Fenny Snake

A rustling sound awoke Rowan from her dreams as she opened her eyes and startled at finding herself in a familiar patch of thick grass filled with weeds and thorny bushes. It was dark, and the moon was dim, and she could not even make out the stars through the thick dark clouds. Yet despite the heavy thick clouds hanging overhead, there was no sign of wind. Nevertheless, the grass rustled as something seemed to make its way through the grass towards her.

Rowan unconsciously took a step back and tried to teleport away to only find that she could not do so. Her fingers felt clumsy, and clampy as she hastily patted her clothes to only find that her wand was not with her. Her heart began to beat louder and louder in her ears as she found her mouth painfully dry. Shoving aside her rapidly growing fear and panic, she wildly glanced around for anything to be of use as the rustling of the grass grew louder and louder. However, to her grand dismay all that surrounded her were weeds and thorn bushes with nary even a single tree branch in sight.

Trying to call up her magic, Rowan tries to fly to only find that she cannot even feel her magic. An overwhelming sense of dread creeps its way down her spine as she tries not to tremble at her lack of magic. Perhaps, she had grown much too reliant on always having access to her magic, but she was a witch. Why wouldn't she?

Suddenly the rustling stops and Rowan eyes dart from side to side, when something bursts out from the grass at her as Rowan tries to dodge to only see a strange serpent emerge from amid the grass. The serpent quite literally had geometric shapes on its back like that of the Asian Vine snake, but it was multi-colored in shaded in the colors of brown, black, and white in shaded lines like that of the San Francisco Garter snake, but it lacked the vibrancy that of the San Francisco Garter snake. Though she seemed to recall that such a serpent was named, Fenny Snake, but she could not be certain, and she would prefer not to risk the ire of her guide.

The serpent and Rowan stared at each other as the snake flickers its tongue at her tasting the air. If the serpent had an expression it would be that of cynicism and resignation. Finally, the serpent whispers, "Come," before turning around and darting back into the grass before Rowan can ask for more details.

Rowan hesitates as she turns around to glance at the edge of the clearing and into the woods, but a prickle of unease creeps across her skin causing her to turn back and follow the slithering serpent's trail through the long grass. Ignoring the scratches from the thorn bushes and tall weeds, she hurries as best as she can to keep up with the slippery, but nimble serpent.

Soon they emerge from the clearing in front of the worn and torn building that was half-hidden amongst the tangle of trunks and tall grass. The walls were mossy and most of the tiles had fallen off the roof that the rafters were visible at this time at all time. Nettles grew all around the shack with their tips reaching the windows, which were thick with grime. However, unlike the time before the old shriveled up snake that had once been nailed to the door was most notably missing.

Rowan eyes dart down to the serpent, who slither's underneath a gaping hole in the door, and inside the worn-down shack that had once been called the Gaunt family home. Still, the feeling of dread did not disappear, and only increased as she felt that there was something beyond the clearing hiding in the woods.

Fighting against all her instinct's, Rowan turned her back to the woods, and turned to face the door. With some hesitancy, she placed her hand on the old, rusted doorknob, and turned. The doorknob lets out a loud screech and loosens as the door squeaks a smidgeon open before she warily steps inside leaving shifting footprints on the thick dusty floor.

The air is musty with dirt, grim, and smells of moss, despite the opening in the shack rooftop. with dust, despite the opening in the shack. With a loud screech the door slams shut behind her causing Rowan to flinch, before warily returning to stare at the scene before her.

The shack looked as it did the first time, she saw it with remaining wreckage of furniture broken or in various stages of decomposition. However, the mice and other creatures that had made their shack their home cannot be seen scurrying at her present. It was most peculiar considering the state of the shack home, but if so, there was only reasons, why they would not be present, they had all been eaten or they had fled.

Through the dim light and dusty air, Rowan finally spots the long slithering trail left behind by the serpent. Carefully making her way across rotting floorboards, and the wreckage, she catches glimpses of the snake weaving between the strewn objects. The serpent leads her to a corner of the shack, which holds an old broken bookcase. Most of the volumes are covered in mold, dust, and have long ago since been chewed up mice, moths, and all manner of creatures. Yet an old, dusty, tattered leather volume remains mostly intact.

"Open," the serpent hissed as it tapped its tail against the tattered leather volume. "Hurry," the serpent added as its tongue flickered in the air as if sensing something in the distance.

Rowan slowly bent down and picked up the tattered book with the cover letters having long ago faded away. With care she opens the cover to reveal the first page reading as "The Tales of Beedle the Bard." The blood on her face slightly drains as she knows exactly what five tales were hidden inside The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlock's Hairy Heart, Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling stump, and last but not least The Tale of the Three Brothers.

With a certain degree of numbness, Rowan turns the pages to the only two tales that concerned her that of the Warlock's Hairy Heart, and that of the Tale of the Three Brothers. However, as she rereads both tales, she finds nothing new that she did not already know.

"Did you see?" The serpent asked as its forked tongue flickered in the air impatiently.

Rowan is uncertain of what to reply, and instead murmurs without looking up. "And who are you?"

The serpent tongue flicks in exasperation, before replying, "We have already met once before."

"Before?" Rowan muttered in bewilderment as she raised her gaze from the tattered book, before her eyes widen in shock. Could it be possible? Was it Marvolo Gaunt's first snake, which had been nailed to the door? But how was that even remotely possible, when it had been clearly dead for many years?!