Rachel Grimond Ⅵ

The following morning was a very strange scene both in Gryffindor and Slytherin. However, unlike the Gryffindor's who tried to be overfriendly and failed in putting their new proteges, Slytherin's tended to take a much different approach. After a brief word with the kitchens and Professor Slughorn, Rowan and Severus had a private brunch set up in the common room for the mentors and the newly assigned protégés.

The rest of the Slytherin younger years weren't that envious of their same year mates as they understood that said same year mates truly needed the aid. That and the two Prefect Prince's were in favor of such a system for that year alone. As such, the rest of the Slytherins remained silent on the subject since Rowan and Severus were Salazar Slytherin's descendants and their words were absolutely to be set in stone.

In a corner of the room, the figure of Quyen Crowley can be seen sipping her tea carefully eying the scraggily-haired second year in front of her. According to Rowan Prince, she'd dropped off a shampoo, lotion, and bruise balm for the girl off all ready to use. And which showed as the girl at least looked and smelled clean.

Putting her teacup down, Quyen delicately nibbles on a bit of a biscuit as she continues to study her protégé, Rachel Grimond. The girl wasn't a hideous beast, but her hair needed to be trimmed, and that yellow pallor of her needed to be correct. Overall, simple beauty potions would correct the hair and cause her complex to look better. Food and proper eating habits would fix the yellow skin tone, but those manners were simply atrocious.

Quyen physically winces at hearing the girl loudly slurping, before wiping her mouth on her robe sleeve. Putting her biscuit down without so much as a crumb, Queyn says, "Well, I suppose that we should properly introduce ourselves. I am Quyen Crowley, and I look forward to our future association as pupil and mentor."

"Tis fine," Rachel grumbled as she stared at the pale older girl before her. Crowley wasn't ugly, but she had a scrunched up sour face, and thick curls. She looked like she was a nagging one, alright.

"Miss Grimond," Quyen firmly said, "It is my duty to ensure that you are properly educated and taught Slytherin values. I will do my best to do so, but I expect for you to properly answer when spoken to."

Rachel makes a face, before slowly saying, "Yes, Miss Crowley."

"Good," Quyen nods her head in satisfaction. "Now then, please tell me about your parents, Miss Grimond."

Rachel makes a face and is about to reply like she normally does, but a scowl from the older girls causes her to halt with her mouth open. Closing her mouth, Rachel slowly tries to speak properly, "M', I mean, my dad and mum are both squibs. Dad's a bit of a dreamer, and mums got a bit of a temper. But they're both good to me, they don't hit me nor abandoned me when I got bitten. But they tend to fight a lot about money as Dad can't keep a job. But with the new Ministry initiative, Dad's managed to get a job, and so will mum as she can send m', I mean, my liddle brother to school to learn, while she works."

"I see," Quyen tactfully said with a bit of envy in her eyes. At least, the girl's parents cared for her, the same could not be said for herself. She was just an irksome tool to be sold to the highest bidder for the best price.

Leaning back, Quyen says, "In that case, I will sponsor you this year as well. I will ensure that you properly learn how to speak, etiquette, and I will also ensure that you have the required schooling items such as a new wardrobe, and other items as needed."

Rachel flushes bright red in humiliation and protests forgetting to try to speak properly. "But jus' can't! M' dad and mum did their best to buy m' stuff. It's not much, but it's mine! And I won't have ya saying otherwise! And besides, Prefect Prince already gave us transfer students' warm cloaks and the like!"

Quyen feels a touch of pride and delight at seeing the younger girl defending her parents in such a brave fashion. "I meant no disrespect," Quyen truthfully said. "From what I understand, your parent's finances will no doubt improve over the course of the year. However, that being said, I can more than afford to do so as your mentor. I do not mean to belittle your parent's work, but I do believe you could use a few more robes along with clothing, and to have the robes that you already possess be a bit more tailored. As for school supplies, parchment and ink are at times difficult to come by, and I can more than easily proved them."

A bit more mollified by the statement, Rachel slowly relaxes into her seat as she carefully eyes the older girl in front of her. However, she was a Slytherin and she knew a good bargain when she saw one. She wasn't a Gryffindor too prideful to throw away their pride in face of such an opportunity. She was a Slytherin, and Slytherins were all about self-preservation!

Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Rachel warily says, "So, you're one of them rich purebloods, huh?"

"My family certainly possesses sufficient for our needs," Quyen cryptically replied.

Rachel rolls her eyes and says, "Ya don' need to lie, I get that you're rich. Anywho, you engaged like some of the gals?"

Quyen flushes pink and coyly says, "No, but I do have a sweetheart."

"Really?" Rachel murmured in amazement. "Ya don' look the type to have one."

Quyen frowns at her protégé as Rachel hastily says, "I waz jus' speaking da truth! I didn' mean anything by it. It's jus', well, I thought you might be like them friends of yours that are already engaged to be married."

"Oh, well," Quyen much more calmly said. "No, my sweetheart is in my year, and he's a Gryffindor."

"Huh," Rachel said in obvious disbelief. "Well, I reckon that miracles can happen." With a shrug, she glances over at the time and adds, "Well, we best finish eating, and head off to class."

"Yes," Quyen muttered in reply as she grasped her knife and fork and began to cut the toast and eggs in front of her.

Rachel is just about to dig in when a pointed cough from the older girl causes her to look down at how she was holding her silverware. After quickly peeking at the older girl, she adjusts her grip and properly begins to cut into the eggs and toast in front of her. To her amazement not only does she properly cut the toast and eggs without much difficulty, but all without making a mess!

"Blimey!" Rachel muttered under her breath. "It really does work!"

Carefully copying the older girl for the rest of the meal, Rachel manages to not only eat properly but all without so much as dirtying her robes with a splotch of food. It was the first time for her and left her feeling quite proud to boot!

Rather cheerful, Rachel excused herself from the table and hurried to her class. She'd show Martha and Lucy everything she'd learned, and they'd surely be very proud of her! That and her roommates had invited her to lunch that day, and this time she wouldn't embarrass herself! It was going to be a good day; she just knew it!