Seeds of Doubt Ⅱ

A neat research journal zooms out of the girl's dorm room startling Tiffany, Bethanie, and Sylvia, who are already in bed. The research journal zooms down the stairs to land gently in Rowan's outstretched hand. Putting her wand away, she flips open the notebook until she casually stops.

"Aha, here it is!" Rowan said turning the journal towards the curious Slytherins.

Glued to the open page of the journal is a still, unmoving picture of a young Tom Riddle. The purebloods with morbid curiosity openly stare at the still muggle picture. Muggles are so odd, why would they have a still picture? It is rather disconcerting, to say the least.

Rowan points to the muggle clipping of a muggle orphanage. "This a note from a muggle orphanage named Wool Orphanage. The file clearly states the registration date of Tom Marvolo Riddle's birth. His birth mother died in birth, Merope Gaunt. And the recorded father on file is a muggle by the name of Tom Riddle (Sr.)."

Pointing to another muggle clipping, Rowan waited for the purebloods to gaze at the second clipping. "The muggle paper here clearly states Tom Riddle Sr. along with his affluent parents, Thomas and Mary Riddle perished in a mysterious death." She paused and pointed to a subsequent clip. The clip of the Daily Prophet shows a snarling dirty wizard with matted hair and missing teeth. His small, dark eyes stare in opposite directions in a maddened fashion as he openly snarls and spits at those watching.

"According to the Aurors and the Daily Prophet, the Riddle muggle was murdered by Morfin Gaunt, the brother of Merope Gaunt, and uncle of Tom Marvolo Riddle," Rowan gestured to the dirty, snarling wizard. "Yet-" her voice intentionally trailed off.

"Yet what?" A Slytherin fourth-year impatiently asked.

Rowan rubs her chin as if reluctant to share her personal thoughts. "I cannot be absolutely certain, but I believe Morfin Gaunt is innocent and has been in fact framed by his nephew, Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Patricide?" Snorted in belief a 6th year Slytherin in obvious disgust. "Muggle or not that is simply atrocious behavior!" More of the Slytherins murmur their heads in agreement.

"I too share your sentiments," Rowan nodded her head in feigned sympathy. "However, I believe Tom Marvolo Riddle to be nothing but a murderous, charlatan. Please allow me to explain my reasoning."

Rowan paused and waited until Lucius impatiently gestured at her to continue. "To create his current persona," she scoffed, "this Lord Volde-or whatever he calls himself, Riddle had to destroy every single trace of his paste half-blood identity to forge a pureblood identity for himself."

"Narcissa Black," Rowan said causing the attention to abruptly turn towards the cold blonde beauty. "I am under the impression that your sister, Andromeda Black eloped with a muggleborn wizard, am I correct?"

Narcissa stiffly acknowledges the statement turning her face halfway. "A disgrace to the family," she bitterly spat with old pain and betrayal at being abandoned by her sister without so much as a word.

"Now hypothetically speaking, if your sister is abandoned by the muggleborn wizard," Rowan asked holding her hands up in a sign of peace. "Would you avenge, Andromeda?"

"Of course not!" Narcissa hissed in cold fury at her family's laundry openly being discussed. "Andromeda deserves to suffer for what she did! I would not lift a single finger to help her!"

"My point exactly," Rowan said with great emphasis. "I am certain many of us would this same way," as many of the Slytherins nod and murmur in agreement.

"Then why would Morfin Gaunt feel any different at his sister's betrayal?" Rowan explained causing many of the Slytherins to begin to furrow their brows in understanding. "For years, Morfin Gaunt lived near Little Hangleton, where Tom Riddle Sr. resided. Morfin Gaunt with just a wave of his wand could have easily avenged his sister's honor, Merope Gaunt. Yet not once did Morfin Gaunt move to avenge his sister believing her abandonment by Tom Riddle Sr. to be retribution for her betrayal of their family values."

Many of the Slytherins murmurs completely in understanding including Narcissa, who feels slightly mollified by the explanation. "And if Tom Marvolo Riddle is treacherous to forge an identity and to lie to those of pureblood, what is he not capable of in order to achieve his goals?" Rowan paused gazing throughout the room.

"I would not be surprised to learn that the so-called confession and murder of the muggle Riddle family by Morfin Gaunt was in fact planned by Tom Marvolo Riddle. In fact, Morfin Gaunt confessed to the crime during the trial, yet no Auror's confirmed if he was under the power of the Imperius Curse nor if his memories had been tampered with. A tragic victim of a power-hungry charlatan willing to sacrifice even kin in his quest for power," Rowan said in a forlorn tone of voice.

With a trace of feigned sympathy and pity, Rowan turns to Lucius. "I apologize if my words have caused you any embarrassment this evening, Head Boy Malfoy," she half-bowed her head in apology. "However, it is my duty to speak clearly, and I will not be loyal to a charlatan, who anyone with half a wit can uncover."

