Unwelcome Propositions Ⅱ

Not one to be kind considering the situation, Severus folds his arms and stands next to his twin. Folding his arms over his chest, he begins to impatiently tap his fingers against his other forearm one by one. "Can someone please explain to me, why four third-year Slytherin's were all but propositioning to Professor Winfrey? Because had he even appeared to have accepted such an ill-natured invitation not only would Professor Winfrey be immediately fired from Hogwarts, but even possibly be sentenced to Azkaban. Well, I'm waiting?!"

Professor Eponine blinks in shock as even she could hardly believe that any Slytherin would be so daring or so foolish to do so in public, (in private, well, being cunning was considered a Slytherin trait to take pride in)! And she was not the only one as all of the third-year boys including the transfers stared at the third-year girls.

Those guilty turned a deep shade of red in humiliation as all the Slytherins turned to stare at the four guilty third-year girls. Professor Eponine smiles lightly at them, but behind that angelic smile of her is barely concealed malice. "Oh dear, it would seem that a proper class on decorum is needed," she lightly said. "Naturally, I volunteer myself." To the dreadful dismay of all the third years Slytherin's present, before turning to glare at the four offenders, who only sunk deeper into their seats.

"Thank you, Professor," Rowan sincerely said as Slughorn was all but useless. Severus and she had quickly discovered that as Prefect's that it was far better to work on their own than to wait for Slughorn to act. Thankfully, Professor Eponine Mortimer was more than willing to aid them, and actually did a good job of helping them.

"Nonsense Prefect Prince, there is no need to thank me. It is my duty as a Hogwarts's Professor," Professor Eponine smoothly answered with a certain Veela-like predatory glint in her eye directed at the four guilty culprits.

"There will be a one-hour decorum class held every evening before dinner, you are all to attend until further notice," Professor Eponine ordered as the third year groaned. "And as for the miscreants, in addition, you will all be assigned to detention with me and Caretaker Filch to do manual labor for a month's period of time. And the four of you will be banned from Hogsmeade until further notice.)

"But that's not fair!" Protested one of the third-year girls.

"Life is never fair," Professor Eponine replied with a hungry-like smile that made all of the third-year's quiver, before directing her gaze to all of them. "And as for the rest of you, third years, do not think for a minute that you are guilt-free. These four girls were foolish enough to be caught, but I am aware of the teasing and flirtations that have been going on. You are third years and as such I expect you to comport yourself in such a manner. If you are not able to, I am more than capable of brewing a potion that will lower one's interest in another member of the opposite sex, and I can't promise that it is completely reversible."

The third-year transfer students pale dreadfully, while the rest of the third-years pale as they understand the hidden implications of that statement.

"Good, then I do believe that we understand each other right, children?" Professor Eponine innocently asked with a hypnotic glint in her Veela-like eyes. All of the third year's heads bobbed up and down in a firm, yes, but all the while with terrified, pale expressions.

"Mm, do you have anything else to say, Prefect Prince's," Professor Eponine turned to ask them as Rowan and Severus stared with awe and respect at the sub-professor of Potions.

"No, Professor," Rowan and Severus chorused in reply.

"Well, then run along children, it is nearly dinnertime, and we wouldn't want to spoil your appetites," Professor Eponine innocently said as more than a few students paled as they recalled her previous statement. The students flee and scatter in all directions like a gust of wind. Within a minute the common room was empty of anyone but the three of them.

"Well that was unexpected," Severus muttered under his breath, before uncrossing his arms and saying, "Professor Eponine, you are more than welcome to handle those dreadful miscreants anytime."

Professor Eponine chuckles and replies, "I can only handle them so much, Prefect Prince. You and your sister are doing a fine job if I say so myself. I would have dosed them all with hidden calming draughts in their pumpkin juice after the first week."

"Believe me, we have considered it," Rowan genuinely mumbled under her breath.

Professor Eponine's lips twitch into a beautiful, enchanting smile as Severus just stares blankly for a moment, before blinking out of his daze. "Professor Mortimer, I do not wish to be read. But have you been experiencing the same problem as Professor Winfrey?"

Professor Eponine grins hungrily in reply flashing sparkling white teeth. "They wouldn't dare, Prefect Prince," as if that answered it all. But then again, wizarding society was rather prejudiced against those who possessed a magical creature inheritance. Though in this case, it was because there was simply something terrifying about her.

Severus numbly nods his head as Rowan interrupts, "Excuse me, Professor Mortimer, I have one more request to ask if I may."

"You may," Professor Eponine said with an expression of curiosity on her face.

"Thank you, Professor. What I wished to request is if it would be possible to ask the older students to donate old cloaks, coats, gloves, warm bed and bathrobes, and thick fur blankets, before the true winter chill arrives. I have already subtly probed those whose parents can cover the cost, but most of our transfer students will not be able to afford many of those things. Seeing as I do not wish to point out their parent's poverty status, I had hoped that Professor Slughorn would speak to them, but he does not wish to offend their sensibilities," Rowan dryly replied."

Professor Eponine flashes them an overly cheerful grin that sends shivers down their spines. "Why I would be delighted too, Prefect Prince," Professor Eponine sincerely replied. "It has been some time since I have had an opportunity to toy-." Professor Eponine paused as she delicately adds, "I apologize for my stumble, what I meant to say is an opportunity to educate and allow the older years to showcase their charitable nature."

Severus is not stupid enough to say what he is thinking in his mind. "But Slytherin's aren't charitable by nature!" However, he wisely bites his tongue and remains silent.

"-Right," Rowan finally answered to which Professor Eponine flashes them another wide grin, before turning around and exiting the Slytherin common room.

Once the Slytherin common door slams shut, Severus says, "Do you suddenly get the feeling that we were both flies stuck in the spiderweb of a hungry spider?"

"Yes," Rowan numbly replied with a shiver. "She's just like Terry only far worse."

Both of them shiver violently at Rowan's comment, before Severus says, "By the way, I wanted to apologize Rowan."

"For what?" Rowan suspiciously asked.

"I thought you were crazy for wanting to throw your Prefect badge into the fireplace," Severus solemnly declared. "But as it turns out, I was the insane one for not thinking the same."

Rowan bitterly shrugs and says, "If Slughorn or Dumbledore try that again with us in our seventh year, I promise you that I'll go to Azkaban first."

"And I'll accompany you," Severus vehemently promised as he rubbed his aching head.

"Mm, you won't hear any protests from my side," Rowan mumbled, before heading out of the common room. Severus accompanies her before they each go their separate ways. They had patrol duties again this evening whether they liked it or not.