemplation, Rowan decided to accept Professor Flitwick's offer of aid. There was something that Professor Flitwick could do for her. She needed a permission slip to the student archives to research past members of the Slug Club. There should be traces left of past students and their achievements at Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick although delighted to do so did ask as to why Professor Slughorn did not issue the permission slip. Rowan simply answered she would never finish her independent project if Professor Slughorn is constantly looking over her shoulder and interrupting her to boast about his past student's achievements. With such a plain response, Professor Flitwick wrote Rowan a permission slip without further questions.

The first free period Rowan gets she makes her way to the massive Hogwarts Library. The librarian is a dark-haired witch with suspicious eyes, Madam Irma Pince. The prickly librarian pointedly asks, "Are you lost?"

"Not necessarily, Madam Pince," Rowan explained. "I am looking for the Hogwarts Archives," and holding out the permission slip from Professor Flitwick for Madam Pince to see.

Madam Pince carefully reads the permission slip word for word, before being satisfied it is indeed Professor Flitwick's handwriting. "It seems all is in order, Miss Prince," she briskly said gently setting the book in her lap aside.

Drawing herself to full height, Madam Pince warningly says, "A fair warning, Miss Pince, should you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards any book, the forthcoming consequences will be as awful as it is within my power to make them."

"Understood, Madam Pince," Rowan promptly replied having no intention to deface a book of any kind.

"There is no food or eating allowed in the library. Including, no talking, laughing, whispering, sneezing, scurrying around, running, or any type of behavior that may damage the books is that understood?" Madam Pince coldly added. "And above all, there is no taking the books out of the library without a permission slip as this is not a lending library!"

"And should you attempt to steal a book," Madam Pince's nostrils flared in emphasis, "You shall not like the deadly consequences, Miss Prince."

"Yes, Madam Pince," Rowan obediently chimed.

"Excellent, now exactly, what archives are you in need of?" Madam Pince briskly asked.

"Well, I've recently become fascinated with Professor Slughorn's, Slug Club. I was wondering if I could possibly view any articles related to previous members," Rowan clearly requested.

"In that case, I shall direct you personally," Madam Pince declared leading Rowan further into the depths of the library. Past countless shelves, Rowan notices a few books moving on their own. Hogwarts lore said some of the books had minds of their own and are even capable of speech, while others are even capable of defending themselves.

The sought-out archives are not in the forbidden section, but rather in a corner of the library next to the rest of the regular books. Students simply weren't allowed access to them on their own. The archive was enchanted to only be opened if the individual had a permission slip. If anyone else tried to open any of the archived accounts, the books are enchanted to shrilly scream.

"The archives are in chronological order," Madam Pince indicated to a stack of neatly bound books.

Rowan's face wilts at the sheer number of books almost overbrimming. "Thank you, Madam Pince," she politely thanked the librarian for leading her here. With a crisp nod of her head, Madam Pince swooped away eager to return to her books.

Left behind, Rowan rolls up her sleeves with great determination. She automatically excludes a portion of the archives commencing in 1938, the year that Tom Riddle started Hogwarts. Whenever in doubt it is better to start from the beginning of the tale.

Rowan carefully takes notes of the Slytherin students in that year including those in the years above. Before she knows it, Madam Pince appears to warn Rowan that it is closing time. Madam Pince falters in surprise at seeing the carefully taking notes of Rowan as she intently studies the articles before her.

Madam Pince unusually coughs quite gently and says, "It is time for the library to close."

Rowan rubs her tired eyes and says, "Sorry, Madam Pince, I made a mess, let me clean up first before I go."

"It's fine," Madam Pince said as with a wave of her wand the bound books neatly rise and return to their shelves.

"Thank you," Rowan tiredly said, before carefully putting her notes and things away.

"You are most welcome anytime, Miss Prince," Madam Pince truthfully remarked.

"Really?" Rowan asked in disbelief.

"Of course, it is a rare pleasure to find someone who treats books so well," Madam Pince genuinely answered.

Rowan nods her head in a tired thanks and heads back down to the Slytherin common room area to rest. Despite the coolness of the dungeons, it does little to wake her. Loudly yawning, she whispers the password and passes through the wall into the tunnel leading into the common room.

Mid-yawn Rowan froze at finding the Slytherin common room filled with 7th years, but purebloods from various other years as well. "Sorry, I'll be quickly on my way now," Rowan tactfully apologized briskly moving them past them towards the female dorms.

The cool voice of Narcissa Black breaks the awkward silence. "Since Prince is here now permit her to say. She might just learn a thing or two now."

Rowan freezes midstep and glances around as the icy, handsome Lucius Malfoy firmly gestures to an empty chair. "Have a seat, Miss Prince," it was not a suggestion, but an order.

Obediently Rowan sits down in the empty chair while Narcissa frigidly studies the 1st year Slyyterin. "And exactly why are out still out so close to curfew?"

"I was studying in the library and lost track of time," Rowan truthfully answered. "Madam Pince can corroborate my statement."

Narcissa's blue eyes glance away no longer interested in the tale. However, a pudgy fourth-year Slytherin impetuously comments, "The library at this hour? Tch, you should have been a Ravenclaw instead!"

"Well, at least I have a brain, whether as you, Vern Crabbe, it's a miracle you haven't flunked straight out of Hogwarts," Rowan retorted back.

Several of the other Slytherins snicker loudly at Rowan's comment while Vern Crabbe flushes with rage. His piggy eyes fill with rage, but before Vern Crabbe can act, Head Boy Lucius Malfoy snaps, "ENOUGH!"

