Vanishing Spell Ⅱ

Not accepting Graham's response with a fierce scowl on her face, Professor McGonagall thunders over and roars, "Well, what have to say for yourself, Mr. Graham?"

Tiffany is flushed in anger as Silvia has her wand directly pointed at Felton Graham in a very real threat, while Bethanie is glowering at the pervert as she helps Tiffany cover herself with her robes. Felton shrinks down and does not respond to Professor McGonagall's question.

What happened, Miss Topsy?" Professor McGonagall pointedly asked noticing the stance of the three girls against the boy, who had a less than savory reputation.

Tiffany bit her lip for a moment, before calmly saying, "It was nothing, Professor, it was just a mistake."

"That's right!" Felton immediately piped in. "I was just careless for a moment, Professor. It won't happen again, I swear it!"

"I will be the judge of that, Mr. Graham," Professor McGonagall said with a frown. Turning towards the girl, she says, "Miss Topsy, what exactly did Mr. Graham's stray vanishing spell hit?"

Tiffany flushed more darkly in utter anger and humiliation, before quietly murmuring, "A bit of my skirt, Professor."

Professor McGonagall's face darkens in outrage as she whirls onto the already wincing boy. "Twenty points from Slytherin, Mr. Graham! A one weeks' worth of detention with me, and one with your head of house! You will begin by reporting to detention with me, this every evening!"

Felton lets out a groan but does not seem to be affected by it. However, suddenly, Felton pales having glimpsed the evil smiling face of Terry. He abruptly realized with dread that he had forgotten one very crucial fact; Tiffany Topsy was good friends with Terry Greengrass. This only meant one thing, Terry Greengrass would avenge the slight against his friend. He was so utterly dead….

Professor McGonagall's lips are curled in outrage, but she still turns to the side and points her wand at the girl to return the vanished skirt portion away. Tiffany sincerely flashes their stern Transfiguration a grateful smile, which to all their surprise, Professor McGonagall quietly returns. And she really did look much prettier like that, which made the girls quietly understand why Professor McGonagall's fiancé had fallen for her.

With a brisk nod at Miss Topsy, Professor Minerva McGonagall walks away but keeps periodically checking up on the poor lass. She had heard the recount of what had occurred during the summer, and how the poor lass was now being ostracized. She would have to have a word with some of the other staff members to keep an eye on the girl. No doubt the less than scrupulous members of the opposite sex would use this as an opportunity to use the girl and cast her way without any repercussions. They would have to keep a watchful eye out for violence and other such actions against Miss Topsy.

The instant class is over, Rowan and Severus rush out of the classroom to wait for Tiffany, Silvia, and Bethanie. While waiting, they see Felton Graham rush out of the classroom first only to freeze like a deer at spotting Rowan and Severus combined. The Prince twins send cold glares at him all but promising that they would add to his already assigned detentions the first chance they got. Especially Severus as they were in fact roommates.

Watching Felton scurry away like a frightened cockroach, they see Terry diligently leading the girls over to them. Tiffany looks rather embarrassed as she arrives at a halt before Rowan and Severus. Furrowing her brows at Tiffany's reaction, Rowan carefully asks, "Tiffany has something like this already happened before?"

Tiffany flushes a bit more darkly causing her five friends to all furrow their brows at her. None of them were stupid enough to ask the reason why. They all perfectly knew the reason as to why. It was all because of the rumors now surrounding Tiffany of her being a Bride of Death. Nothing more than a terribly antiquated superstition really, but unfortunately said superstition still held a great deal of power in the wizarding world.

"Do Severus and I need to warn anyone else away?" Rowan crisply asked though there was a very cold gleam in her eyes as if suggesting what terrible fate would befall anyone that did.

Tiffany hesitates for a moment, before replying, "It hasn't gotten so bad that the two of you need to interfere. I can take care of myself."

All five friends clearly look unconvinced as Silvia murmurs, "Well, just in case, Bethanie and I will be sticking to you even during restroom breaks." Bethanie nods her head in agreement, while Tiffany looks both dismayed and relieved at the same time. Her pride had not allowed her to ask for help and nor did she want to bring her own problems up.

Terry, on the other hand, in a rather casual manner interjects, "Don't worry about, Felton, Tiffany. Severus and I will have a nice chat with him regarding respecting young ladies, it will not happen again. And as for any of the other boys, I will have a private word or two. That ought to dissuade the worst of the troublemakers, but still, I'd rather you not go wandering on your own, Tiffany."

Terry solemnly stares at Tiffany as he gravely says, "The worst of those scoundrels won't be so easily dissuaded and might just try something, so keep your wand close at all times."

"I know," Tiffany darkly muttered with a knowing gleam in the depth of her eyes that had not been there before. And which caused everyone in the group to exchange pointed stares with each other over her head. They would take turns if they had to, but Tiffany was to be watched as much as humanely possible and not left unguarded.

With some time left until their next course, they make their way to the library to study for a bit until it is time to go their separate ways. Still, there was a bit of a worried expression on all their faces. Because sooner or later, Tiffany would somehow find herself all alone. And at that point in time, what could possibly happen? And some of their imaginations were the worst possible thing that could happen to a girl, and it was not unheard of occurring at Hogwarts.

(The best example was Mary MacDonald in Potter's timeline of the assault by the Death Eater known as Damien Mulciber. There were not enough details to suggest an actual rape transpired, but molestation most certainly did occur. And the bastard did go on to prove his vile tendencies by becoming a rapist of female muggles.)