Interesting Conversations

September 1st started overcast and raining which in Rowan's humble opinion is a terrible omen. Severus would have laughed at Rowan had she made the remark out loud. However, she couldn't shake off the distinct feeling that she had missed a vital detail. Something so blatantly obvious, but in the same breath utterly trivial. But what?

Unlike the times before Aunt Georgine accompanied them to platform nine and three-quarters much to the annoyance of Severus. Paste the iron gates, the Hogwarts Express resides at the edge of the platform the scarlet steam engine gleams and puffs out great big clouds of steam as students and parents on the platform appeared like shadowy figures in the cloud of mist.

To both Rowan and Severus's surprise not only did their grandfather give them a brief hug, but Aunt Georgine did as well. Aunt Georgine sheepishly whispered into both of their ears, "Take children. And be wary of Professor Dumbledore. For he is a Gryffindor and Gryffindors do not see the world as we Slytherins see it. Also, don't forget to enjoy yourselves, it will be a most exciting year."

Rowan blinks unsure what to make of the remark, while Severus in rare form says, "Thank you, Aunt Georgine," causing Rowan to hurriedly tilt her head in response.

Rowan and Severus promise to write to their grandfather upon their arrival at Hogwarts before they wave goodbye and lug their things onto the train. They easily found a compartment, before Severus burst off in search of Lily. Owny who had been futilely trying to nap in his cage sleepily hooted, before ducking his head back under his wing to nap.

The words of Aunt Georgine are causing all sorts of alarm bells to go off in the back of Rowan's mind. Her mind zone's out as she stares at the raindrops sliding down the windowpane. Just as she is about to put it all together, the compartment slides open.

Terry wipes a stray raindrop and sighs, "Thank goodness, I finally found you!" With a grunt, Terry kicks his trunk into place, before gently setting down Alchemy's carrier right next to Rowan.

Rowan quickly forgets what she was thinking about upon seeing Alchemy emerge from his carrier. Alchemy meowed adorably in greeting and Rowan just like the rest of the Slytherin house members found herself fawning over the irresistible cat. Happily rubbing the purring figure of Alchemy, she says, "I don't know why Alchemy hasn't been kidnapped yet."

"Oh, they've tried trust me," Terry sniffed as he leaned back into his seat. "But that jeweled collar of his isn't just for decoration. Mum and my sisters paid for the most expensive anti-theft magic spelled collar that money can buy. Trust me, when I say this, I'm more liable to be kidnapped and never be found again than Alchemy will ever be."

"Yes, well, Alchemy is an angel," Rowan cooed to the purring cat.

"Yes, yes," Terry said with a roll of his eyes. "So, you excited for this year?"

"Why?" Rowan asked curiously.

Terry eagerly leans over to answer in a conspiratorial fashion, but just at that moment, the compartment door slides open. Their image must look rather strange as both of them are leaning toward each other. Severus loudly clears his throat and shoves Terry over as he takes his seat next to Terry. Lily giggles as she says, "I hope we aren't interrupting anything."

"Like what?" Terry snorted and waved off Lily's remark. "Please Rowan isn't even my type even if my glorious blond self is her preferred type. I consider her too much of a good friend to even remotely consider ruining our glorious friendship!"

Rowan rolls her eyes at the remark, "Get over yourself, Greengrass."

The two of them begin to playfully bicker as the Hogwarts Express lets out its last whistle. The pistons hiss loudly, and the train begins to move. They banter for a bit more until Severus and Lily chat over the world quidditch cup at which point Rowan ignores all three of them and plays with Alchemy.

The rain became heavier and heavier as the train moved farther north. The outside sky is so dark with the windows steamed up that the lanterns are lit by midday. After lunch, Rowan easily tuned them out to take a nap as it was dark outside until she slowly awoke upon hearing a rather strange conversation running in the background. "So, you're telling me that Durmstrang is another wizarding school?" Lily inquisitively asked.

