Prepping Ⅳ

They all quietly sit down in the foyer in the chairs as Louise happily takes over the conversation and begins to chat with Fleamont. With Fleamont otherwise engaged, Dorea and Georgine quietly converse, while James sits by himself and waits quietly. Truth be told, James felt rather odd with his current appearance. He'd never imagined himself with longer hair, but it was strangely convenient as his unruly hair for once could be tamed in some form. He had hardly recognized himself in the mirror as his reflection didn't seem to remotely resemble himself.

Excluding the clothing, his thin face looked far sharper giving him a more somber look than he would have ever imagined in his youth. His dark, black-rimmed spectacles had been changed to thin round silver spectacles that made his hazel eyes appear far larger and brighter than they really were. James had always known he had was relatively good-looking, but his current appearance showcased a previously undiscovered aspect of intelligence and a solemnity. He truly was a different person from the youth that he had remembered for he had been foolishly naïve and would have never possessed the gravity that he emitted at present. For he had been naïve and most cruel in the worst of fashions.

James is pulled out of his stupor by the rustling sound of clothes. He glances about to see his dad standing up along with everyone else in the hall. He hurriedly stands and turns to gaze in the direction that they are staring at. It was Severus Prince.

The tall, thin, handsome figure of Severus can be seen at the top of the winding stairs. His dark hair is elegantly pulled back to frame his face. His clothes and robes are similarly cut to those of James except in the colors of the Prince family crest. The outer robes are bluish with silver embroidery and a silver embroidered wyvern on the back of his outer robes. Pinned on his chest is a similar wyvern broach to that of James, but Severus turns slightly to the side to extend a white-gloved hand.

James glances past Severus to blink in surprise. Rowan's long raven hair is pulled up in a beautiful updo pinned with silver hairpins that are encrusted at the end with beautiful sapphire gems. Her gown is silver and glistens beautifully in the light with tasteful blue embroidery. Her slender body shows exceptional curves most painfully forged via a tight corset that caused her chest to appear much ample than it is.

Rowan looks elegant and sophisticated despite her surprisingly high neckline that only reveals a bit of her collarbone but hides the scar on her left shoulder. She had on light makeup to give her a softer demure and add a touch of color to her face. The tasteful, golden, thin spectacles only caused her midnight indigo, black eyes to appear that more vivid and bright. At that moment, there was something simply breathtaking about her. It was not finite like the beauty of Tiffany nor Bethanie, but something that could not be concretely pinned. Is a blooming rose more or less beautiful than that of the setting sun? There is an infinite amount of beauty in the world and not all are concrete as others but are no less astounding.

Rowan's lips press into a frown before accepting Severus's gloved hand to descend down the stairs. They gracefully descend down the winding stairs with Rowan nearly tripping at catching sight of James. For a moment, she had hardly recognized him, and her breath became stuck in her throat. She let out a loud breath and hid her embarrassment at being thus startled except that the tip of her ears turned a light pink.

Severus crisply bows to James and aloofly says, "I expect for Rowan to be properly escorted, Prongs," he added with a firm pointed stare down his nose in stern emphasis.

Rowan rolls her eyes at Severus and pulls her gloved hand from his grasp. "I am certain that I can take care of myself," she chided her twin. "Run along to the floo, I am certain that Lily will be arriving shortly if she is not already here."

Severus flinches before sniffing loudly and eagerly storming away to the floo hearth. His Lily was bound to look like a goddess. A lopsided smile appeared on his face as he vanished further down the hallway.

Rowan tsk-tsk's before turning her attention to James. "Well, you certainly look different, James," she truthfully remarked, "but it's not a bad look on you. I rather like your new spectacles." She had been sincere in her remarks because the new spectacles did not remind her of the yet unborn Potter.

James blinks self-consciously for a moment before his lips twitch with a bit of shy smile. "Thanks, Rowan," he quietly said, before running a hand through his hair. "I must admit, the biggest shock though is the fact that my hair can be tamed."

"Well, I am sincere when I say that this style looks good on you, James," Rowan honestly commented. "You should keep your hair that length," she paused in thought. "Though you may have to actually brush your hair every morning lest it becomes a rat nest."

"Thanks for reminding me," James said with a touch of sarcasm. "But, since my hair's neat for once, I might just keep it." And he would because it would serve as one less reminder of the past. At least in this manner, he could stand to look at himself.

James turned to eye Rowan for a moment, before clearing his throat as if embarrassed. "You look rather lovely this evening, Rowan."

"You don't need to lie to pacify me, James," Rowan said with a shrug. "I'm fairly certain that if I didn't look nice tonight then I probably never will."

"I'm not lying, Rowan," James retorted with a frown at Rowan's obvious dismissal of his praise. "You look beautiful in fact," he firmly reiterated. "I have the feeling that I am going to have fight droves of suitors tonight."

Rowan stares blankly at James before her ears turn a shade pinker than the previous time. Ignoring her embarrassment at the sincere praise from James, she is not able to hide the slight tilt of her lips upward revealing her slight pleasure at the praise. Changing the subject, she says, "Will you be returning home later tonight, James?"

"Mm, Dad said it would be late, but he didn't want to leave mum alone for too long," James warmly answered. "I think he's just worried since mum wasn't able to come because she wasn't feeling well. And well, it's the most they've ever been apart at least since I was born."

"Well, that's understandable," Rowan murmured in sincere understanding as neither she nor Severus had ever been apart since their birth. It actually hurt and almost seemed frightening to imagine the day when they would no longer be together. Unfortunately, that day loomed on the horizon creeping nearer and nearer the older they grew. Inevitably, the day would come when they would separate, but not yet.

Observing a trace of sadness and uncertainty flash across Rowan's face, James carefully interjects, "Speaking of which, I don't think my father likes your grandfather nor Professor Prince or rather I have the distinct impression that that feeling of dislike is mutual is it not?"

"Oh, the feelings of dislike are very much mutual," Rowan drily answered. "Apparently, grandfather is offended your father, Fleamont acted weak before others simply because he was a Gryffindor. Never mind the fact my grandfather was only a 1st year at that time while your father was a 7th year. And as for Aunt Georgine, I perfectly don't know the reason as for her dislike except that Aunt Georgine tends to follow grandfather's lead for the most part."

James' lips twitch ruefully and shakes his head. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about ever being forcefully engaged."

Rowan's face carefully remains poker-faced at James's innocent remark. Technically, it could still happen since the Potter household still had a marriage debt owed to the Prince family via the maternal Peverell family line. She would rather not reveal that fact lest James thinks otherwise.

Before they can further converse, the sound of voices can be heard down the hall. James stiffens at hearing the musical timbre of Lily's voice echoing down the hall. Seeing the rigid form of James, Rowan reaches with only slight hesitation, before her gloved hand takes his gloved hand. She firmly squeezes his hand in reassurance before withdrawing it.

James is startled to find Rowan holding his hand before she just as quickly withdrew it. For a moment he feels wildly embarrassed at being seen so vulnerable and yet he finds himself growing calmer. He did not know where that unknown confidence came from, but he knew everything would be alright as long as Rowan was at his side. It was a bizarre feeling that did not naturally belong to him, but rather he attributed it to his body. Because for some reason, a part of him simply trusted Rowan and he found that he couldn't argue with that sentiment.

Gathering courage, James offers Rowan his arm which she gently accepts wrapping her fingers around his forearm. Taking a deep breath, he straightens his back and walks forward. He would present a calm collected face to the world despite any emotional turmoil he might feel. He had a duty to fulfill as an escort and he would at least succeed in that endeavor. He would not fail Rowan in that aspect nor anyone else.