Culling Ⅲ

The snow tracks in the snow had slowly begun to disappear when loud popping sounds can be heard as a group of Auror's appeared further down the street from the Monarch Pub. Unlike the raid, there are no junior Auror's present only veteran and senior Auror's. Leading the group is a middle-aged wizard of average height with wavy brown hair reaching the collar of his neck, Alastor Moody. The wizard is ruggedly handsome with several scars. One across his eyebrow skipping over his eye and ending just below. Another at the tip of his nose, one across his chin but halting at his neck. And the last is a scar across his cheek running all the way out into the air.

In a Scottish borough, Alastor says, "We've got precisely one chance Auror's, the Minister of Magic and our own head of department, Urquart is counting on us. We have to catch them all in one single swoop!"

"Just to verify, Auror Moody, the ruler of the Underworld, Mr. Sanderson will be sending out a rather large group of murders and such criminals to be taken completely unawares is that correct?" Asked the dark brown-haired wizard with a square jaw, Edgar Bones.

"Well, when you put it that way Auror Bones that does indeed sound a bit like an ambush," murmured in agreement the handsome red-haired Auror, Gideon Prewett.

The large-nosed, red-haired Fabian Prewett rolls his eyes and elbows his brother causing him to glare back. "I'm sure what my brother and Auror Bones mean to say Auror Moody is if we will be able to successfully ambush such a group. They are most certainly the unsavory sort, but they happen to be the utmost dangerous. And I doubt they are the kind to even lower their guards for a second considering the crimes they have committed without being caught."

"That is a natural concern to have Auror Bones and Auror's Prewett," calmly answered Alastor Moody. "However, they are under the impression that the Auror's are otherwise occupied. That and the Monarch pub does not permit to apparate on the premise. Should the criminals even attempt to retreat into the pub, they will be attacked by two of Sanderson's most trusted men, Hyde and Floyd."

"Mm," Edgar Bones said with a bit of an arched brow. "It would seem that Sanderson has been planning this for some time, Auror Moody."

"I wouldn't know about that," Alastor Moody said with a bit of a grin. "I just do what I am told," earning a guffaw of laughter from those around them.

"Either way, we should take care," interjected the solemn voice of Percius Clements. He had lost weight again after Damocles Belby's death appearing far gaunter and slenderer to not arouse worry in those that knew him. "We lost six good Auror's in the attack that took Damocles Belby's life," he sternly reminded them.

"We won't have another repeat, Auror Clements," Alastor Moody assuredly replied. "We were taken unawares then, but this time we have the upper hand." The other Auror's murmur in agreement as the snow continues to fall over them coating their clothes and sticking to their faces and hair.

"Enough chitchat," Alastor grumbled, "everyone to their position!"

"Yes, sir!" The Auror's chorused, before in fluid fashion moving into their positions. These were some of the best-trained witches and wizards the Auror's had to offer. They had to be or else they would not have survived this long otherwise.

With the Auror's spreading out in pairs of two, Alastor Moody partners with Percius Clements for the duration of the ambush. Carefully out of earshot, Alastor sends his friend, Percius a concerned look. "What was that, Percius?! Tis fine and all to warn them to be cautious, and another is to damper the atmosphere!"

"My apologies, Alastor," Percius answered with a bit of a sigh. "But I do not think I can bear to see one more death on my watch."

Alastor grows more visibly concerned as he furrows his brow. "Percius, I think it is best that you take a leave from work after this. With Damocles Belby's death still so recent, I think it would do you well to take some time from fieldwork even if it's just desk work for a time."

"I'm fine, Alastor," Percius firmly shrugged off his friend's concerns. "I've just been a bit tense and worried with everything else that has been ongoing that's all."

Alastor does not look convinced in the least bit by his friend's response, but he knows that now is not the time to argue with Percius regarding the matter with an ambush to take place. Falling silent the two of them hide themselves the only way Auror's can despite wearing scarlet robes. Casting the Disillusionment spell to blend in with the snow, the Auror's cease to move remaining alert and ready for the signal to attack as another Auror casts the Obliteration Charm to remove their footprints from the snow. Lastly, the Quietening Charm is cast by Senior Auror Edgar Bones over the group to soften any rustling sounds or words that may by accident occur, "Quietus."

Small piles of snowdrifts began to form on their shoulders until even the bravest of Auror's was shivering from the wet and cold as none dared to wear hoods lest snow form on them and give their positions away. Their laments are broken by the door of the pub loudly slamming opening causing the Auror's to grip their wands tighter in their palms. The Auror's subtly peer at the Auror in command, Alastor Moody.

Alastor Moody with his free hand signals them to wait until more of the group had emerged. The criminals continued to draw closer but still Alastor Moody held firm until they could nearly see the white of their eyes.

Alastor Moody immediately lifted his wand in signal as the tense Auror's immediately began to attack as they had been instructed too. Immediately after Percius casts the Blocked Barrier spell that sealed any apparating point for witches and wizards in the nearby vicinity. They'd not be able to escape in that manner.

"Arrresto Momentum," Alastor Moody cried out slowing the group of witches and wizards before them enough to allow the barrage of spells from the Auror's to land.

"Confundo!" Cried out an Auror confusion those before them, while another silenced their foes with, "Silencio," the silencing charm causing their foes to fall temporarily mute.

Edgar Bones went for the most logical approach and attacked with the Area Spell. An omnidirectional shockwave stunned all their opponents in the small radius before them. With a sudden opening, Edgar Bones fearlessly darted forward attacking the next group.

Not losing any time, Fabian and Gideon Prewett reinforce the rapidly advancing figure of Edgar Bones, "Stupefy!" Fabian cried out stunning all those that he can, while Gideon conjures a length of silver rope from the tip of his wand to bind the stunned targets as quickly as he can. They'd not let anyone escape their sight if they had anything to say about it!