"Yes, Lily," Terry could be heard sighing in reply. "Despite Durmstrang horrible reputation and according to An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe, the magical institution puts way too much of an emphasis on the Dark Arts. Why Gilbert Grindelwald attended there himself before he was expelled for his Dark Arts experiments!"

There's a long awkward pause after Terry's words until he cautiously asks, "You do know who that is, don't you, Lily?" Severus, despite not speaking out loud must clearly be making his feelings known by glaring at Terry to shut up now.

"No!" Lily embarrassedly replied. "But I know that Grindelwald was an evil wizard and that Professor Dumbledore defeated him."

"Close enough," Terry muttered under his breath. "Anywho, it's one of the primary schools in Europe including Hogwarts and Beauxbatons."

"And so just where are they located at?" Lily curiously asked.

"No one really knows as the school is hidden and protected," Terry admitted with a shrug. "But my guess is Drumstrang's probably somewhere north of Germany and Beauxbatons in southern France towards Italy."

Blinking awake Rowan yawns and says, "Why are we even chatting about this again?"

Terry is smugly about to reply when the corridor flies open by accident. The 1st year hastily apologizes, before rushing off as Terry and the rest move onto a new topic. This time around Rowan knows that it can't be just a coincidence. This was the second time it had occurred just when Terry was about to answer her question. Just what was it that she was forgetting?

For the rest of the trip, Rowan was lost in thought until it came time for them to change. Rowan and Severus both pinned their apprenticeship badges onto their right breast over their robes. Terry gapes and merely points at them as Lily blinks in bewilderment. "You sly dogs!" Terry shouted. "When were you going to tell us?!"

"At some point," Rowan snickered as Severus flashed Terry a dark grin of revenge.

Terry sullenly pouts and says, "You guys are much to Slytherin for your own good," causing Rowan and Severus to loudly guffaw.

Lily leans forward to stare at the silver badges with an encircled pentagram that has ancient runes at each element point. "They're beautiful," Lily commented. "What are the badges for?"

"They passed the apprenticeship exam," Terry reverently answered.

"Well, that's nice I suppose," Lily naively said causing Terry to choke. Before Terry can respond the train pulls to a stop as the 1st years rush excitedly out. Rowan and the rest of them grab their cloaks and umbrellas as they walk out into the rain.

"By Helga Hufflepuffs' rear," Terry cursed. "And I thought last year's drizzling was bad. Their tiny boats will probably sink in this weather!"

Rowan doesn't reply as they hurriedly make their way to the carriages to only see Severus become still as he stares at the Thestrals before the carriages. Severus opens his mouth to speak when Rowan quietly says, "They're merely Thestrals, Severus. We can see them, now."

Severus's mouth shuts up with a loud clap as they climb into the carriage. With a great big lurch, the long procession of carriages was rumbling and slashing their way up the track toward the castle. After drying themselves Severus and Rowan are rather quiet on the ride to Hogwarts. Terry wisely fills the gap of silence for Lily. Lily didn't quite understand what Rowan had meant by that, but Terry did a fairly good job of distracting her. After all, he was known as a devilish charmer given his gilded tongue.

Lightning flashes across the sky as their carriages come to a halt before the great oak front doors. Rushing out of the carriage, they pull up their umbrellas thick curtain of rain falls onto them. Stomping their way into the entrance, they close their umbrellas shut and shrink their dry umbrellas into their pockets. Running one last cleaning charm over their clothes and shoes, they all head into the Great Hall, when screams are heard behind them.

Rowan and Severus immediately turn around with their wands out and startle Lily, while Terry knowingly nods his head in understanding. Large, red, water-filled balloons had dropped from the ceiling onto several girls. Drenched and sputtering like wet cats the girls shrieked in anger at Peeves, the Poltergeist, a tiny little man in a bell-covered hat and orange bow tie, and a wide malicious face.

Professor McGonagall rushed over towards Peeves with her wand pointed high. Rowan and Severus both put their wands away as they ignored the shouting behind them. Lily doesn't much pay attention to their actions, before waving goodbye and heading over to the Gryffindor side of things.