Return to Hogwarts

In a grim bungalow on the outskirts of a village, a burly Death Eater named, Seth roars, "Cursed reporters!" Throwing the Daily Prophet onto the ground, he removes his wand and burns the paper to bits.

Another copy of the Daily Prophet is treated in a similar manner by Aeron, a long-nosed Death Eater. Aeron stomps on the tabloid in emphasis, before burning it to a crisp as well.

The only silent party in the house is a tall, thin dark-haired Death Eater with sharp cheeks, Rodolphus Lestrange. Ever since the death of his wife, Bellatrix, Lestrange had dramatically changed becoming cold and withdrawn. Yet in the depths of his dark, icy eyes a glimmer of satisfaction flashes and vanishes.

"The Dark Lord will not be pleased by these false accusations," Aeron grimly concluded knowing full well the extent of the Dark Lord's wrath.

"Bah," Seth spat on the ground. "Those pathetic fools at the Ministry of Magic have posted a warrant for the immediate detention of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord will have no mercy upon the Ministry of Magic upon his triumph. Mark my words, they will sorely regret this insult!"

"Most certainly," Aeron responded with firm conviction, before sitting down in a red velvet armchair. "We have far more pressing concerns. We have yet to find the location of the Rain Man. Though we are closing in on the Rain Man, the Dark Lord grows impatient. Our first priority is to find and destroy the unknown thorn on our side, we do not have time to waste on the fools at the Ministry of Magic. Isn't that right Lestrange?"

There is a lapse of silence as Rodolphus Lestrange raises his icy dark eyes. "We have been ordered by the Dark Lord to find the Rain Man. We cannot fail."

Without another word, Rodolphus Lestrange rises from his eat with a swoosh of his cloak. He does not go far halting before the frosty window to gaze upon the snow-covered grounds. There he will stand for hours in silence without uttering a word or moving a single muscle.

The two Death Eaters, Aeron, and Seth share an unspoken gaze of worry and exasperation. Ever since, the death of Bellatrix, Rodolphus Lestrange no longer seemed himself. It was not a problem per se, but there is a very real concern that Lestrange is not emotionally fit at this time. It would be better for Lestrange not to participate in any real missions lest their objective is compromised.


Winter Break ended all too soon for many. It is time for the students to return to Hogwarts after the start of the new year. Stumbling as usual on weak legs, Rowan and Severus emerged from the vehicle. Somehow, they made their way through King's Cross station accompanied by their grandfather.

By the time, they reach Platform 9 ¾s, Rowan and Severus' legs have steadied. They no longer show surprise at passing through the enchanted wall leading to the platform. A scarlet train engine waits next to a bustling platform full of families and students. Smoke from the engine drifts over the bustling crowd.

Their grandfather, Reginald Prince firmly leads them through the crowd. As they walk over the noise and bustle of the crowd and pets, Reginald makes himself heard. "Have you both all your school items? If not, send Owny to retrieve the item."

"Of course, grandfather," Rowan and Severus obediently chimed. They both knew it would be unnecessary to do so. Their grandmother, Sirsa had made them triple-check their trunks to ensure they had all their belongings.

Reginald does not look quite convinced but comes to a halt near the end of the platform. Many of the students begin to say their goodbyes and board the Hogwarts Express due to the cold. There is a bit of a line, so the two of them wait at the side of their grandfather.

While they wait, Severus peers through the crowd on tippy toes trying to spot Lily. His face filled with disappointment at being unable to see his best friend. Seeing Severus's disappointment, Rowan drily murmurs, "Knowing Lily, she is already waiting for us on the Hogwarts Express."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Severus keenly said hastily saying goodbye to their grandfather, before rushing to line up with his trunk in tow. Unfortunately, Owny's cage is roughly carried causing Owny to hoot with acute displeasure.

Reginald lets out a loud snort as Rowan much more calmly says her goodbyes. "We shall see you soon enough, grandfather. Please take care until the summer holidays."

"Are you suggesting I'm old?" Reginald arched his brow in amusement.

Rowan grins impishly back, before rushing after Severus. Wryly shaking his head with a fond smile, Reginald murmurs under his breath, "No good rotten brats." He patiently waits in the cold until the Hogwarts Express departs from the station, before returning home.

Having shoved their trunks onboard the train, Rowan and Severus drag their trunks behind as they make their way through the hallway. They slowly move as they peek into various train compartments searching for Lily or for an empty compartment.

They finally find a train compartment mid-way through the train. Setting their trunks inside the compartment, Rowan turns towards Severus. "How about you go and look for Lily, while I ensure our compartment isn't taken?"