Many of the Slytherins have open doubt and revulsion on their faces including the staunchest of supporters. Knowing she almost has them, Rowan persuasively continues, "Regardless of Riddle's ancestry even if I could ignore all that he is done," she regretfully shakes her head. "Riddle is not Grindelwald, he does not even come close."

"Grindelwald," Rowan passionately lied, "still continues to be an unrivaled leader. What other wizard held such power that wizards and witches of every nation flocked to his side? There had never been any other who has ever come close to him."

"As for Riddle," Rowan said in disdain, "only a charlatan seeks the aid of children! Where are his magical armies? Why is his name not spoken with reverie? But why does Riddle hide, what need has he to hide unless he has something to hide?" She regretfully shakes her head. "No, I cannot ever recall Grindelwald ever being such a timid coward."

"Of course not. Grindelwald is the greatest dark arts wizard of all time!" Cried out a Slytherin 4th year with great pride.

"Exactly," Rowan steadily agreed. "This-, I'm not sure what this is, but it seems rather a sly ruse to fool those of pureblood to be blinded and join him on his quest, while Tom Marvolo Riddle reaps all the power and glory of our labor."

Over half of the Slytherins are incensed by Rowan's words vowing to cut off all ties with Lord Voldemort. However, the remaining half still remain skeptical but have stepped back. They will be the ones on the sidelines watching and waiting to be persuaded to either side. Although there are a few, who still carry a fervent gleam in their eyes. And it is these, who will still desire to join Lord Voldemort faithfully believing in his cause.

Still, Rowan knew she would not succeed in persuading everyone. However, that is not her goal. Her goal is to convince as many as she can to abandon Riddle. The fewer followers Riddle had, the less power he would ultimately have.

Rowan isn't the only one to sense the change in the wind. Narcissa suppresses the urge to hold her hands together. Her face remains impassive hiding her inner anxiety clawing at her chest making her unable to breathe.

Among those not fully convinced is Lucius Malfoy. Yet he cannot deny the impact of Rowan Prince's words. His core beliefs had been greatly shaken this evening.

Sensing that Lucius is exactly where she wants him, Rowan seizes the moment. "To prove that I am even willing to be open-minded, I will give your precious, Lord, one last chance. Shall we bet on the fateful outcome of tomorrow?"

Narcissa worriedly gazes at Lucius, who carefully evaluates Rowan Prince before finally speaking, "Clearly you are confident in your own theory, why take such a high risk?"

"I am a firm believer in the power of action over words," Rowan firmly replied. "I understand the evidence provided is not sufficient. Therefore, my words are not enough and so we shall prove the truth of my words through actions. If Riddle's attack is successful, then I shall not speak another word on the subject. I will even be willing to contemplate joining this foolish endeavor. However, should the plan fail, then dissolve these meetings. Do not condemn the future of all of Slytherin for a charlatan's clever ruse."

The Slytherin in the common room intently gazes at Lucius Malfoy awaiting an answer. After a brief internal deliberation, Lucius finds no fault in either situation. Should Lord Voldemort win, he wins further power of Slytherin, and should Lord Voldemort lose, he shall distance himself and gather power under the Malfoy banner.

"Very well, I see no harm in making such a bet," Lucius boldly responded with a cool smile.

"Excellent," Rowan briskly said rising to her feet. "I shall take my leave," she said only pausing to grab her notebook, before setting off to bed.

This time around the Slytherins disperse without a further word. There are those that are irritated at being lied to such as Vern Crabbe, others who will write to their parents on the morrow to temporarily distance themselves, and others who will refuse anything else to do with Lord Voldemort. A tiny ripple that would grow into a rift between the pureblood families.

In the end, the only remaining member left in the common room is Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy. "Lucius, you don't believe her, do you?" Narcissa quietly asked.

"And what if I did?" Lucius impatiently snapped. "Do you have any idea how embarrassed I am to find out that Lord-, that Tom Riddle is a half-blood! I must seriously consider the ramifications as to why your sister is so devoted to his cause!"

"He is going to change the world," Narcissa feebly protested in defense of her elder sister, Bellatrix.

"I do wonder," Lucius coldly said.

Narcissa almost flinched at the icy tone. " I am sorry, Lucius for tonight.

Lucius's expression softens slightly at Narcissa's words. "I am not blind nor stupid, Narcissa, and I hate that much more to be made a fool," he crisply said. "Neither you nor can I deny that despite being married, why does Bellatrix show no interest in Lestrange? On the contrary, Bellatrix fawns over Riddle like a lovesick puppy. And I have little doubt that Riddle can do no wrong in her eyes."

Narcissa's gaze becomes downcast as her blond hair covers her face. A mixture of emotions flashes across Lucius's face until he finally softly says, "I shall see you tomorrow," before heading to his own quarters.

Narcissa glances with some hurt at Lucius's retreating back, before retreating to the girl's dorm rooms to lick her wounds in private. Now empty in the common room the logs in the fireplace crackle and creak spontaneously. The flickering flames cause the shadows to move and flicker on their own with unknown destinations.