The Slytherins in the common room settle down as Vern Crabbe sullenly folds his arms over this chest and scowls at Rowan. With Slytherins return their attention to Head Boy Malfoy. With great pride, Lucius Malfoy resumes the meeting. "We have all gathered here this evening to discuss the muggleborn infestation at Hogwarts and in society. My fellow pureblood brethren, we are gathered here to rectify the situation. We must unite in arms to remedy the situation before it is too late!"

The Slytherins in attendance of the impromptu meeting cry out different ideas such as:

"I think we should ban all mudblood witches and wizards from Hogwarts."

"Poison them!"

"Round them up and keep them separate from us!"

The purist Slytherins continue to give out suggestions, while Rowan refrains from showing any negative emotion at their exclamations. Sometimes one must dance to the tune of the devil. Still, she wasn't able to completely hide her emotions judging by the manner her hands curled up into fists hidden in her robes.

Bored or perchance irked, Narcissa loudly inquires, "And what of you, Prince? You have been unusually silent this evening. Does a kneazle have your tongue?" The Slytherins with interest turn towards Rowan as Vern Crabbe eagerly leans forward expecting the 1st year Slytherin to be utterly humiliated before his very eyes.

As if bored, Rowan sighs and leans back into her chair. "Forgive me for my uncouth words, but the suggestions given are rather idealistic and pointless." The Slytherins who gave the suggestion flush in embarrassment and anger, while the more intelligent Slytherins look rather intrigued by the statement.

Leaping to his feet Vern Crabbe eagerly points at Rowan in condemnation. "Blood traitor!"

"Be silent, Vern Crabbe!" Lucius Malfoy harshly rebuked Vern Crabbe to lose all the wind in his sails and settle back down into his seat. But not before Vern Crabbe sent a hate-filled glare at the 1st year Slytherin.

"Explain yourself, Prince," Lucius demanded.

Folding her hands over her knees, Rowan continues, "What use is any of this if the Ministry of Magic will impend any of our proposed plans? Rather what is required is utter control over the Ministry of Magic to create a permanent and successful change."

"You are indeed full of wit, Prince," Lucius acknowledged rising to his feet. "What we require are not plans, but rather a Great Leader to lead us into the birth of a glorious new age! Where once again magic is kept pure and we of pureblood reign supreme!"

Vern Crabbe eagerly raises his arms in passionate excitement. "I am willing to follow such a leader!"

"As am I!" Slytherin after Slytherin cried out except for Rowan, who remained nonchalant about the excited cheers.

Deliberately, Rowan begins to clap quite loudly at a steady pace causing the cheers to fade and quiet down. She intentionally claps one last time, before addressing the Slytherins. "I commend all of you for your devotion to the purity of magic, it is quite awe-inspiring. However, I will remind you of one thing, Malfoy, sly words of persuasion are not sufficient to move me."

Narcissa frowns in vexation at Lucius being addressed in such a manner. She opens her mouth to reprimand Rowan Prince for her insolence when she catches Lucius's eye. She unwillingly closes her mouth shut having no desire to embarrass Lucius in front of the other Slytherins.

Rising to her feet, Rowan cooly stares at the seated Slytherins. "I am not a fool to be made of nor will I be made on lightly, Malfoy. I only trust in the actions of others and not in empty promises. If there is such a man let him show his skill and I will gladly bow my head to follow him. However, I have no proof to suggest such prowess, but rather one more charlatan seeking to use the power held in Slytherin to fulfill his own desires."

"I am no sheep to be led by a shepherd," Rowan stared down her nose at them. "We are Slytherin, we are resourceful, cunning, ambitious, determined, leaders of our own fate, and above all clever. We are the sly snakes hunting our prey in the shadows."

Rowan snorts in disdain. "To simply follow another on your mere word, Malfoy," she purposefully paused, "that sounds exactly like the brash, foolishness of a Gryffindor."

At the last statement, a cold pail of water poured over the Slytherins sobering a great deal many of them. More than a few were actually rethinking their actions as other more cunning Slytherins decided to tactfully take a step back and watch and wait for actual results.

Seeing her words had the intended effect, Rowan promptly says, "Goodnight," and exits the common room to the girl dorms.

Seeing the changed expressions of many of the gathered Slytherins, Lucius Malfoy changes tactics. "Miss Prince made an excellent point this evening. For those that have doubts, I shall address them. On Hallows Eve, our great and powerful Dark Lord will reveal himself and appease any who still hold doubts concerning his leadership."

Some of the Slytherins are mollified a bit by this response, but those with changed stances meet Lucius Malfoy's gaze without any waver. Lucius suppresses his feelings of dissatisfaction with the end result. Seeing there is nothing more to discuss, he says, "It is just past curfew. Return to your beds, we have class tomorrow."

In the shadows of the girl's staircase, Rowan had hidden trying to overhear the last of the conversation. Having removed her shoes to make the least bit of sound, she hurried up the stairs and soundlessly slipped into her shared quarters. She presses her back against the door and lets out a sigh of relief. The sound of footsteps is not heard long after as she catches her breath.

Moving away from the door, Rowan moves towards her bed. Her dormmates are sound asleep softly wheezing and even making quite little snuffle-like snores. As quietly as possible, she prepares herself for bed. She was not confident in getting much sleep after learning about the plans of Tom Marvolo Riddle, but she had to try.