"Great idea, Rowan!" Severus beamed shoving Owny's cage at Rowan, before bolting down the train.

Owny lets out a mournful hoot, while Rowan awkwardly clutches the cage to her chest. "Well, I guess, it's just you and me, Owny," she gently said causing the Great Horned Owl to let out a pleased hoot.

With delicate care, Rowan fixes Owny's cage and covers the cage with a cage cover to permit the owl to nap. Owny lets out a grateful hoot, before closing his yellow eyes to nap. Finally!

Sitting down with a book in hand, Rowan had only just begun to read when a floppy-haired figure with delicate features pokes their head inside. "Is there an open seat?" Terry Greenwood asked with sparkling hazel eyes.

"Just one," Rowan smirked as Terry carefully stowed his trunk and very gently set down an expensive wooden pet carrier on the floor of the train.

"What's that?" Rowan curiously asked setting her book down.

"My mum and sisters thought it might be a good idea to give me a kitten for Christmas," Terry wryly replied. "I'd rather much have preferred an owl, but still, I've grown rather fond of the little pest."

"Oh?" Rowan murmured with bright, curious eyes.

Seeing Rowan's enthusiasm, Terry reached down to carefully open the pet case. Lying calming inside is an adorable long-haired kitten in shades of brown, gray, white, and black. The dozing kitten's ears are pointed with small tufts of hair and a pink little nose with patching little paw pads. The tired kitten doesn't even stir slumbering peacefully on his soft bed.

"Aw," Rowan cooed unable to help herself.

Terry widely smirks earning a glower from Rowan. Not to be intimated, Terry snickers loudly, before carefully closing the wooden carrier to ensure the kitten remains dozing. "I named him, Alchemy," he said as he leaned back in his seat.

"That's an excellent name," Rowan genuinely remarked causing Terry to beam in pleasure. "Alchemy is a Norwegian forest cat, isn't he?"

"Yes, my mum and sisters thought that it would be a better idea to get me a long-haired cat since the Slytherin quarters are in the dungeons," Terry replied. "They were worried about how cold it gets during the winter and how it might have a harmful effect on a short-haired cat."

Personally, Rowan applauded the decision, but before she could say as much, the train lets out a warning whistle as the last of the gaggle boards.

"Hmm, I wonder what's taking Sev so long?" Rowan privately thought to herself.

The Hogwarts Express lets out a shrill final whistle before the train lurches forward. Terry glanced at the two other trunks in the compartment. "So, where's Severus?"

"Looking for Lily Evans," Rowan deadpanned.

Terry wrinkles his face up in thought. "I think, I saw Lily Evans already sitting with two other Gryffindors. I think their names are Mary MacDonald and Willa Sands?"

"Sorry, Sev," Rowan privately lamented.

Not that it was a bad thing for Lily or Severus to have other friends. It was not until the 5th year incident, where Severus was being hung up in the air that Severus lashed out against Lily and resulting in the end of their friendship. As long as Severus didn't lash out in the same manner, Severus still had a fighting chance.

"Are you hungry?" Terry asked out loud. "The cart won't pass for a few hours. I've got a few chocolate-covered biscuits if you don't mind having one?"

"Thank you, Terry. I would very much like one," Rowan gratefully responded, before accepting a packet of chocolate-covered biscuits from Terry.

The two of them munch on their treats. They had not yet finished their treats when the compartment door slammed open revealing a rather gloomy, depressed Severus. Shutting the door rather forcefully behind him, Severus sullenly slumps down into a seat with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What happened to you?" Terry asked. "You look as though you ate a booger-flavored jellybean."

Rowan almost spits out the mouthful of food as the unpleasant image appears in her mind and mouth. She swallows painfully so as not to gag. With watery eyes, she hears Severus reply, "Lily said she was going to sit with her friends."

"Lily has other friends, Sev," Rowan pointedly gestured at Terry. "You can't honestly expect her to always sit with us. It simply wouldn't be fair!"

Severus wisely keeps his sulky answer to himself. Severus lets out a loud huff, before pointedly ignoring Rowan. Pouting Severus gazes at the passing snowy scenery.

Ignoring the sullen, pouting figure of Severus, Rowan and Terry chat about their winter holidays. By noon the train attendant popped in with a cart loaded with snacks and food. Rowan, Severus, and Terry each buy a bit and share. After sulking a bit, Severus calmed down and is now chatting with Terry. Since Rowan didn't chat as much as they ate, she finished eating lunch first and is able to leisurely eat chocolate frogs.