Culling Ⅷ

The collective departed from Mundungus Fletcher leaving behind the single fragment tied to the vessel's magical core to watch and observe. The fragment retreats deeply in the vessel to protect itself. However, the unspoken question was if that would be sufficient to preserve the fragment's life. The collective could afford to lose a fragment as they could generate another with sufficient time. And yet time was a precious commodity as of late.

With an abrupt shiver, Mundungus Fletcher returned to himself and blinked in panic. In the distance, Sanderson can still be heard humming as he finishes the last of the preparations. "The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes. Along came a blackbird, and snipped off her nose," Sanderson loudly belted the last line of the ditty, before clearing his throat as if sheepish at his out-of-tune singing. "Lads and Lasses, I am certain that you are bewildered as to your current predicament. The self-righteous old villain that I am shall proceed to further elaborate. But first, let me proceed to introduce our final guest of honor."

"Wingardium Leviosa," Sanderson said with a wave of his wand. From behind the ale barrels, a trunk emerges and shoots forward, before falling loudly before Sanderson. "That ought to have awoken our sleeping beauty," he jested out loud before prying the trunk open.

Inside semi-awake is the still dazed figure of Mulciber Sr. He blurrily blinks but is unable to see due to the sudden darkness. Last he recalled was the whore! Mulciber Sr.'s head rises in fury. That conniving WHORE! He'd slit her throat that's what!

From the distance it seemed, Mulciber Sr. heard the whisper, "Imperio." A sleep-like feeling overtook him as the whisper said, "Sleep for now," before everything faded away into the darkness again. He slumped back down into the truck and curled up innocently sound asleep.

Seeing the sleeping form of Mulciber Sr. deep under the effects of the Imperius Curse, Sanderson turns away for the moment to face the crowd. "Now, I was asked a teensey-weensey request from our lovely Minister of Magic and by my lovely wife, Clarice to straighten out. As such, I have decided to be a most upstanding citizen and husband. However, that being said, I am aware that I may not be able to as you lot happen to be the most murderous and treacherous of fellows. Naturally, as an upstanding reformed citizen and husband, I cannot allow any of you back onto the streets nor shall I condemn you to the cold grasp of Azkaban."

Sanderson waved his wand and whispered, "You shall not remember me, Mulciber. There is a lovely potion in your pocket, which you will drink once you are done. Now wake up, Mulciber, and take your wand from my hand."

With a soft snore, Mulciber Sr. awoke with his eyes still dazed. Through a blurry fog, he sees everything before him. A blackened shadow holds his wand out to him. Taking back his wand, he hears the soft whispering voice say, "Now kill them all, Mulciber. Let out your rage and anger at the betrayal of the whore. You will come to when all of them are dead."

With a vicious expression, Mulciber Sr. gladly accepts the command and begins to slaughter those before him. He laughs and smiles as he tears the bodies apart and is dyed in crimson and wetness. Screams and cries hold no meaning to him as he unleashes his full uncontrollable wrath. One by one they all painfully die including that of a toothless wizard, and a short, bangy wizard.

The rain of crimson wetness finally ceases as the only scent left in the air is the scent of blood and death. Feeling thirsty, he licks his lips and finds it a bit salty. Spitting out the taste, he reaches into his pocket for a cool drink to drink as asked. Uncorking the potion, Mulciber Sr. downs the potion in a single gulp, before tossing it aside and letting out a rare burp at the strange, burning-like sensation.

In the distance, the sounds of pounding footsteps can be heard as Mulciber Sr. frowns and touches his wet hand to his wet face. Peering down with some confusion, he stares at the blood dripping down his hand. Startled, he takes a step back to nearly slip and fall on the slippery floor coated in dark rivets of crimson.

Dozens of corpses lay across the stone floor along with strewn body parts. Heads and limbs had violently been torn off, while other corpses had been turned inside out, and others slashed into mincemeat. Holding back the urge to vomit, Mulciber Sr. frantically attempts to wipe his hands clean only to find that he is covered in blood, bits of flesh, and organs.

The first Auror arrives at the horrifying scene out of the worst of nightmares. The walls and floors were painted crimson, and even somehow the high ceiling. The Auror in charge is square-jawed with dark brown hair, Edgar Bones. Holding back his fury and the urge to be sick, he casts the Disarming Charm. "Expelliarmus!"

Immediately, Mulciber Sr. is disarmed as his wand flies out of his hand. Blinkingly foolishly for a moment, he quickly composes himself despite being drenched in blood and bodily parts. "Auror's, thank goodness you are all here. A dreadful murder has occurred!"

Not allowing Mulciber Sr. to speak another word, Edgar Bones says, "Petrificus Totalus." Mulciber Sr.'s next words are abruptly cut off as he falls back stiff and bound to the gore-covered ground. The Auror's, who had to descend behind Edgar Bones and had finally caught up to him only to witness the hellish scene before them. Several turn away as those with weaker stomachs begin to hurl against the wall.

"Accio Mulciber's Wand," Edgar Bones hissed with a trembling voice of barely repressed anger. The dripping, wet wand of Mulciber hurls towards Edgar, who catches it in his outstretched arm.

"Senior Auror Prewett's to witness!" Edgar Bones ordered as the handsome red-headed figure of Gideon Prewett stands alert as the large-nosed Fabian briskly nods back despite looking rather wane from the carnage before them.

"Senior Auror Gideon Prewett witnessing under oath Senior Auror Bones performed the Reverse Spell," Gideon firmly answered.

"Senior Auror Fabian Prewett witnessing under oath Senior Auror Bones performed the Reverse Spell," Fabian grunted, before clamping his mouth shut.

"Prior Incantato," Edgar Bones said as a spark of gold emerges from the tip of his wand and enters the wand of Mulciber Sr. gripped tightly in his other hand. A gold thread connects the two wands as spell after spell emerges before them causing more than a few Auror's to turn away with white-hot anger. After an eternity spells cease to be cast as the dungeon falls silent.

"Mulciber Sr. is to be taken immediately and celled," Edgar Bones briskly ordered. "This report will not be spoken about and will be taken directly to Head of Law Enforcement Elphinstone Urquart. Any Auror found to betray the status quo will be found under threat of departing from the Auror Corp. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Senior Auror Bones," the Auror's chorus in reply.

"Senior Auror's Prewett will accompany me and the prison. All other Auror's are to catalog the dead, the scene of the crime and the testimonies of Hyde and Floyd is taken again. Are there any questions?"

"No, sir!" The Auror's shouted, before moving to fulfill their duties no matter how gruesome.

However, before Gideon and Fabian Prewett can haul Mulciber Sr. can haul him to his feet, he begins to convulse as white froth emerges from his mouth. Mulciber Sr. sees the Auror's panic as he tries to scream but is unable to. It feels as though his insides are on fire! Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes as he dimly hears the Senior Auror Edgar Bones shout for a team medic and immediate transportation to Mungo's for treatment under Auror surveillance.

Despite the pain and bone-shattering agony, Mulciber Sr. lips twitch into a sneer. Once at St. Mungo's he'd demand that his lawyer be called from Gringotts. Goblin lawyers although expensive were the best to employ. They'd saved many a pureblood from the grasp of the Ministry of Magic for a hefty fee, of course. And though he was presently indisposed and not certain of his present predicament, he was confident he would be able to overturn everything.

With that thought in mind, Mucliber Sr. blissfully passed out into darkness certain of his victory. But the there is a certain proverb that says, "He who laughs-lasts." Because once can't be certain who will have the last laugh in the end.