Entreaty Ⅲ

It was later in the evening at 12 Grimmauld Place as the clock read as past nine. Down the halls filled with the portraits of countless generations of Black family members, the frames shine without a single speck of dust. The Black home glistens with polished wooden stands, glowing banisters, and shining waxed floors. The metal artifacts of silver, gold, and goblin silver shine from being thoroughly polished including the chandeliers. The ancient rugs have a luster as if new and are a richer color. Thanks to Finney, their latest house elf, their residence, 13 Grimmauld Place finally lived up to its full potential.

It had not occurred to Walburga nor Orion that Kreacher had been getting on in years nor the fact that Kreacher required spectacles. Oh yes, Finney ran a tight ship! Finney produced magnificent culinary creations and was an excellent massager. It was a tad troublesome to say, but Finney received two days off a month and had her own private funds set up for her own personal use.

Walburga and Orion had been nervous at first to grant a house elf such freedoms. To their relief, they swiftly learned that Finney used her time off to learn new things and properly dress herself or purchase items to recreate that which she had learned. "By limiting a house elf, a house elf can never properly serve," at least that was the common phrase now used by all the pureblood households to ensure that their house elves were properly trained in accordance to Hogwarts standards.

In one of the parlors, the Black couple can be seen relaxing. Stern with dark hair and sharp features, Walburga Black gray eyes eagerly read the novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It was a muggle book, but it really was quite good. She rather approved of the writer's sentiments but had been forced to purchase the book at an outrageous price from a muquib vendor for Flourish and Blotts had yet to finish setting up the new section of muggle books that were all the rage and were in high demand in wizarding society.

Seated at her side is her husband, the handsome dark-haired, Orion Black with elegant features. His gray eyes coolly read the Daily Prophet's evening edition with contemplation evident on his face. A soft pop causes them to glance up as a pretty, young house elf with chanel-like hair, wide brown eyes, and dimples bows to them while a silver tray floats gently onto the stand before them. Wearing an adorable French outfit with even a white cap, Finney says, "Master and Mistress, Finney has prepared milk tea with a hint of brown sugar. Finney has paired the tea with egg tarts, freshly churned sweet cream, and topped with fresh fruit. And if that is not the preference, Finney also made a basket of steamed buns filled with sweet red bean filling and egg custard."

"Thank you, Finney," Walburga said as Finney bowed and said, "It is always a pleasure to serve," before vanishing with a pop.

"Most excellent," Orion said as he folded his paper and set it aside. With care, he opened the closed woven basket to reveal steaming perfect round buns. With care, he took the still steaming bun and blew on it, before taking a bit. "Oh, hot," he huffed, but he continued to eat the delicious goodness.

"Orion," Walburga said in disapproval of her husband antics, who only gave her a sheepish look. The dessert from the orient had become one of Orion's favorite deserts as it was not overly sweet nor heavy with a distinct taste. Not that Walburga minded as she was rather fond of the dessert herself and it was one of the more popular desserts currently in society to serve to guests.

They had been enjoying their tea and sweet course when a loud pop caused them to glance up with a bit of a frown. It was Kreacher. Kreacher was their old house elf with a bulbous, snot-like nose, his bloodshot eyes were gone since he had gained spectacles. Although he still had many folds of skin that moved when he did with white hair now neatly trimmed and no longer growing out of his bat-like ears. He wore a neat black jacket over a white toga with the Black family household crest.

"Kreacher apologizes for interrupting, but Kreacher has an urgent letter to deliver from the young master, Regulus," Kreacher said as he bowed his head down with his nose nearly touching the nose.

Walburga extended her hand and took the letter from Kreacher's hand. "You did well, Kreacher, you may go," she said with gratitude in her voice.

"Kreacher only lives to serve, Mistress," Kreacher sincerely answered, before bowing again and vanishing with a loud pop.

Walburga carefully studies the red sealed wax on the letter. The wax showed the engraved coat of arms of their house that could not be forged nor used by another Black family member. It was that of two dogs baring their fangs at a shield with two stars and a blade therein. Underneath the shield, there are very faint letters to be made that read, "Toujours Pur," meaning, "Always Pure."

Satisfied that the letter is truly from her youngest son, Walburga slits open the letter with a wave of her wand. "What does it say?" Orion asked as Walburga began to read their youngest son's letter.

"It is from Regulus regarding Sirius," Walburga muttered as her gray eyes intently read the hastily written letter.

"What did he do now?" Orion exasperatedly said in alarm and annoyance. His eldest son was a profound mystery to him. He truly did not know how a child-like Sirius had been born from his loins.

A pleased smile appears on Walburga's face greatly startling Orion. "What is it?!" Orion asked with curiosity and alarm.

"Regulus states that Sirius has begun to court Tiffany Topsy. He has invited her to visit Hogsmeade this weekend and to be his companion for the Presentation Ball of the Prince grandchildren," Walburga said with great satisfaction. "At long last our eldest son finally has begun to see sense."

"Tiffany Topsy," Orion furrowed his brow. "She is the only daughter of Arnold and Helena Topsy. She is also the deceased Vasco Vespucci's fiancé and has earned the title of being a Bride of Death."

"Nonsense," Walburga chided her husband with a frown. She was not about to let the only pureblood witch that her eldest son had set his sights on out of her grasp. The girl was properly raised and more importantly, could even tame her boisterous eldest son. She was not about to lose the possibility of such an excellent daughter-in-law!

"Walburga," Orion began to say but is firmly interrupted by Walburga.

"Orion," Walburga firmly said in a tone of voice that a husband knows best not to argue with his wife. "Sirius has selected a proper pureblood witch and I will not have you saying anything against her. Not to mention that her mother, Helena is a Selwyn by birth and a member of the sacred 28 families. I will not lose such a prospective daughter-in-law because of mere superstition. Her being a Bride of Death is a misconception and we are all beyond that!"

Orion wisely decides to remain silent as Walburga continues," Now then I will immediately write to Arnold and Helena Topsy informing them that our son will begin to court his daughter and request formal permission for their daughter, Tiffany Topsy to be his companion at the Presentation Ball." Without bothering to wait for a reply, she sashays away to her quarters to write a formal letter to the Topsy couple.

Orion lets out a resigned sigh, before delving back into his snacks to console his soul. He was dreadfully disappointed and hence the reason he ate the entire basket of steamed buns by himself. It was emotional distress and not him being a glutton. Yes, it was exactly that.