Frank Conversation’s Ⅱ

With Pettigrew having darted out of the common room, Sirius stares utterly appalled at James, who does not look remotely abashed. "What is wrong with you, Prongs?" Sirius hissed as he studied one of his best friends with brand new eyes as if looking at a stranger. "How could you be so rude to Peter?"

"He's a manipulative, little sh*t," James knowingly declared with a dark expression as he recalled Peter Pettigrew's hurtful and unbelievable betrayal.

"No, he isn't!" Sirius snapped back. "Peter is one of the best people, we know. And he's our friend even if you don't remember that, Jamie!"

"And if I don't want to be friends with him?" James blatantly stated as he stared his friend straight in the eye.

A series of emotions flash across Sirius's face, before a determined expression appears on his face. "Then we won't be friends anymore."

"What?!" James gawked in absolute shock as that was the last thing, he ever expected his friend to say. Sirius had always sided with him against Peter Pettigrew. And the world seemed to tilt sideways as if nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

"Yeah, you heard me, Prongs," Sirius resolutely replied. "Peter has always been a good friend to us, and I should have listened to Remy, when he said that you were being a right down bully. Well, I won't just idly standby and watch one of my best mates be bullied and jerked around even by someone who was once their friend. If you can't at least be civil to Peter, James, then we can't be friends."

"You can't possibly be serious, Siri?" James said as if staring at a stranger. But then, a startling realization hit him. If this was not his Sirius did that not also mean that this Peter Pettigrew in the present was also not the one who betrayed him?

It was a disturbing epiphany, and suddenly, James felt as though the rug was being pulled out from under him. Sirius, who was ready to fight suddenly saw James pale and weakly flop back down into his seat. Sirius hesitates, before saying, "James are you alright?"

James raises his head to reveal his almost blank hazel eyes hidden behind black eye frames. "I-," James paused as if unable to properly formulate his thoughts. "I think this has been a very exhausting day for us all, and I would like to think on your words, Sirius."

"Ah, okay," Sirius sheepishly said as he watched James stumble out of the common room and up the boy's staircase to their dorm. A bit bewildered by the sudden turn of events, Sirius scratches his cheek until he realizes that the entire common room had gone quiet.

Whirling about Sirius snorts and says, "You, nosey lot, mind your own business!"

There is a pause of silence, before the entire Gryffindor common room bursts into laughter. Sirius rolls his eyes knowing full well that the gossip would be spread by his house members. Not that he really minded, but not before he first had a word with Peter. But first he would have to find him.

Emerging from the common room, Sirius mutters to himself, "Now where could Pete have gone?" It does not take long for the lightbulb to go on and he says, "To see his girlfriend!"

With a destination in mind, Sirius makes his way back out and heads for the dungeons. Although way to the dungeons when it suddenly occurred to him that he did not know just where the Slytherin common room was located at. Furrowing his brow, he shrugs, he was bound to be able to find a Slytherin, who would gladly help him. Ever the optimist or maybe it would have better to say, so greatly confident in his own handsome charms, he continued on his way.

Sirius had not ventured far into the dungeons, when he heard what sounded like a scuffle. Hurrying around the corner, he is shocked to see a short, strawberry blonde witch with bobbed hair that was being bound to the wall by a group of three boys. Without even thinking about his next course of action, he instantly reaches for his wand and says, "Stupfey," causing one of the attackers to fall onto the ground.

The figure in charge, Mason Cauldwell, a Hufflepuff with short, bristle like hair, and a wide forehead gapes at recognizing the figure. "Hold on now, Black, no need to be so hasty," Cauldwell said. "Topsy is a Bride of Death."

Sirius's expression visibly darkens as Cauldwell hastily adds, "You know what I mean, Black. We can share her, and she won't even say a word, since she's already considered used up."

Sirius's grip on his wand tightens as he takes a step forward and his gray eyes begin to glitter dangerously. "You forgot one thing," Sirius said as he slowly raised his wand.

"And what is that?" Cauldwell arrogantly snickered as he too raised his wand along with his posse.

"All the Black Children are taught certain arts from birth," Sirius carefully said, before shouting, "Incarcerous!" Thick ropes are conjured from thin air and tie the remaining two attackers.

"Impossible!" Cauldwell stammered as he futilely struggled to free himself from his binds. "That's a N.E.W.T. level spell!"

"Well, I am good at Transfiguration," Sirius coldly answered, before saying, "Silencio!" The three boys are instantly rendered mute for the time being.

Hurrying over to release Tiffany from the wall, Sirius worriedly asks, "Are you alright, Tiffany?" And carefully checked her over with his eye for any visible harm.

"Just my pride," Tiffany bitterly said as she rubbed her aching wrists.

"What was that all about?" Sirius asked as he gestured with his hand at the year older, sixth year's, a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, and a Gryffindor.

Tiffany arches her brows at Sirius as she tides herself up, before finally saying, "Not that I am ungrateful, Sirius, but there are times where I do wonder if you are a proper pureblood at all."

Sirius flashes Tiffany a cheeky, proud grin and says, "I always escaped from the family tutor's and would fall asleep during class."

"That actually explains a lot," Tiffany said as they walked way and left the three boys behind them. Any Slytherin worth their salt would know that something had occurred. And the Slytherin's were a territorial bunch.

"Well?" Sirius gently pried as they wandered away from the dungeons.

"Fine, if you must know they got the drop on me," Tiffany muttered in embarrassment. "I was preoccupied, and I just wanted a breath of fresh air as Silvia, Terry, and Bethanie have been sticking to me like Drobble's Best Blowing Gum. I just wanted a moment to myself that's all."

"Is it because of that Death Bride thing?"


"Well, what is it? And don't make me ask again, Tiffany. I told you I fell asleep a lot during certain tutoring classes."

Tiffany rolls her eyes at his reply and mumbles, "I can't believe you are the Black family heir. I'm honestly surprised your mother and father haven't tried to marry you off to the first girl that has caught your fancy."

"They've tried," Sirius shrugged with a defiant, but triumphant grin.

And which was all true to the utter despair of Walburga and Orion Black. Because even as a child, Sirius, their son had been a stubborn, pigheaded, Gryffindor of all things. Woe is them.