Not Slytherin!

Having seen their fill all are about to turn away from the staff table, when Silvia says, "Wait, who are all the new Professors?!"

They all turned back to glance at who she was staring at more than five new individuals. Why one of them is a short wizard with sly looking eyes. However, he and Professor Flitwick are happily conversing. Though most of the older girls' attentions are on the unknown ruggedly attractive wizard.

"I'm sure, we'll find out during the feast," Bethanie murmured as the rest of them glanced at each other in curiosity.

The six of them turn back in their seats and begin to chat about their holidays. Bethanie shyly explained that she had spent the last few weeks at the Black's home since the marriage contract had been officially written between Regulus and her during the summer. (But the official betrothal ceremony would not take place until the following summer. And they would not officially wed until Regulus graduated from Hogwarts.)

Mid-way through listening to the conversation, Rowan glanced up to appreciate the enchanted ceiling. Unlike the last years of a stormy ceiling tonight, the night was rather clear. The moon was bright, and the stars lit up the sky. It was a most lovely evening.

Not long after Professor McGonagall sweeps in with a line of nervous 1st years and transfer students. Rowan merely ignores the sorting hat song and automatically claps for the sorted students. Finally, the first name she is interested in is called out, "Chittock, Glenda!"

The pretty golden-haired girl with blue-green eyes sits down on the stool with the sorting hat pulled before her eyes. The sorting hats brim opens and shouts, "Hufflepuff!"

With a pleased smile, Glenda trots off to the friendly smiling Hufflepuff table. She happily takes a seat and waits for her friend, Lorcan D'Eath's turn to go up.

More than a few students later the name is finally called, "D'Eath, Lorcan!"

Some of the students stare at his rather pale skin, but ultimately pay Lorcan no further mind. After all, there were plenty of pale individuals seen at Hogwarts. And some of the students were so pale that their blue veins could be seen!

The sorting hat quickly shouts, "Hufflepuff!"

Lorcan with great relief leaves the hat on the stool and wanders off to sit next to his friend, Glenda. It was good to be with someone he knew, and the Hufflepuff's seemed to be nice. And they really were. Mostly.

More names are called out as Rowan zones out until hearing, "Lockhart, Gilderoy!"

The golden-haired boy with blue eyes flashes an excited grin as he rushes forward. Lockhart jams the hat on his head and takes a seat. There is a long pause as the Sorting Hat is clearly at a hat still.

Rowan crosses her fingers for once and mutters under her breath, "Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin! Anything but Slytherin!"

Finally, the sorting hat shouts out, "Hufflepuff!"

With a rather pleased expression, Lockhart trots over to sit next to Glenda and Lorcan. Not only was he sitting two of his new friends. But he would have a friend in his dorm if he were lucky! This was the most excited, he had ever been!

The rest of the first years go up one by one until at last the last of the students is sorted. At last, the sorting is done when Professor McGonagall picked up the hat and the stool to carry them away.

Professor Dumbledore rises to his feet causing his sweeping silver hair and beard to gleam in the candlelight. His magnificent deep purple robes are embroidered with many stars and moons. His child-like blue eyes twinkle from behind his half-moon spectacles. "I only have two words for all of you this evening," he loudly said. "Welcome and Enjoy!"

The ravenous students instantly dig in as the food appeared on the plates. With a tired smile, Rowan picked her favorite bits and may have eaten more than a bit of sugar. From what she had been told it was the Prefect's job to console any homesick students. They tended to be rather rare in Slytherin but still, it was her job to check on all the 1st years and transfer students that entire first week for the first two hours after curfew.

Finally, the last of the deserts is cleared away leaving the dishes sparkling clean. Albus Dumbledore rose to his feet again as the buzz in the Great Hall faded away with the only sound being their combined breaths. "And now that we are all fed and watered, I must ask for a bit more of your attention, while I give out the usual notices," Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Firstly, I would like to welcome our newest students and Hogwarts is most happy to have you. However, rules must be learned and as such, I would like to remind you all that the forest on the grounds is out of bounds as is the village of Hogsmeade to all those below the third year," Dumbledore mouth twitched as if to hide a smile. "And that the Whomping Willow is to be left alone."

Most of the students had solemnly learned their lessons the year before and as such there had been no incidents during their fourth year. Of course, the exception had been their guests from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. There had been more than a few injuries but nothing that Madam Pomfrey could not fix. But who knows, the first years and new transfer students might still be tricked into touching the tree.

Turning to the side of the room, Dumbledore says, "It is now with great honor that I introduce the newest Hogwarts Professor. First all me to introduce the newest professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Prince."

The students all stare at the tall, slender witch dressed rather elegant with raven like swept winged hair. Georgine Prince resembled the twins and had been spotted during the Triwizard Tournament. As she rises the students politely clap with Slytherin clapping harder than anyone else. The clapping fades away once Georgine sits back down as the students turn to face the Headmaster again.