Final Appointing

On the sixth floor of Hogwarts, the figure of a petite witch in dark blue robes can be seen hunched over her desk. Professor Bathsheda Babbling, the professor of Ancient Runes, and now the new Head of Gryffindor, who let out a moan of despair. Why even her crooked dark hat was even more crooked than usual! Scrunching her slightly crooked, button nose she sighed, before reaching for her cup of tea to only realize it was empty. With a frown she checked the teapot and found that it was empty.

Letting out a loud sigh, Bathsheda's pale hand rubbed her aching coffee colored hair causing her coiled hair to become rather disarray. There are the faint traces dark eyeshadows under her blue and brown colored eyes. Tired and rather hungry now, she rose to her feet collected the lists of parchment she was working on and heading downstairs towards the staff room.

The entire time heading downstairs, Bathesheda is mumbling to herself, "Oh, no, you just could not say no, could you, Bathesheda? You just had to let yourself be talked into accepting the position. Why could not you use your infamous Gryffindor courage to tell the headmaster, NO!" Thankfully, there was no one around to hear her talking to herself, or else, she would never have lived it down!

With a loud sigh, Bathsheda kicked the staff room door open with her open causing the door to loudly thud against the stone wall. Still mumbling to herself, Bathesheda does not even realize that the long, paneled staff room is already occupied. She was about to let out a string of curses when she happened to look at hearing a rustle of clothes.

Glancing up, Bathesheda's eyes grew rather wide at seeing the three head of Houses, the Hogwarts Deputy, the caretaker and many new unknown faces. Feeling a burning red-hot flush creeping up her neck, she hastily says, "Er, sorry, I'll just be going now."

However, before she can turn away, the figure of Professor Minerva McGonagall pointedly says, "You might as well have a seat, Professor Babbling. This saves me the trouble of sending a house elf to retrieve you as the following introductions will be relevant to you as you are the new Head of Gryffindor."

There is a round of congratulatory voices as Bathesheda weakly smiles and takes a reluctant seat on one of the many mismatched furniture in the staff room. Carefully putting her parchment down along with her quill, and ink, she tries to look inconspicuous as possible. However, the eyes of the newcomers are all at present on her.

Professor McGonagall waves her hand at the figure seated next to her. Her engagement ring on her finger glints in the bright candle lights as she says, "This is Professor Norman Hopkins, and he will be teaching first through fourth year Transfiguration."

Bathesheda nods her head at the former Ravenclaw, who was once several years below her. Norma Hopkins was a muggleborn with a thirst with knowledge. His pointed nose would always be in some sort of book if she could recall correctly.

Norman Hopkins lips twitch in the briefest of smiles in recognition of Bathesheda. Much like Professor McGonagall, Norman Hopkins is a rather meticulous looking man with a strict demeanor. His only faults were his impressive cleft chin and heavily gelled hair.

Moving on Professor McGonagall continues, "There seated at his side is Master Strauss with a dual degree in History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures."

Bathesheda's eyes grow eye in astonishment as she takes in the rather tanned middle-aged man with a scholarly air about him. Master Strass appears to be the pleasant sort as he flashes her a good-natured smile.

"Sitting next to him is Professor Manzil Snipe, who will be teaching Gobbledegook as a full-time professor."

Bathesheda eyes the rather short wizard with sly looking eyes. He had a rather sharp hooked nose and sleeked back hair. But not greasy nor nowhere near as gelled as the hair of Norman Hopkins.

"I am most pleased to introduce that sitting at side is Professor Benjamin Buchman teaching the new elective, Wizarding Etiquette to all muggleborn children in first and second year."

Bathsheda's dual colored eyes widen visibly in shock. Benjamin Buchman was the famous squid descendant of Angus Buchanan, the squib writer and Scottish ruby player. Even to this day, this was one of the most famous lines of squibs in existence.

"I am just as equally as pleased to introduce, Professor Elias Murphy, our latest professor of Muggle Studies."

Bathesheda's eyes with interest taking in the ginger haired man. The muquib wore a pair of round glasses and had a sprinkling of freckles all over the place. But he had a bit of a survivor's air about him, which no doubt came from having led a hard life while a werewolf.

Professor McGonagall then says, "Now I will turn the time to everyone else to make the introductions."

Without any hesitation, the plumb figure of Professor Horace Slughorn instantly jumps in. His gooseberry colored eyes flash with delight as he says, "The maiden at my side is Professor Eponine Mortimer. No doubt, many will recall her time here at Hogwarts time as a Slytherin."

Bathesheda is secretly impressed at the younger woman's calm disposition in the face of Slughorn's bragging. Eponine Mortimer has rather stiff straight hair, cut short at her shoulders to prevent a stray hair from falling into a potion cauldron. She is rather pale, no doubt from working in a dark room all the time. She wears dark somber clothes and is rather flat chested. But most surprising of all, she has an angelic face which screams that she could commit no foul. No wonder the woman had been in Slytherin, she fit the requirements to the letter tee.

There is a ruefully shaking of heads after Slughorn is done as Professor Filius Fitwick eagerly stands up in his chair and says, "I am thrilled to present and have Professor Morticia Disick aiding with charms."

Bathesheda instantly recognizes the young woman as a former student. Morticia Disick was a former Gryffindor chaser, who had her nose broken twice by a bludger. Her poor nose had never quite healed correctly and was crooked. And much like the nature of the former chaser, her springy hair pulled by a ribbon was already escaping its confines.

Professor Pomona Sprout is not dirt covered today as she says, "I am glad to have Professor Douglas Winfrey join us."

Bathesheda almost resist the urge to groan at spotting her former student. Douglas Winfrey, a ruggedly attractive young man with spiky hair, and a crooked grin that could charm the very birds out of the sky. She did not pity Sprout in the least. With Douglas Winfrey around classes would doubt be disruptive, but there would be almost as many girls falling for the older man. They would have to keep a firm eye to ensure that none of the girls got to close especially the seventh-year girls. Hogwarts could not afford another incident like the one back in 1923, which no one still spoke about.