Godparent Ceremony

It was just past midnight when Rowan and Severus were each awakened. Their grandfather, Reginald already properly dressed awoke Severus, while Aunt Georgine awoke Rowan. The two of them had been awakened at the hour of their birth. Despite being half-asleep, the two of them were ushered into already prepared baths with various herbs and scents. The two of them had been carefully instructed to wash every crevice of their body before they could don on pure white robes. They had been instructed that they must remain barefoot for the remainder of the ceremony.

Not long after Rowan and Severus emerged from their respective baths and dried themselves, before dressing themselves. Having finished dressing, they were seated in front of a vanity mirror in their own bedroom. With care, Reginald and Georgine gently dried their hair, before brushing it. It was custom for the newborns to be personally dressed by their parents for the ceremony.

Since they were nearly of age, it would be inappropriate to dress them nor aid them in bathing. However, the hair ceremony could still be conducted as was the tradition since the ancient archaic days, when godparent ceremony occurred only once the child had at least reached the age of 5 years old. With children dying young, it had been deemed prudent not to hold godparent ceremonies until the age was older.

Rowan's sleek, shiny hair lays mostly straight except for a small wave that runs through it. Severus's hair is left much the same way before each of them has small flowers carefully woven into their hair. Each of the flowers represented the wishes of their closest kin happiness, strength, power, valor, cunning, joy, wealth, happiness, and more. By the time the weaving of the flowers had been completed Rowan was beginning to feel drowsy.

A faint smile appeared on Georgine's face as she stepped back to admire her work. Her face turns solemn, "Remember that you are not to speak nor utter a single sound for the duration of the ceremony," she sternly instructed her great-niece.

Rowan mutely nods her head, before Georgine takes a beautiful delicate lantern and reverently lights it. Georgine bows and murmurs, "to lighten the path of the traveler," before extending her right hand for Rowan to take.

The two females exit the bedroom and encounter Reginald leading Severus in the same manner. Severus makes a face at his twin sister before the two of them are led through the dark chateau. The only light in the passageways is the brightly lit lanterns held in Reginald and Georgine's hands. Barefoot, the lavish carpets are soft under Rowan and Severus's feet. At times, the carpet feels a little too soft and tickles the bottom of their feet. They hurriedly stifle any sort of sound and hurry forward, before they let out a squeak and stifled a giggle.

The doors to the main hall are shut, before opening before them. The great hall is vast and dark as they enter it. The floors are made of marble and are extremely cold under their feet. Rowan and Severus are unable to suppress shivers of cold that race through their bodies.

Soft sounds of others breathing can be heard in the dark chamber from their relatives, the Verninac family, and the few that had been invited were present. In the middle of the hall, they come to a halt as one by one the candles in the darkness light up like splendid flower blossoms unfurling their petals to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of floating candles.

Blinking rapidly at the sudden light, Rowan and Severus's eyes take a moment to adjust. They spot the Verninac family before their eyes go to the front. There standing at the forefront are their would-be godparents.

A pale-faced witch with blue veins running under her flesh. Her gray eyes are firm and somber on her old worn face, but there is a twinkle of mischief in them resembling that of Sirius's. Dorea Potter nee Black was only five years younger than their Aunt Georgine, but she looked dozens of years older. Then again, she had lost her husband and only child early on in one go. Standing at her side looking a bit awkward is a short, aged wizard with wispy hair, warm hazel eyes, and knobby knees. Fleamont Potter looked distinctly uncomfortable in formal dark velvet robes.

At the edge of the crowd stood the tall, thin figure of James Potter. Rowan scanned over the figure of James Potter. He looked much better than the last time she had seen him. There weren't so many dark eyeshadows under his hazel eyes and his untidy black hair looked as though it had recently been trimmed. He looked like he had regained at least two or three pounds and did not look as gaunt as before. Still, he was far too thin to be considered a healthy weight.

Curiously Euphemia Potter was missing, but Reginald had told them the evening before that Fleamont had sent word that his wife was feeling ill and would remain at Potter Manor. He apologized for her lack of presence, but that he and his son, James would both be in attendance.

Suddenly Rowan feels Severus stiffen next to her and she turns her head to follow his gaze. She finds herself stiffening herself at spotting three incredulous figures. There standing before them is a pale, dark-haired witch with sharp features resembling vastly their own, Eileen Prince. She offers her eldest children a tentative, but sincere smile. Standing at Eileen's side is her husband, a salt-peppered-haired wizard with broad shoulders and a slightly crooked nose, Roderic Filch. Carefully cradled in Roderic's arms is a sleepy-looking little boy, who yawned loudly, but curiously gazed around at the scenery before him.

Rowan instinctively intertwines her left hand with that of Severus. She firmly squeezes his hand pulling his gaze back towards his twin. Severus offers Rowan a sickly smile before his face carefully hides the joy and pain at seeing their mother again. No matter what happened, they still had each other for they had always been together since the womb.

Any further thoughts are impeded as Reginald and Georgine hold out their lit lanterns before them. "We ask for guidance to light the path of these two children. Are there any among us that are willing to guide these children?"

Dorea Potter and Fleamont Potter step forth and loudly say in unison, "Of our own free will and choice, we step forth before thee. We in good faith step forward before all to guide these children on the path of life."

"So, mote be," Reginald and Georgine reply as they step aside and permit the two to take the lanterns from their hands in a gesture of their williness to be the guides of Rowan and Severus until they were fully grown. A circle of candles instantly encircled the six figures.

Reginald and Georgine each take a silver knife from their pockets and approach Rowan and Severus. "Beneath the witnessing gaze of the Great Moon, our gentle Mother in the sky, these children were born. Underneath the all-knowing gaze of the Great Lady of the Night, these children came into existence on the coldest winter's night at born at the latest of hours in the witching hour."

The silver blade's glitter brightly in their hands before they stab the blade into their forefingers. A great, big red drop swells from the tip and they each raise their forefingers to Rowan and Severus's faces. Reginald gently dabs his forefinger against Rowan's forehead and Georgine to that of Severus.

The familiar words from the ceremony of the young Barnabas Avery are heard repeated. "We the elders that have come before like the great pines that have sprouted seeds and seen them flourish," Reginald and Georgine said. "We the elders of the Prince line on behalf of these seedlings seek the blessing of growth and life. We seek that these children might be protected by a worthy sword and shield."

Reginald and Georgine switch positions as they each dab lightly blood on the face of Rowan and Severus. "Long have we searched and at last, we have found a worthy sword and shield. We bind them in a promise as old as time. And so, Magic of old, heed our call. Magic of old, come forth!" The candles abruptly went out leaving only 13 candles that are lit.

At that time, there were only six figures in the circle. If one counted the existence of Eileen, her husband, and her child that equaled nine. Sir Knight Prince's unholy existence and a pointedly though not imprisoned presence that was ten. But who were the 11th and 12th members? Then again, it was rumored that the dead were permitted to attend such events. Perchance Sirsa Prince and Tobias Prince were present, but who was the 13th candle. Wizards and witches were a superstitious bunch for good reason because magical omens tended to be very much real. Thirteen was a powerful number for its nearly perfect ratio of equilibrium and distortion at the same time.

If Trelawney had been present or her family, the Trelawney's would have surely made the sign to ward off evil. For all Sybill Trelawney had been mocked for her beliefs, she had never been wrong. Including the time, when thirteen members in Potter's time had sat down at the table for dinner and the first one to rise had been the one to die, Sirius Black. For there is no such as coincidence especially in the wizarding world only fate.