The Apothecary Ⅱ

The crowd is silent at they watch the A.P.D. officer Banks return the package back to Mr. Herbert. Mr. Herbert stiffly accepts the package and marches back to his store with his chin held high. "Nothing to look around here folks," Banks said as the crowd begins to disperse, while he gestures to the witnesses of the incident to remain behind.

Seconds later rushes in a fierce young-looking wizard with reddish golden hair appears, Glackin accompanied by his partner, Leroy, a former werewolf as well with cropped hair and somewhat yellow canine like teeth. The two A.P.D. officers come to a halt as Banks begins to explain the situation to them.

Leroy let out a curse, while Glackin roughly says, "How do you want to handle this, Banks?"

"Twizzle and I will speak to the witnesses, while the two of you head down to the Ministry and inform the Auror Department," Banks requested. "Twizzle has their scent; all we need is a clue."

Glackin sharply nods his head, before he and Leeroy hurry away to the Ministry of Magic. They transform into wolves and run towards the Ministry of Magic. The crowd does not react having become accustomed to the scene except for the children, who perk up and watch in curious delight and awe as they pass by. All too soon, the two wolves are at the steps of the Ministry of Magic and transform back into themselves, before speedily making their way inside and through the Ministry of magic towards the Auror Department.

Various Auror's are at their desk writing up reports with wanted posters pinned to their cubicle's along with family photographs or their favorite Quidditch teams. Most of the Auror fledging's are on patrol, while the rest or on desk duty with former fledging's, who have been assigned final partners. Among them is a tall, dark wizard with broad shoulders, a clean-shaven head, and wearing a single gold hoop earring, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Kingsley Shacklebolt's eyes take in the two A.P.D. officers in forest green uniforms. At his side are two fledging's, Sturgis Podmore and Marlene McKinnon and another recently full promoted Auror, and friend, Dorcas Meadows.

The auburn-haired married witch with brown eyes and pale skin arches her brow as she watches the two A.P.D. officers head right toward the office of Elphinstone Urquart. "Well, that looks rather worrisome," Marlene McKinnon remarked out loud.

"What do you all make of that?" Interrupted the square jawed, thick straw-colored haired wizard, Sturgis Podmore.

"Whatever it is it must be something big," replied the pretty petite witch with tan skin, warm eyes, and curly hair, Dorcas Meadows.

"Well, it's now business of ours," Kingsley finally said as they watched the two A.P.D. officers disappear into the depths of the second-in-command's office. "Now get back to work you three, these reports aren't just going to write themselves you know!"

A loud groan is heard in unison from all three Auror's as Kingsley peeks one last time at the door, before getting back to work. His senior partner had run off on an errand leaving him to complete their paperwork. And not that he wanted to complain, but it was a terrible thing to be at the bottom of the totem pole so to speak.

Within the office of the second-in-command of the entire Auror Department, Elphinstone Urquart stares in shock at the news he has just received from the A.P.D. officers Glackin and Leroy. Elphinstone rubs his face with his hand in frustration, before bitterly saying, "Please bear with me gentlemen, but I need to get the facts straight. Not only was there a kidnapping in broad daylight in Diagon Alley, but the hostage in question happens to be none other than the recipient of the first Order of Merlin, Damocles Belby, is that what am I understanding?!"

"That is correct, sir," rasped the voice of Leroy.

Elphinstone lets out another sigh at the reply as Glackin steps in. "Not to interrupt, sir, but the A.P.D. officers reacted accordingly and were within seconds of the incident. Officer Twizzle has a scent, but we are missing a comparison, sir. Any response yet on our request to create a scent or physical database of known criminals or recent felons?"

"The Minister of Magic and administration are working out the details on to how create such a database," Elphinstone admitted. "For the time being, I'm afraid the database will be postponed until further notice or information comes into play in order to make such a project feasible."

Elphinstone paused as he rose to his feet and pulled on his robes that were hanging on the back of his seat. "You two get back to Diagon Alley and help officer's Twizzle and Banks scurry up any more clues. I have to go and personally inform Ogden and the Minister of Magic in person as they are at present in a meeting."

"Yes, sir," both A.P.D. officers chorused, before storming out of office, and hurrying back out of the Ministry of Magic. They knew of the urgency of the matter for they had a debt still to pay to their savior.

