Gringotts Meeting Ⅱ

Leaning back into his own chair, Grok rests his hands over his protruding pot belly. "I must say, I was surprised by the revelation as much as anyone else, Prince. The Prince's have certainly been keeping a secret all these years, why even that Slytherin heirloom dagger is goblin forged."

"We Prince's are rather good at keeping secrets," Reginald flashed a cold grin. "It is in our nature. And as for the dagger, it was granted in lieu of payment to Salazar Slytherin for services rendered. It was then passed down to us for services rendered to Slytherin himself."

"However, if the goblins would like the dagger back, I am not opposed to returning the blade," Reginald paused at seeing the blatant greed in the Goblin King's eyes. "However, we would need to calculate the value for services rendered by my ancestors and the interest accumulated over a period of a thousand years. I am certain that Gringotts has sufficient gold in reserves to cover a debt of such magnitude."

Grok blanches at the mere thought and pulls back. "No, no. It is a family heirloom, there is no need to return such an artifact to us. Please do not think that goblins are that greedy."

Reginald deliberately glanced at the portrait of Ragnuk on the wall. "Yet that is exactly what started the entire war between wizards and goblins," Reginald said causing Grok to pale even further. "Oh, yes, our ancestors were quite thorough in their information gathering."

"The records left by my ancestors are impeccable. They even recorded the transaction that took place between Godric Gryffindor and Ragnuk, the First, when Godric Gryffindor commissioned a legendary blade," Reginald slowly said.

"They even recorded the twisted infatuation of Ragnuk for the commissioned blade. His infatuation turned into an obsession and sent a group of elite goblin warriors to retrieve the blade. Naturally, Godric Gryffindor repelled the thieves and was even generous not to slay his enemies but rather permitted them to leave with their lives. They delivered the message of Godric Gryffindor to Ragnuk, who said that another attempt would result in their deaths," Reginald took in the pallor of Grok Gringotts.

Reginald deliberately paused a wolfish smile appeared on his face. "Though interestingly enough there was a most terrible and unfound rumor propagated at that time by the goblins that Godric Gryffindor had stolen the blade from Ragnuk. The power of rumors is most interesting don't you think, Gringotts? I myself wonder what were to happen if the truth of the past would ever be revealed to the present."

Grok licked his dry lips as he rasped, "That is not true. That is an utter lie concocted by wizards to oppress goblin kind!"

"Ah, but we the Prince's were Percussors at that time," Reginald smirked. "We have no reason to lie as we have always prided ourselves on the truth, no matter the price."

Grok is unable to deny that as he considers the ramifications of the revelation. It would not only rock the foundation of every goblin's belief but that of the wizarding world as well. It would likely ignite decades-long feuds and destroy the hard-earned peace that they had worked for and achieved for these past hundreds of years.

"The past should stay in the past," Grok firmly croaked as Reginald merely nodded his head in agreement.

"Though-," Reginald paused causing Grok to flinch. "-I have no claim, my grandchildren would if the sword ever reappeared. As it turns out their muggle father is actually a squib descended from the lines of Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor. And I must admit I was rather surprised but most pleased to find out that they carry the blood of three out of the four founders."

"Naturally," Grok rasped. "And I assume that you've been able to trace their squib father's lineage all the way back to the founders?"

"The Prince household over the centuries have kept a persistent habit of keeping an immaculate record on everyone," Reginald said with a piercing gleam in his eye. One can make a Percussor a gentleman in wizard society, but one can't take the Percussor out of the Prince's.

"Yes, of course," Grok faintly said, wondering exactly how much the Prince's knew or had on the goblins. A shiver coursed down his back as Grok realized that even if was only a tenth of everything, it would be enough for the goblins to be destroyed by the wizarding world.

Hastily glancing up at the clock, Grok to his utter relief sees that it is only three minutes until nine. Rushing to his feet, Grok says, "I best open the fireplace, the Minister will be flooing in any second." Casting some goblin magic on the hearth the mental bars slid away allowing for someone to floo in for only the Head Goblin was allowed to change to settings on the fireplace.

And it was a good thing too as Grok had only sat back in his chair when the flames turned green. From the flames emerged a stout witch with thick bobbed hair. Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins wore crisp gray robes as she sharply glanced at both males. "Greetings to you both," Minister Jenkins said.

"Please have a seat Minister of Magic," Grok gestured for the Minister to take the remaining empty seat.

"Thank you," Minister Jenkins said as she walked around the desk and sat down in the empty chair. Turning to study the tall, stern profile of Reginald Prince, she says, "I must admit the announcement in the Daily Prophet shocked the masses including the Ministry."

"We the Prince's would have preferred to remain in anonymity as we have for all these thousands of years," Reginald replied. "But the matter of my wife's death and the two others at the hands of a so-called fanatical group that claims to follow a descendant of Salazar Slytherin absolutely infuriates me! We the descendants of Salazar Slytherin may be many things, but we are not monsters that would attack innocent women and children!"

