Hereditary Ⅱ

After some time, Rowan finally glances up at Sir Knight Prince, and says, "I have a favor to ask."

"Oh?" Sir Knight Prince cocked his head to the said in puzzle.

"I need an hour within a week or two weeks' time for my own personal use with no questions asked," Rowan steadily requested. "Should grandfather or anyone else ask, I am off in the woods."

A gleam appears in Sir Knight Prince's eyes as he replied, "I can do as requested, but just where exactly will you be, Rowan?"

"Gringotts," Rowan truthfully answered.

Hearing the ring of truth in her voice, Sir Knight Prince slowly nods his head. "Very well, I shall not ask since it is your own personal business. But I will only cover for you for exactly an hour, Rowan. Should you be even a minute late, I will inform your grandfather."

"Understood," Rowan crisply muttered. A deal was a deal. And beggars cannot be choosers.

"Now, then, let us take care of your immediate problem at hand," Sir Knight Prince said.

Rowan pays close attention to Sir Knight Prince as he says, "The spell is Oculus Specula." One of Sir Knight Prince's arms showed her the of the wand movement in order to complete the incantation.

Rowan withdraws her wand from her sleeve and points it at her left eye. "Oculus Specula," she muttered as she cautiously moved her wand in order to complete the spell and not poke her left eye out. A strange warm blanket like feeling tingled over her left eye, before completely fading away.

Blinking Rowan sighs in relief at finding she can see normally without any strange block in her depth perception. However, everything did seem a tad sharper and brighter than normal. And said another side effect of the spell would be her senses being much more sensitive than before. Then in the future, it might be uncomfortable for her to walk around in bright sunlight.

"Thank you," Rowan sincerely thanked the ghost.

Sir Knight Prince mere smiles at her and says, "Now run along, I'm sure you have plenty of things to do."

Rowan does not rise to her feet, but rather crosses her arms in front of her chest and leans back against the seat. "So, when will Severus be taught the rest of the Percussor hidden skills? I am assuming that said skills are taught to the next family head by the keeper of the Prince records, you, Sir Knight Prince."

Sir Knight Prince flashes her a wolfish smile. "My cheerful nature has served me quite well in the past to disguise such questions," Sir Knight Prince murmured. "But you are right, I am indeed the keeper of the Prince family secrets. And yes, when the time comes, your brother will learn that which is still taught to the head of the family."

"Not everything?" Rowan curiously inquired.

"Some things are best lost to time," Sir Knight Prince icily answered in such a tone of voice that Rowan did not dare ask any more on the subject.

Instead Rowan changes the subject, "And is there any reason, why I can't be taught?"

Sir Knight Prince regretfully shakes his head. "Said skills are passed down to those with a full gift, your half-gift would drive you mad, Rowan."

Rowan sighs in disappointment at the logical explanation. "You are right. Without being able to turn on and off my gift at will nor much less understand the internal magic of my opponent, I would easily be killed in battle, while distracted by my opponents magic."

"That is exactly correct," Sir Knight Prince regretfully confirmed. "It would be like attempting to duel with the sun in one's eyes. And in your case, you would even be blind on your left side. Tragically, it is simply not meant to be. However, I do not believe that all is lost."

Rowan glanced up curiously at the ghost attempting to cheer her up. "I would think that a partial gift would have a rather limited usage," Rowan drily exclaimed.

"Being able to see magic should be prove to be quite to useful to you even in partial usage," Sir Knight Prince interjected. "After all, your career of choice would be benefitted by being able to see how spells form or even learning to forge magical items much like your paternal ancestor, Helga Hufflepuff. She was a talented witch that forged many magical items including her famous cup."

Rowan's mind slowly churns on the idea. Though said gift had its limits unlike Severus's, what Sir Knight Prince said was true. If she could see compare how the magic cores of Squibs and wizards were different it would certainly speed up her progress on curing the illness that caused squibs magic cores to not form or be properly connected in the first place.

And she did technically have an available test subject at Hogwarts, Filch. Of course, the tricky part was to do so without Filch realizing her eye color had changed. Yes, it would be tricky, but it would be well worth the risks. Though that did imply that she would somehow have to acquire detention with Filch.

