
The next morning, Rowan shivered as she dressed after a morning shower. Yesterday, Advanced Arithmancy had been normal with Alice Yates chattering her and Head Girl Madley's ear off. Apparently, Frank Longbottom had successfully gotten into the Auror program and started at the training academy at the start of Autumn as well. And all the while, while giggling, Alice had shown off the engagement ring Frank and given to her during the summer. The two would be wed the following year during the summer holidays before Alice began and was accepted into the Auror academy. The couple would hold off on having a baby until she graduated and was at least one year in the field.

It was a solid plan; which Rowan very much approved of and had commented to Alice. Alice happily hugged Rowan and genuinely said, "I can't wait until you find someone too, Rowan!" To which, Rowan replied by giving Alice a cold shoulder for the rest of the class period to the amusement of Head Girl Madley.

Finished dressing, Rowan quickly made sure to grab what she would need for Alchemy and her two other classes. Thanks to her magical expanding bookbag, she did not need to make second trips and liked to keep it that way. Having checked over everything twice, she finally headed downstairs to make sure the first years have begun to awaken. She managed to teach at least one boy and girl in each dorm room to cast a tempus alarm spell.

And once she knocked and peeked inside in dorms, every single girl was sleepily climbing out of bed and in the process of dressing. A couple were already finished and even managed to reach the common room area before Rowan made it downstairs. Once everyone was gathered, Rowan said, "I will be able to help with tutoring on Tuesday mornings, and Thursdays in the afternoon. The rest of the time, I can answer simple questions, but will not be readily available."

Rowan glanced at Severus who barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes and stiffly said, "I will be available for tutoring Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon."

The first years prospectively brighten up as Rowan says, "I've reserved an empty classroom on the first floor to use as our tutoring room. This will be the tutoring classroom for the entire year. It will be classroom eleven. It is on your map. I expect all of you to be able to easily find it."

One of the first years raises their hand causing Rowan to gesture to the first year to speak. The girl nervously clears her throat and says, "I was wondering if I could bring a friend over for tutoring? Um, she's in Hufflepuff and she is having a bit of trouble with Charms. Would that be alright?"

"You may invite any of your friends, but I expect them to study," Rowan sternly said. "There is plenty of time for all of you to chatter and play around. But Severus and I are both giving up our own time to tutor all of you. So, please make that abundantly clear to your friends."

"Thank you, Prefect Prince," the girl happily said in relief.

"Any more questions," Rowan asked and at seeing none adds, "Very well, let us depart."

This time around, Rowan and Severus walk behind the first years and allow them to lead the way. Feeling much more comfortable and confident the first years manage to correctly make it all the way to the Great Hall. Nodding in approval Severus says, "From now on, all of you will wake up on your own and walk to the Great Hall."

The first years nod their heads in understanding as not only did they all have alarm clock spells but now are confident in not losing their way. Their friends were rather envious of their maps and since then, they had shared them with their friends. It was rather nice and made the first years and transfer students all feel closely knitted together despite belonging to other houses.

Having made sure that the first years made it to Potions, Rowan easily made her way to the alchemy classroom. Severus was already waiting inside when Rowan took a seat at one of the laboratory worktables. Severus smirks and says, "How did it go?"

"They were able to easily find the Potions classroom, while I watched them use the map," Rowan replied. "And given that it is in the dungeons as well, it wasn't a difficult classroom to find."

"Well, at least they'll be out of our hair by tomorrow," Severus drily muttered.

Severus is interrupted by the arrival of a short wizard, Professor Boas. His silver hair is still parted slightly at the side to the right in a distinguished German hairstyle part. His sideburns are neatly trimmed as the pale wizard says in a German-accented voice, "Velcome my most intelligent students!"

"How vaz your summer?" Professor Boas made small talk.

"Very well, thank you for asking professor," Rowan replied. "We were tasked to work on alchemy formulas by our apprenticeship master."

"Yez, Professor Dumbledore showed me your vork," Professor Boas grinned.

"Now den, ve shall vork on da N.E.W.T level formula's," Professor Boas explained. "Ze should be self-explanatory, ve shall begin at once!"

Rowan and Severus open their textbook and begin to work on the seventh-year alchemy formula. As they work, Rowan asks, "Professor Boas, is it possible to create a new magical plant by combining existing magical plants and alchemy?"

"Yez," Professor Boas answered in delight. "Iz a most difficult ding to do but can be accomplished. Such as da snapping flower dat ve enjoy and other such magical plants."

"Fräulien Prince, vat is dat ye vish to create?" Professor Boas excitedly inquired.

"Blood Fruit," Rowan confessed. "I was wondering that if we could find a stable food source for Vampires and other dark magical creatures, would they not be accepted into wizarding society? I believe that if the danger could be lowered to nonexistence, the wizarding society as a whole society would not only grow but progress at unbelievable rates!

As such, I would like to attempt to create a fruit that tastes of meat and blood but is still a plant grown product. However, to do so I believe it would have to be somewhat sentient like the Venomous Tentacula plant and be able to consume the flesh of animals in order to produce said the desired effect."

"Brilliant!" Professor Boas exclaimed. "Yez, a very good idea. But most difficult to accomplish. Might I suggest speaking to Professor Sprout if dat is to be your journeymen project? Zee, still 'ave plenty of time to decide for da project for da next sc'ool year."

"I will," Rowan muttered, before returning to her own project. She ignored Professor Boas jabbering at Severus about his own project.

However, it was not as though Severus's planned project for next year was no less boring or brilliant. Severus was just as overly ambitious as herself and was attempting to create a basic cure it all potion. A general potion that could relieve basic things such as curses, illness, or other even poisons. But it said potion would only work on a low-level state as anything more would be an impossible feat to accomplish given the complexities of the human body and the characteristics of the cause are illness, curse, or poison.

That and the fact that she had heard it a thousand times. No doubt, Severus was already sickened and tired of hearing about her own project explanation by now. But what could she say, she was just as enthusiastic about her own project! That and the fact that she had heard it a thousand times. No doubt, Severus was already sickened and tired of hearing about her own project explanation by now. But what could she say, she was just as enthusiastic about her own project!

And not to mention that Severus had yet to explain his DADA project. However, from what Rowan had briefly overheard from his conversations with their grandfather, it might be to sustain dual spells. It was an almost impossible feat due to magic consumption and much less to react accordingly.

However, Prince's seemed to be the exception as the dual spells were cast, one wandlessly and the other wordlessly. But such a feat would be impossible for Rowan upon recalling her volatile magic. No, if she attempted such a feat the need would be most dire, and she would pay a painful price for it as she had been shown with a simple child's spell. Either way, whatever project that Severus decided upon, it would be sure to be brilliant without a doubt.