
After the return trip from Hogsmeade, everything returned to normal, or at least appearance-wise it did. However, all that personally knew James and Lily noticed that Lily went out of her to avoid James. None of them dared to ask any of the mentioned parties except Pandora, who had been the last one to see them that weekend day. Much less none dared to even ask Rowan since lately she tended to have a perpetual scowl on her face that could be attributed to her Prefect responsibilities. But then again it was Rowan, and none of them dared to provoke her lest they be the ones to bear the brunt of her wrath.

In such a fashion the next week started, but all too soon such thoughts are shoved aside as even the busybodies became busy with homework or other activities. It became even busier for Rowan and Severus as it was their week to patrol the castle in the evenings after dinner. The castle had already begun to be especially cold at night as an unseen breeze within the castle walls caused the torches to flicker in the late evening causing formless shadows to twist and move.

Drawing lots at the start of the week, Rowan had won or lost as one saw fit, but she would patrol the corridors. Her footsteps can be heard as she patrols the first floor. Tugging her warm cloak further around her, she turns down a familiar, but empty and but well-lit corridor for a much-needed break.

Leaning against the stone wall, Rowan removed the latest letter from Petunia out of her pocket. Holding up the letter in the light, she feels her hands shiver at the night chill. She would have to add a pair of warm leather gloves to her evening patrols from now on. But that could wait until next time.

"Dear Row,

I'm somewhat annoyed by the fact that you only have just recently replied to my latest letter. But I know from your most recent letter and that of my lovely boyfriend that the two of you are right busy right now. That and even Lily has written to me, which is a miracle in itself as she'd never really written to me before. But I guess with us getting closer as of late, still, I feel a bit cheery that she still remembered to write to me despite her Prefect duties.

(Annoying business really if you ask me. It sounds quite posh right out of one of them fancy prep schools. But then again like you said before it is like they still live in the Victorian Era, ugh.)

I must admit with great relish, I snickered perversely the entire time I was writing a reply to Lily's letter. I would never have thought in a million years that Lily would ever come crying to me much less the idea that magic could not solve everything! But there you have it.

Then again, it has been just as crazy all over the country. Why just on the 9th not too long ago the IRA left a pipe-bomb at the Green Park Underground Station! A man was killed and over twenty others were injured! And that is only the latest pipe bombing as there has been a bombing every month since August. On the telly, riots and protests are going all about, but worst of it all no one wants to go out anymore. Everyone is afraid that the IRA might bomb another public place, which isn't that far out of the question. Even Dad was anxious about going to London to visit an old friend, but he still went and came back a bit pale really. Muttering something about hooligans, rioters, and whatnot.

There is not that much going really except that mum and dad are looking forward to watching Fawlty Towers on the Telly. I would rather much watch Doctor Who, but there's only one telly in the house-."

Halting, for the time being, Rowan neatly folded the letter up. (The IRA is also officially known as the Provisional Irish Republican Campaign.) She could certainly understand to an extent and even sympathize with their sentiments, but their means to achieving their goals left much to be desired for. They were trying to excuse themselves by saying, that the end justifies the means, but the sins of innocent bloodshed can never be washed away. And she knew better than anyone as her hand clenched in reflex at recalling the destruction of the Philosopher's Stone.

Turning her mind away from muggle politics, for the time being, Rowan reaches into her pocket and pulls out a silver pocket watch that her grandfather had gifted her. Since Severus's had their fathers for his own personal use, Reginald had one made specifically for her usage. The silver pocket watch was a thing of beauty with smooth curves and intricately carved wood and plant-like details. She rather liked it to be perfectly honest.

Glancing at the time, Rowan closes her eyes and calling up her world mapscape. Instantly figures appear on the map as Rowan finds two students making their way to the Astronomy tower. Hiding a smirk, she opens her eyes and teleports away.

With a smirk on her face, Rowan pulls away from the shadows as the couple freezes at seeing her. "Good evening, Joon Chang, and Rosaline Thorpe. It is a rather late outing for a seventh and sixth year Ravenclaw, don't you think?"

Joon Chang, no doubt the father of the future Cho Chang is handsome with olive skin, sleek dark hair, and a tad short. However, the future Mrs. Chang if it is to be guessed right is a petite witch with a freckled nose and chocolate eyes, and coffee-colored hair. The two made an attractive couple if a rather short one. And Cho Chang had been quite the lovely witch despite being so short that even the green-eyed Potter had been taller than her.

Joon Chang warily eyes the Slytherin Prefect and asks, "I don't suppose you'll let us go without a detention now will you, Prefect Prince?"

"Twenty points from Ravenclaw," Rowan replied instead causing both to wince at her reply. "Now run along, I won't do anything more nor speak a peep about the subject."

Rosaline Thorpe's face brightens with notable relief. The sixth year Ravenclaw gratefully murmurs, "Thanks, Prince."

Rowan merely nods as Rosaline pointedly stares at her boyfriend. Joon Chang reluctantly says, "Thanks, Prince."

Rowan watches the couple creep back down the stairs holding hands. Shaking her head, she leans back against the wall to study the grounds. It would not do her any good to have too good of a record or else she would be stuck with perpetual patrolling duty.

Severus was down in the Slytherin quarters keeping an eye in the common room for sneaky first years, who might want to have a night duel or in twitterpated older years. Needless to say, Severus never took a single point away. But the tongue lashing that he gave them made them regret ever having thought to sneak out. In retrospect, everyone in Slytherin privately agreed that Rowan was much nicer when in comparison to Severus. Not that they would ever remark such a thing out loud, they weren't stupid, nor did they have a death wish. Because the Prince's if anything else were just as vengeful and petty as their ancestor, Salazar Slytherin.