Radio Silence Ⅱ

The atmosphere in the flat is silent and heavy. It is broken by Sara Vinovich. "In that case, when heavily outnumbered make an enemy ally." She sourly grimaced. "We have already been shown goodwill as it is."

Fabian and Gideon Prewett glanced at each other rather startled at the revelation.

"Stephen Flint was able to far too easily clear the name of Morfin Gaunt," Sara pointed out. "This is not a mere coincidence, but rather those in power permitted the investigation. The only one who could benefit from Morfin Gaunt being set free was Abraxas Malfoy. And thereby cementing his claims of Riddle being less than worthy or capable of leading them."

"Then Malfoy has plainly made an enemy out of Riddle," Gideon whispered with a bit of awe. "Abraxas is a snob, but he's got balls that one."

Gideon is abruptly glared at by everyone for his crass language. "Sorry," he apologetically half-shrugged.

"Then again," Fabian rubbed his cleft chin with one finger, "that means Riddle will set his sights first on Malfoy. As his biggest obstacle, Riddle and Malfoy will go toe to toe. That ought to buy us some time."

"But surely, Riddle wouldn't be foolish as to attempt to kill, Abraxas Malfoy?" Gideon gaped in open disbelief.

"Purebloods are rather fickle creatures, not to mention astonishingly pragmatic when it serves them," Alphard wryly concluded. "For above all else, they only believe in one absolute truth, power."

The tension in the room is palpable again as Moody unhappily grunts, "Then we will have to keep an eye on Malfoy as well. Alphard, you, are best suited for the task."

Alphard sighs in understanding as various pity-filled gazes are sent his way. Societal functions can be terribly tedious and full of backstabbing. He would have to watch his every word lest it is misinterpreted.

"Anything else to report?" Moody asked. Seeing no response, he says, "Then let's retire to our beds. I know I am for one dead on my feet."

"Wait!" Fabian cried out with some hesitation. "There is one more matter to discuss."

They all curiously turn to gaze at Fabian, who wryly confesses, "I had forgotten all about it until yesterday. Some months ago, I'd heard rumors of sleazy wizards searching for a sorcerer by the name of the Rain Man. The rumors had long vanished, but yesterday a drunken wizard was apprehended at the Leaky Cauldron. The drunken wizard kept murmuring that name over and over again accompanied by a single phrase, 'follow the snake'. It was rather that last part that caught my attention more than anything else."

"The Rain Man?" Gideon snorted in amusement at his brother's tale. "That sounds like something out of a children's fairytale."

Fabian scowls at his brother until he sees the grave faces of the three Aurors. "The Rain Man is real, isn't he?"

Moody, Sara, and Percius share a pointed glance, while Alphard gazes with curiosity as well. "I've never heard of this Rain Man, before. Who is he?" Alphard hazarded to ask.

With some reluctance, Moody finally answered the question. "A charlatan."

"The Rain Man is no charlatan, Moody," Sara warningly chided as she made the sign of warding off evil with her fingers.

Grimacing Moody reluctantly admits, "He is no better."

"He is a powerful devil," Sara murmured.

"Well, I've never heard about the Rain Man, either in the department or much less in the pureblood circles," Alphard truthfully declared as he carefully watched the three eldest Aurors.

After an intense, silent glaring match, Percius forcefully looks away first and is the loser. "The Rain-Man is not well known in pure-blood circles as he is seen as dark and unclean for practicing the (forbidden) old ways. Neither is he known to ordinary wizards and witches, but rather more commonly known to those that seek him among the shadows, the lawless of our world," Percius unwillingly explained.

"A sorcerer then? And if so, what is so special about him?" Alphard asked with a frown. "I've seen many sorcerers in my lifetime whether as criminals or through other means. And though dangerous, I have yet to meet a single sorcerer that even dark wizards speak of with such ill ease."

The silence grows causing the three men to further furrow their brows. "The Rain Man can answer any question for a price," Sara uneasily whispered.

Alphard pales in disbelief at her words as Gideon mutters, "And just what is so strange about that? It's merely divination."

"What that devil does is no mere divination!" Sara said in a haunted voice. "No, that monster very much is real."

Sara is still as if lost in a terrible nightmare, before slowly returning to the present., "The Rain Man's answers are always true. And though that can be fearful in itself, that is not what causes such hair-raising terror."

Raising her spooky gaze, Sara continues, "Rather it is the cost for the answer. For the price is whatever the devil deems priceless. The color of one's eyes, a favorite memory, an unborn child, or something far more precious-."

"Then why is he still allowed to continue?" Gideon naively protested.

"Because there may even come a day when the ministry might have need of his foul services," Alastor bitterly stated as he glanced up warningly at them. "We do need any more unwarranted attention upon us, nor have we grown desperate enough to seek his foul services. Let that devil lie in peace."

"And what of those that seem to be seeking him?" Fabian asked with some concern.

"Let them seek their own deaths," Moody brusquely answered. "I shan't be the one to save them from their own deeds." Nodding in agreement, everyone rises to their feet as Moody adds, "I will send word when it is time again to meet."

One by one each of them leaves under a cloak and apparates out into the shadows leaving only Moody, Percius, and Sara behind at the safe house. "Is it Sanderson?" Sara whispered in old bitter anger.

"I recognized the wizard that Fabian described in the detention hall," Percius slowly answered. "A mere pawn, but one that belongs to the edge of society, Gittins."

"Do we need to worry?" Moody barked.

"For the moment, no, but who is to say of the future?" Percius said with a frown. "Rather I worry about the answer whoever seems to so desperately be seeking."

"Perhaps, it is not a what, but rather a who?" Sara murmured causing both men to look sharply at her. "Now that I think about it, the rumors of the Rain Man died down about the same time as the Death Eaters ceased their own activities. It is not too difficult to believe perhaps, the Death Eaters somehow crossed paths with Sanderson and have gained his irk."

"Perhaps," Moody slowly drawled. "But let us not get our hopes up."

Glancing up at the sky, Alastor adds, "It is late, and we are all tired. There will be plenty of time to ponder on the morrow."

Having heard their dismissal, Sara and Percius swiftly depart, before Moody too departs with a worried furrow on his brow. But no matter how good of Aurors they were there was always a crime being committed on the nearby horizon.