Head of Gryffidnor Ⅱ

The entire common room falls silent as even the older Gryffindor takes a hint and expectantly wait. A rather petite witch with sweeping blue robes strides into the common room. She seemed to be rather nice looking even if she looked to be rather strict in her own way. She was a tad pale with coffee hair was done up nicely and bright, blue, and brown eyes. For the older Gryffindor's that knew the new Head of Gryffindor, most of their faces brighten up except for those that had difficulties in her class.

With the sound of the portrait slamming shut behind her, Professor Bathesheda Babbling eyes her inquisitive Gryffindors, who eye her just as curious back. Standing up to her full height, which was not very tall as more than half of her students were already taller than her. Clearing her throat to gain their attention, Bathesheda steadily says, "I want to welcome everyone to Gryffindor, being a former Gryffindor myself."

There are nods of approvals from the Gryffindors at her words as Bathesheda continues, "That being said, I would like to make some things clear from the very start." Which caused more than a few Gryffindors to look at her rather rebelliously from the very start. Gryffindor's tended to be a rebellious lot, which most seemed to conveniently forget.

"There are several changes which will be immediately implemented," Bathsheda explained in her most confident toned voice. "Firstly, there will be a house meeting every month, where disagreements, concerns, worries, or even suggestions can be voiced. After these meetings, there will be food and drinks for everyone to enjoy themselves and socialize. I want the whole House of Gryffindor to feel closer to each other as a house community."

There are glances of appraisal from some of the older years in approval, while some of the boys perk up at the thought of a feast once a month in the common room. While the rest of the Gryffindors, either do not care or on the fence for now. Though the naïve first years visibly perked up at the idea of food and drinks. It would be like holding a party every month!

"And the second initiative is housing," Bathesheda steadily said earning more than a few startled glances from the Gryffindor. "Firstly, the younger years will be rooming on the lowest dorm floors for first and second years. The middle dorms are for third through fifth years, and the highest located dorms in the tower are for the sixth and seventh years. From now on this will be how dorms are done according to your age group, the dorms will be respectively transferred to said respective levels."

Most of the Gryffindors do not react as they do not see what the problem is except for the more clever and older years do. With the first years on the lower floors, the older years would have to sneak all the way down the tower past the Perfect's and back causing there be to be a greater chance of being caught. What in Merlin's name was the Head of Gryffindor thinking?!

"And secondly, as there are transfer students in the second and third years, there will are dorm room reassignments," Bathesheda explained at said years groans. "I want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable as such two of the old roommates will be paired together with two new roommates. All changes are posted on the door room doors in silver plaques showcasing those assigned to the dorm room."

Nodding briskly at them Bathesheda says, "Now that is over and done with let us go to bed, it is late, and it has been a long tiring day. If the first years can be allowed to find their dorm rooms first that would be greatly be appreciated."

There is another wave of groans, but the Gryffindors remain seated as Lily and Lupin lead the first-year boys and girls each to a different corridor. With a nod of her head, Professor Bathsheda Babbling sweeps out of the dorm room. The instant she leaves there is a chorus of whispers and complaints from the Gryffindors.

Sirius turns to James and says, "Well, she doesn't look like a pushover, that's for sure. But I am sure she can't resist my charms," Sirius added with a wink.

Pettigrew shakes his head and says, "I don't think you're going to be able to charm your way with Professor Babbling. She's one tough cookie."

Sirius pouts and bats his eyes playfully at James. "What do you think, Jamie? Do you think that she can resist my manly wizard charms?"

James struggles not to smile and chuckles loudly at his friend's words. "She doesn't stand a chance, Siri."

"Jamie!" Sirius whined in embarrassment. "Don't call me that in public!"

James rolls his eyes as a rueful smile appears on his face along with that of Pettigrew. James smile quickly fades away as Pettigrew glances away and grows rather still. Sensing that everything was amiss again, Sirius tries to brighten up the atmosphere with jokes as they rise to their feet, and head towards the boy dorms.

It did not work, because the tense atmosphere carried over into the dorm room. The three boys undressed in awkward silence as Sirius keeps trying to break the uncomfortable ambiance to no avail. Giving up he sighs to himself as Pettigrew murmurs, "G'night, and closes the curtain around his bed.

Sirius quietly peeks over at James, who says, "Night, Sirius," before he too goes to bed.

Sirius sighs to himself as he flops down into his bed. Remus would not be up for a while, and he'd be too tired to talk. But this situation between Peter and James had him a tad bit worried. Because what if the marauders broke up?

Sirius feel into a restless sleep not long after and did not even hear Remus come in. Sirius's night was full of nightmares that the following morning he woke up with raccoon eyes. Remus and James thought it was hilarious and teased him all morning. He would get even with them, they just watch!