Sir Knight Prince notices that Rowan is frowning and believes that she is still somewhat dismayed. "Though I cannot teach you any of the Percussor skills, I can teach you one thing."

"Oh?" Rowan said with interest being brought out of her thoughts. "And what is that?"

"How to properly breathe," Sir Knight Prince replied.

"What?" Rowan dumbly squawked.

"Whether studying, hiding, or even in battle, how one breathes affects one's every movements," Sir Knight Prince explained. "Breathing properly can even change how fast a spell can be verbally cast."

Seeing Rowan's still unconvinced expression, Sir Knight Prince says, "Sit down cross-legged on the floor and follow my instructions." Rolling her eyes, Rowan does as she is told.

"Now close your eyes and breath with your nose and softly exhale with your mouth."

Seeing Rowan so obedient, Sir Knight Prince continues with his instructions, "I am certain that your senses are all sensitive right now with the use of the spell. Tell me, what can you sense?"

"It's quiet," Rowan murmured. "It's cold especially with your presence nearby, Sir Knight Prince. There is almost a chill in the air. And there is a strange current like sensation running across the floor and walls."

"That Rowan is the wards of Prince Manor," Sir Knight Prince explained. "Now breathe in and out until I tell you."

Rowan does as she is told until she is almost sound asleep. From faraway Sir Knight Prince's voice can be heard saying, "Now reach out with your magic and cast a simple Lumos."

Unconsciously Rowan obeys the command and without a wand casts the spell, "Lumos."

Rowan eyes snap wide open as she lets out a grunt of pain at seeing a flicker of light gleaming at the tip of her fingers that cause her fingers to bleed. Grinding her teeth together, Rowan instantly ends the spell and gasps out loud in pain. The fingers on her right hand looked as though they had been cut by hundreds of tiny papercuts.

"Was this supposed to happen?" Rowan shouted as she reached for a healing potion, she had just brewed that afternoon and had forgotten to take out of her pocket. Not waiting for a response, Rowan tugs the topper from the vial with her teeth, before spitting it out, and downing it in a single gulp.

With a sigh of relief and a burning like sensation, Rowan instantly feels the potion begin to work to close the wounds on her fingers. Her hand felt warm and she felt a bit woozy now. Sliding down to lay on the floor, she glances at the somber ghost. "Well?" Rowan barked. "Was that supposed to happen, Sir Knight Prince?"

"No, it was not," Sir Knight Prince said with a frown. "Using wandless magic should not have hurt your hand only exhausted your magic since it was your first time doing so."

"In that case, the only logical conclusion is that I am unable to use wandless magic without a serious backlash," Rowan quietly mused out loud. "Though non-verbal magic is still possible and has not been a problem when used."

Sir Knight Prince carefully studied her for a long pause. "Unlike the powerful, but delicate type of magic that the Prince's are naturally born with, you, Rowan possess powerful, but rather volatile magic. It is not something that the Prince's tend to possess much less wield."

Rowan tiredly closed her eyes at Sir Knight Prince's words. Another previously unknown price for the absorption of the death surge magic had once again appeared. She had once possessed rather thin, magical channels, but she, herself had further widened them in order to absorb said power. And though she possessed great power and could perform great magic's, she had lost the ability to wield delicate magic without the use of her wand. If she ever attempted to do so again, the volatile magic found within her would blast its way out and cause severe injuries to her body.

"It's fine," Rowan finally said, before tiredly rising to her feet. "But I do appreciate the effort, Sir Knight Prince."

Sir Knight Prince slowly nods his head as Rowan murmurs, "I'm going to go and lie down now. If Severus or anyone else, comes searching for me, please tell them, I'm taking a nap."

Sir Knight Prince watches her disappear out of sight. Furrowing his brows, Sir Knight Prince contemplates his many great's niece. The child was mixed with things she should not be, but then again, she did possess the farseer gift of Merlin. But with power, there always comes temptations.

And the question was would she succumb to them or not? He would have to keep a closer eye on her that was for certain. But at least Georgine would be there at the start of the new Hogwarts school term. Still he felt that he needed to have a word with Reginald regarding the subject.