Yet Again?!

Much like three years ago, a familiar scene is taking place in Hogwarts. Dawn had yet to arrive as the sky had only just begun to lighten, and turn a violet color on the horizon. There was a chilly, brisk morning air as the Deputy Headmaster strides determinedly towards the Headmaster's quarters until she arrives before the ugly gargoyle, which guards the way.

The figure of Professor Minerva McGonagall can be seen wearing a fluffy, red bed robe tightly wrapped around her body to keep the castle's chill away. Her dark hair hangs loosely around her shoulders, while her sharp eyes gleam brightly with a tough of crow's feet around them. Her square glasses hang neatly on the bridge of her nose as her lips twitch in a frown.

"Exploding Bon-Bon's," Professor McGonagall grumbled as the Gargoyle moved loudly to the side, before heading up the spiraling staircase. As the staircase rises higher and higher, Minerva McGonagall cannot help, but wonder to herself as to why the Headmaster's passwords were always an itinerary of sweets? Though then again, the Albus truly did have an awful sweet tooth. There was never a single time that she could not recall when she had not seen him with some sort of sweet on him or offering a sweet to another.

The spiraling stairs come to a halting stop before a gleaming oak door with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin. Minerva only politely knocks as usual and does not wait for a response as she knew the Headmaster would already be up at the early hour. A still slightly sleepy-looking Dumbledore is seated at his desk in a fluffy blue robe with a matching colored nightshirt and nightcap.

The scent of a freshly brewed Mocha Frappuccino drifts through the air. Ever since the house elves had requested pay and days off, the house elves had gone to extraordinary lengths to better serve. Ignoring the wonderful foods, they had returned with that also included drinks. Every morning was a surprise and delight for Albus Dumbledore. There had never been such a variety of drinks before that he eagerly found himself partaking in every single drink that was presented before him. Why it was like Christmas every day! Although, there were some drinks which he did not care to finish, and the house elves understood that it was a drink that was never to be served again.

"Oh, good morning to you too, Minerva," Dumbledore greeted her rather good-naturedly with glittering child-like blue eyes peeking out from half-moon spectacles.

"Albus, I fear that it has happened again," Minerva duly replied with resignation visibly heard in her voice.

Dumbledore blinked owlishly at her in bewilderment. "I am afraid, Minerva, you will have to be more concise. Was it Peeves again?"

"No, Albus, but rather Professor Zephyros is missing," Minerva replied in a dry tone.

"Oh, dear, how most worrisome," Dumbledore said as he gently tugged on his long beard. "And you are certain that Professor Zephyros has not simply wandered off again into the Forbidden Forest to communicate with the Spirits again? He is rather prone to wandering off as you well know."

"I thought as much, but I found Hagrid wandering in from the Forbidden Forest," Minerva flatly murmured. "According to Hagrid, he was in the forest all night, and he never encountered Professor Zephyros at his usual spots. And Filch was most insistent that Professor Zephyros had yet to return as Mrs. Norris did not encounter our Divination Professor all night long not even once during her patrol."

A flash of scarlet and gold feathers flash as Fawkes glides away from his perch, before coming to perch on the Headmaster's chair. Fawkes lets out a chiding cry, before Dumbledore sighs and says, "Well, in that case, Minerva, if you would round up all the Head of Houses and the Prefects; and have them search the grounds and the castle, I shall begin by inspecting some of Professor Zephyros usual spots including his personal quarters."

Dumbledore paused and glanced at the delicious steaming mug sitting on his desk. "But first, I shall finish this lovely drink before me."

Minerva stopped herself from replying, "Filch and Mrs. Norris have already setoff to awaken the Four House Heads." Instead, she cryptically replies, "Very well, Headmaster," before turning on her heels. If you asked her, the Divination's Professor would not be sorely missed. The man constantly smelled of herbs, and frankly, she thought the subject of Divination would at long last be finally retired!

Before Minerva closes the door behind her, she hears the headmaster remark to himself, "Well, at least it was not Professor Prince. Mm, Reginald Prince would not be an easy man to appease."

With a shudder, Minerva shuts the door behind her and rapidly hurries away. Most certainly not! She had met the man for the first time during the past year, and she had found herself awestruck and utterly terrified of him. There was a coldness to him, which Albus had never possessed even at the height of his power.

No, Albus for all his power and machinations was rather warm, but Reginald Prince was anything but that. There was a deadliness to him that could not be feigned and only belonged to those that were acutely familiar with death. And she like the rest of the Professors had heard the rumors of the legendary dueling champion, all great without a doubt, some were less than savory and quite dark. And after having personally met the man, she was under no illusion that said rumors had a very likelihood of being true.

The point certainly had been proven with the hiring of Georgine Prince to fulfill the vacant role of Professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts. As the Deputy Headmaster, she had found Georgine Prince to be rather disorienting. Ignoring the temperament of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and though lacking when in comparison to her elder brother's power, Georgine Prince was a powerful witch herself and was extraordinarily sensitive to magic.

Why just the other day, whilst they were gathered in the staff room, Professor Prince had without asking proceeded to accurately describe some of the spells which each of them had cast earlier that day. According to Georgine Prince, she could still sense some of the lingering magic on each of them. Naturally, they would have all scoffed Professor Prince's words, if she had not been deadly accurate and had in fact not been present in their classrooms at that time. It had been a bit of a sobering moment and had left them all with a bit of awe towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor including Minerva.