Christmas Break Ⅱ

On the morning of departure, the grounds are covered in thick snow. The wind is bone-chilling with a heavy gray overcast sky brimming with new snow. The 2nd years and up await at the front entrance chattering as they wait to board carriages to the Hogwarts Express.

The first years, on the other hand, are not quite as lucky. The first-year students follow Hagrid through the snow to the same underground pier. The unlucky first years board the tiny wooden boats and traverse the frozen lake back. Every now and again the boats halt on the icy lake as Hagrid waves his umbrella to cause the ice to break and permit them to pass through in a single file.

Everyone intensely shivers from the cold and icy lake spray being blown into their faces by the cruel, bitter wind. With half-frozen blue faces and loudly chattering teeth, the students huddle for warmth. The only one sitting slightly apart is Rowan, who does not remove her fixated gaze from the icy black waters.

Half-frozen Severus stammers, "What are you looking at, Rowan?"

"Do you know that a nearly instant icy death is guaranteed should one accidentally fall into sub-zero temperature waters?" Rowan ominously answered. "Before the tragic victim of fate even begins to drown, the sub-zero temperatures of the water will feel like millions of stabbing needles wedged into every corner of the body. Slowly the limbs grow weaker accelerated by the wet clothes that one is wearing having turned into weights. Unable to float, one begins to cough as your lungs clench from the cold desperately trying to breathe. All too soon, it is impossible to stay afloat dragged down by the very clothes one is wearing and inevitably drowning."

"I shouldn't have even bothered to ask," Severus grimly thought to himself.

Lily glares at Rowan and stammers from the cold. "We will be fine, Rowan!"

Terry, the only other occupant on the shared boat merely shakes his head and scoots closer to Severus and Lily away from the edge of the vessel. "Jinx," he muttered darkly under his breath.

Rowan remains silent the rest of the trip as everyone nearly cheers as their boats safely arrive at the shore. Half-frozen, they may have clumsily staggered out of the boats. At least, Hagrid cleared a path through the snow for them to fall. Through the mountain path, they finally arrive at the small platform, where the Hogwarts Express gleams even at a distance.

Despite the cold, the first-year students get a burst of energy rushing toward Hogwarts Express at full speed. With loud sighs of relief, the first years shake their robes of snowflakes. Rowan is the only one to pause first to wipe her boots first before boarding the train.

Even Rowan lets out a sigh of relief at the toasty warmth of the Hogwarts Express. With ease, the four of them search for a nearby empty compartment before settling in one. Lily blows on her hands, while Severus and Terry rub their hands together trying to warm them.

Unlike the rest of them, Rowan remains serenely seated with her hands in her robes. After some time, Severus stops feeling his fingers again. He glances over at his twin sister with evident suspicion in his onyx-colored eyes. "Rowan, why are not you not frozen like the rest of us?"

"Enchanted hot stones," Rowan confidently answered reaching into her pocket to show them a warm, round stone emitting heat.

Terry lets out a string of curses while Lily smacks her face at the brilliant idea. Severus glares darkly at his twin sister. Rowan. "And why did you not think to share this knowledge with us?"

"It just occurred to me, last night," Rowan lied with a straight face.

"Well, at least, we now know how to keep warm for our return trip," Lily pensively exclaimed. "And potions, at least."

"Ug, on our return trip back," Terry groaned causing them all to shiver with dread.

The rest of the trip is rather pleasant in comparison to the boat ride. The Hogwarts Express chugs through snowy grounds back to Platform 9 ¾s. With a shrill whistle, the Hogwarts Express comes to a stop. The students pour out of the train to collect their trunks from the platform laid in alphabetic order according to year.

With ease, the four of them collect their trunks and owls. Terry waves goodbye to them first, before dragging his trunk behind him. He heads towards his parents, a delicate, fragile-looking man greatly resembling Terry, and the breathtaking golden-haired beauty, who must be Terry's mother.

Rowan lets out a whistle and privately mutters, "This particular branch of the Greenwood family is picture-perfect. Excellent Genetics!" She subtly gives the Greenwood family two thumbs up. And from what Terry had told them in passing, his four older married sisters were quite the lookers themselves. Probably, all great beauties like their mother.

Having collected their school trunks and the two owl cages of Nibby and Owyn, Lily, Severus, and Rowan make their way to their grandfather, Reginald Prince, and the Evans couple. Lily happily darts up to hug her parents. However, her year older sister, Petunia sullenly scowls at Lily and especially Severus.

In a rare display of public affection, Reginald opens his arms to hug his grandson. "Welcome back, Severus." Severus flushes with heavy emotions, but before he can wiggle out of his grandfather's embrace he is released.

Reginald barely turns towards Rowan, when reaches over and returns the hug. Severus is rather startled by the display as he knew, Rowan isn't always good with things like hugs. Still, he is unable to suppress a happy little smile on his face.

"You have grown," Reginald fondly said to his granddaughter finding her head reaching higher up his chest.

"Mm," Rowan hummed releasing her grandfather and stepping back. "I have missed you and grandmother," she murmured glancing down at her feet.

"Likewise," Reginald answered with a faint smile, but with evident warmth in his eyes.

Reginald without a wand or verbal enchantment causes the two trunks of his grandchildren to become as light as a feather. He politely tilts his head at the Evans couple in greeting. Although, his eyes coolly, but briefly linger on Lily, before pulling away.

"Well, we better get going before the weather gets worse, Mr. Prince," the Evans couple excused themselves sending a smile toward Rowan and Severus. Lily waves goodbye promising to write, while Petunia sulks away with a sneer.

"Come along," Reginald said easily carrying the light school trunks and leading his grandchildren through the train station and to his hazard parked car between two parking stalls.

In the backseat, Rowan and Severus hold on to anything they can, while poor Owyn anxiously flutters his wings inside his cage. Reginald does not even give a word of warning releasing the metal beast onto the unsuspecting roadways.

Needless to say, if Severus and Rowan could have screamed, they would have Frankly at some point, they just blanked out from sheer horror. And truth be told, that came as an utter relief to them.

With a loud squeal of the wheels, Reginald pulls in front of the brightly lit manor. The windows of Prince Manor are all brightly lit. There are golden-like blossoms decorating the outside of the house. They are delicate and enchanting giving off a sweet, cinnamon, and mixed spices scent.

"C'mon, you two," Reginald briskly said with abundant good cheer, before removing their school trunks from the back of the vehicle.

Rowan's fingers clumsily slip, before she manages to open the door. She almost flops out of the door sickly wheezing trying not to hurl the contents of her stomach. Severus is not in better shape with weak, trembling legs that threaten to give out under his weight. Still, somehow between the two of them, they manage to haul Owyn's cage up the front steps. Poor Owyn lays limply in his cage with his feet in the air passed out.

If it was the last thing, they did. They would convince their grandfather to deliver them to King's Cross in any other way. They could apparate or use the Floo network for Merlin's sake! Then again, Grandmother had said Grandfather used them as an excuse to drive the illegal enchanted muggle vehicle. A gift from an old friend apparently...