New Associates

The leaves were rustling with the October chill. The luminous moon high in the sky is brightly lighting up the dark night. The handsome, tall, hooded figure of Gideon Prewett quietly snarls to himself. "Whatever happened to brotherly love over that of a woman's?"

"I'm sure Fabian has something to say about that given the dastardly tales I've heard about your own torrid romances, Gideon," said the middle-aged Auror, Alastor Moody as he idly touched the scar just under his eye that crept horizontally all the way across his cheek and into the air.

Gideon huffs and says, "Relationships between fellow Order members should remain strictly professional!"

Alastor ruefully shook his head and said, "Miss Vance is a delightful young witch. She is a force to be reckoned with and a vital member of the Order. Fabian could surely do much worse than with Miss Vance. And I did hear that your mother and sister are thrilled as Fabian has asked permission to officially court Miss Vance. I would think you would feel much more cheerful about the subject, Gideon."

Gideon's reply is fiercely kicking a pebble across the Hogsmeade cobblestones. Alastor sighs to himself as Gideon grumbles, "It's the cursed fault of the latest bout of lovesickness that is going about the Ministry. How did that happen?!"

Alastor carefully eyes the younger man and slowly says, "Gideon are you envious of their relationships, or is this regarding other romantical interests?"

Gideon sharply eyes Alastor Moody, who calmly eyed him back. "Lad, I've seen it all," Alastor snorted. "And your sexual preference is not about to cause me to suddenly change my mind about you, lad."

Gideon merely shrugs and says, "Despite your surprisingly being open-minded, Alastor my sexual preferences have always been and will always remain with women."

Gideon paused as they neared a lamppost and passed by it. "It's just," Gideon was silent for a moment. "It's just that I feel that the time Fabian and I have together is drawing to an end. And we've always been close, and I can almost actively feel the junction in our crossroads grower nearer with each day."

Alastor sighs and said, "Lad, there always comes a time when parents, siblings, children must all separate and walk their own paths. And as for your brother and you, it's not as though you won't see each other nor much less are moving across the sea. You'll still be close just not living in each other's pockets."

Gideon flushed a bit in embarrassment and muttered, "I'm not being dramatic, Moody!"

Moody is thankfully saved the trouble of continuing the conversation as they slip into the smelly barn of Aberforth, the owner of Hogs Head Inn. The goats happily trot around and call out to them. Not having any time to pet any of the goats, they both move to knock on the door.

Without a single sound, the door is wrenched open. Aberforth doesn't even speak to them as his piercing irritated blue eyes hidden behind spectacles merely dare them to say a single word and they will be hexed. Neither of them speaks as the tall, lean bartender with long, neatly trimmed gray hair merely moved out of the way and pointed at them to get out of his sight and head upstairs.

The two Auror's obediently make their way up the creaky stairs as the door is loudly slammed behind them in anger. The two wizards enter the loft to find the room a bit crowded. There in the corner standing next to the square-jawed Bones brothers is the red-head large-nosed Fabian Prewett and standing closely at his side is a stately looking young witch with her usual emerald green shawl around her shoulders, Miss Emmaline Vance.

The two Auror's blink at seeing the corner of the loft be crowded with six new figures, four of which were newly partnered Auror's, while the other two were members of the Ministry of Magic. The four newly Auror's nod their heads in unison at spotting Auror's, Alastor Moody, and Gideon Prewett.

Gideon Prewett nods back at them, while Alastor Moody turns towards the two seated figures per usual, Elphias Doge and Albus Dumbledore. Alastor nods in apology to the two Wizengamont members and says, "Sorry for our tardiness, we ran into a bit of trouble and had to double back thrice to lose our tails."

Dumbledore's blue eyes solemnly study him as his long, silver-white hair glistens under the light of the fireplace. "It is understandable considering what is at stake now," Dumbledore quietly said.

Turning towards the newest members, Dumbledore says, "Welcome officially to the Order of the Phoenix. Let us go ahead and begin to introduce ourselves."

The six new members all look at each other until the only single within the group steps forth. A rather pretty, petite witch with tan skin, warm eyes, and curly hair playfully winks at them. "I'm Auror Dorcas Meadows, I've just been paired up to a more senior Auror. And it is an honor to serve with all of you."

Emmaline Vance hides a smile at seeing her friend introduce herself thusly so. But Dorcas Meadows was always rather cheeky for a Hufflepuff. Emmaline often wondered why Dorcas hadn't been sorted into Gryffindor including everyone else. But then again Dorcas Meadow's sorting had been a hat standstill. Either way, it was Gryffindor's loss and Hufflepuff's gain.

The senior members of the Order nod at Auror Dorcas Meadows, when the tall, dark wizard with broad shoulders steps forth. His smooth head gleams in the light as does his single hoop earring. In a slow, deep reassuring voice, he says, "Kingsley Shacklebolt, a recently paired permanent Auror," before stepping back.

The only other female in the group is married with auburn hair, brown eyes, and pale skin as she steps forth. "Same as Kingsley, Auror Marlene McKinnon, married with two children," Marlene delicately announced earning soft chuckles from around the room.

Square jawed with thick straw-colored hair, the wizard said, "Sturgis Podmore, a newly appointed paired Auror. A pleasure to be serving with all of you, ladies and gents."

Much more reserved with light skin and short hair, the wizard says, "Benjy Fetwick, Member of the Ministry of Magic serving directly under Barty Crouch as his protégé."

Several brows are arched at that, but then again, there must be more than what appears at first glance to the young wizard. Barty Crouch to accept a protégé such an individual must not only be talented but have a keen eye. For Barty Crouch was many things, but a fool was not one of them.

Benjy Fetwick maintains his composure despite being appraised by so many eyebrows. Eying his nervous year younger friend, Benjy offers a faint smile to his friend. The darting, wide-eyed young man swallows. Pale with chocolate hair, the wizard in question swallowed and said, "Caradoc Dearborn. Member of the Filing Department in charge of the Personnel Files."

More than one member nods in approval of said position. A paper pusher position within the Ministry of Magic, true, but a useful one at that. All employee personnel files would pass through Caradoc Dearborn's hands. And would be available to review and pull from the filing system without any repercussions.