Elphinstone speedily departs from his office, but not before firmly locking the door behind him, and making his way down the hall, and towards the Minister of Magic's office. The outer office of the Minister of Magic is decorated elegantly with portraits, comfortable chairs, a rich carpet, and a desk that of the Senior Undersecretary, Mrs. Prim.

Mrs. Prim despite her position had chosen to remain at the receptionist post guarding entrance to the Minister of Magic's office like a Sphinx of some sort. The prim, very proper witch purses her lips in a frown at spotting Elphinstone Urquart. "Minister Jenkins is in a meeting with Ogden as you well known, Urquart. I shall not have you interrupting them. Please take a seat and wait until they are done."

"This cannot wait, Mrs. Prim," Elphinstone resolutely insisted.

Mrs. Prim frowns even more as she crisply retorts, "Mr. Urquart, I shall not ask again. Take a seat."

Elphinstone makes a motion as to turn around and take a seat as Mrs. Prim to glance down at her work, when she hears a flurry of steps and sees Elphinstone rush past her desk. "Mr. Urquart desist this instance!" She shrieked as she pulled out her wand and fired a hex at his back.

Elphinstone winces in pain as the hex slams into his back, but he manages to wrench open the door and fall onto the carpeted floor to the surprise of the Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins and Bob Ogden. "What is the meaning of this, Urquart?" Said the stout witch with her hair pulled up in a neat bun.

"I am so sorry, Minister Jenkins!" Mrs. Prim apologized as she flashed the fallen figure of Urquart a fierce scowl. "I can assure you, Minister Jenkins that Mr. Urquart shall not bother either of you for the rest of your meeting."

"Wait, let him speak," said the short, plump wizard wearing enormous thick glasses, Bob Ogden. "And no offense Mrs. Prim, but Urquart would have never dared face your wrath for anything less than important.

Mrs. Prim face twitches in offense as she opens her mouth to vehemently protest, but Minister Jenkins waves her hand at her undersecretary in dismissal and says, "It is fine, Prim, please lock the door behind you. I would hate for any more interruptions to occur."

Mrs. Prim lips twitch in displeasure, before stepping over the groaning figure of Elphinstone Urquart, and closing the door a little too firmly behind her with a loud thud. As Elphinstone picks himself painfully off the floor Ogden is not able to hide a cheeky grin as he says, "Well, it would appear that Mrs. Prim got the better of my second-in-command. Perchance, some field work is in order to brush up a few rusty skills, Urquart."

Elphinstone is too sore to be offended as he climbs up onto his feet knowing full well, he is going to have a severe bruise on his back tomorrow unless he stops by to see the healers. "Minister of Magic, Ogden," Elphinstone begins to say as he nods his head at them. "I apologize for the abrupt interruption, but there has been an unexpected development."

"What type of unexpected development?" Minister of Jenkins said as she narrowed her eyes at the second-in-command within the Auror Department.

Elphinstone hesitates as he formulates a proper response in his mind causing Ogden to impatiently say, "Well, out with it, Urquart. It can't possibly be that bad!"

"Master Damocles Belby was taken in broad daylight while shopping in Diagon Alley," Elphinstone steadily replied. "The A.P.D. officers were first to arrive and respond at the scene. At present, they are interviewing witnesses and have a scent, but nothing further is known at this time."

"For Merlin's sake!" Ogden swore as the Minister Jenkins said, "Can we be certain that this is in fact a kidnapping for ransom, Urquart?"

"We can't be certain of anything, Minister," Urquart admitted. "But it is very likely that it will be a ransom attempt as Master Belby was not harmed in the attack and captured unharmed. I would suggest that we send Auror's to contact Master Belby's apprentice and his remaining family members. The abductors are sure to contact one of them with a ransom note listing their demands."

"Very well, see to that it is done," Minister Jenkins ordered. "But I want this under lock and key, Elphinstone. This stays quiet until we have Master Belby safe and sound."

"Yes, Minister Jenkins," Elphinstone replied, before swiftly making his way out of the door, and ignoring the fact that Mrs. Prim was staring daggers at him as he made his way back to the Auror department to start giving out orders. It was going to be a long night for everyone.