"I understand and appreciate the digression all these past years," Minister Jenkins. "But why have you requested my coming here, Prince? Are you announcing your attempt at a coup?"

Reginald snorts and leans back in his seat. "I hate people as it is. I would probably institute the return of hanging at the gallows and the guillotine within days."

Minister Jenkins and Grok chuckled at the remark for Reginald Prince is known for his dislike of others. Lips still twitching with mirth, Minister Jenkins says, "Then what is that you seek to do, Prince?"

"I seek protection for my family," Reginald said to the surprise of Grok and Minister Jenkins. "In another era, perhaps, we would have been fine as you say attempting a coup. But though there are many that would follow us, there are many more who despise Salazar Slytherin and his descendants. I do not seek power, but I will use it to protect my own."

Minister Jenkins leans back and frowns. "Then what exactly is that you are offering, Prince?"

"I offer the purebloods voting at your side on certain topics and that they will side with you for the upcoming election in December," Reginald said as Minister Jenkins and Grok stared at him with wide eyes. "Your opponent Harold Minchum might be the Minister of Magic that we need during hard times, but I fear that he will make a grave blunder."

"I will admit," Reginald reluctantly conceded, "that Minister Jenkins is the best candidate suited for the position at this time. Though I might suggest that you allow your Aurors the use of force, at least for the time being. If there is indeed a fanatical group attempting to overthrow the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world as we know it. Then their attacks should increase in the near future, and we cannot have our Aurors dying because they attempt to cast non-lethal spells first."

"I can assure you as someone who fought with them on two occasions, they will not hesitate to use lethal spells," Reginald somberly said. "And we will lose good men and women all because of your decision, Minister. I understand that you have no wish to be seen as a tyrant, Minister Jenkins. But if you remain soft-hearted as you are now, you will lose the elections. The people want to feel safe and secure, and you are not offering them that, Minister."

"Then I am to understand, Prince, that you will not allow the purebloods to overthrow the Ministry and will convince them to side with me?" Minister Jenkins asked awaiting a final confirmation.

"Correct," Reginald said. "And it would be hypocritical of me to do otherwise as my grandchildren and heirs are half-bloods themselves."

"Yes, the descendants of Salazar Slytherin are half-bloods," Minister Jenkins nodded. "That little tidbit did much to ease the hearts of those working in the Ministry. And as did the revelation of Merlin being your ancestor as well given that he was the strongest wizard in recorded history and a stout muggle supporter."

Minister Jenkins eyes Reginald Prince for a moment, before extending her hand for a handshake. "Aye, Prince, I think that we will get along just nicely."

"It will be an honor, Minister Jenkins," Reginald said as he firmly shook her hand.

Minister Jenkins nods her head and says, "I do believe that is all gentlemen, in that case, I will take my leave."

"A moment, please," Reginald said. "I have a favor to ask Minister."

Minister Jenkins furrows her brows as suspicion fills her gaze. "Yes, Prince?"

"I am worried about my grandchildren," Reginald confessed as Minister Jenkins slowly nodded her head. "I wish to request that they be allowed to take the C.S.A.E., the Comprehension Student Apprenticeship Exam in July. I am aware that normally students don't attempt the exam until next year at the earliest. But I would like to see them both apprenticed by the end of summer to Headmaster Albus Dumbledore."

"In the meanwhile," Reginald plainly requested, "please remove the trace upon their person for the time being to permit them time to practice before the exam. However, not fully for their wands please until it is confirmed that they have successfully passed the exam. I want to make certain they won't be tempted to cast other spells. In the meantime, my sister and my wand should suffice for them to practice with."

Minister Jenkin's eyes brighten in understanding as she says, "You wish to give them the protection of the Chief Warlock, and by default gain, that of the masses, do you not, Prince?"

"You are correct in your deduction, Minister Jenkins," Reginald confessed. "I'm afraid as they are both in Slytherin all the masses will see that heritage rather than their also being descendants of Merlin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Godric Gryffindor. Not only that but I wish to redeem our house as well. We Slytherins are many things, but we are not all dark wizards nor have we produced as many as the masses seem to think! But that is all that the masses seem to see or think of us."

Minister Jenkins slowly nods her head and says, "Now, this I can do. I'll have my receptionist; Mrs. Prim start on it right away."

"Thank you, Minister," Reginald gratefully said.

"It will be my pleasure, Prince," Minister Jenkins said as she smiled at him, before striding over to the fireplace. "Always a pleasure gentleman," she said again, before tossing floo powder into the flames and saying, "Minister of Magic's Office." With a green roar, she was gone leaving the two males behind.

With a confident step, Minister Jenkins emerged into her book-filled office. Calling out she says, "Mrs. Prim, if you would come in, I have an assignment for you!" Minister Jenkins hides a smile as she takes a seat at her desk. Things were starting to look up and come along rather nicely. And if that was the case, she'd take the advice of the old Prince. After all, she was one in most need of his services, not the other way around.