Guests Ⅱ

Peeking from the corner of Walburga's gray eyes, the dark-haired witch with sharp features nods her head in approval at Tiffany Topsy's proper demeanor. Walburga Black had despaired of ever finding a wife for his eldest, but here at long last, she had found a suitable bride. The Topsy girl was a proper Slytherin bride, a pureblood, and most importantly, her eldest listened to the girl. Something which Walburga could have sworn was impossible until she witnessed the sight for herself. It would be a most excellent match and Walburga could at long last rest easy knowing that the Black family would be preserved in excellent hands.

Walburga Black was not the only one observing the blossoming couple including the two other families accompanying them, the Topsy's and the Fawley's. The sinfully beautiful Lysithea Fawly pursed her lips at spotting the Topsy chit with the heir to the Black family. Lysithea pressed her lips into a thin line of displeasure. She could not believe that the Topsy chit would possess a higher ranking than that of her own daughter, Bethanie!

Lysithea's bright eyes accidentally meet the eyes that of Helena Topsy. Much like her daughter, Tiffany, Helena Topsy was a petite, elegant strawberry blond-haired witch. Helena's lips innocently blossomed into a bright smile causing Lysithea to grip her husband's arms tightly in anger.

Still, despite Lysithea's dislike of Helena Topsy, she would never fully express her dislike for the other witch. Helena Topsy unlike Lysithea was a pure-blooded witch born into one of the sacred 28 families, the Selwyn's. The Selwyn's were notorious for their cruelty and for all Helena's innocent appearance, Helena Topsy was a formidable and most deadly of witches.

Bogdan, a handsome, well-groomed wizard with wide shoulders glances over in the direction that his wife is looking at. Helena Topsy merely grins more at them causing her husband, Arnold Topsy, a medium-sized wizard with a fine mustache to arch his brow at them. He was not the only one as their son, Mycroft and his wife, Fionola Tyopsy also returned the gaze.

Understanding his wife's annoyance Bogdan turns away and whispers to his wife, "Ignore the smug wretch. Nothing is set in stone until there is a betrothal contract and even then, that is no guarantee if the chit's last fiancé is anything to go by."

Lysithea relaxes finally under her husband's words and smugly presses her chest into Bodgan's arm wordlessly promising to reward him later that night. Their eldest, son, Spurgeon, a solemn boy who looked much like their father refrains from any reaction. He and his siblings were already used to their parent's public antics, it was better to pretend otherwise. Still, at least, Esmond was left at home as he had yet to be formally presented into society as he had yet to turn eleven years of age.

The sound of a sharp cane can be heard behind the Fawley couple as if impatiently motioning them to hurry. They did not need to turn around to know the source of the cane sounds indicating the presence as that of Lucius Malfoy. The couple no longer tarried and hurried forward with their eldest son in tow.

Impeccable and elegant as always, Lucius Malfoy clutches a stylish cane that belonged to his father, Abraxas Malfoy. At his side is the mellow figure of his brother-in-law, Edward "Ted" Tonks. Much like Arthur Weasley, they were not accompanied by their wives, who had stayed behind with their children. The same applied to their mother-in-law, Druella Black, who was absent and had remained behind with her two remaining daughters.

They were not alone as there still existed several Malfoy side-branches on the old continent. The Malfoy side-branches were rather small passing mostly from father to son much like that of the main Malfoy branch. A unique aspect of the Malfoy family was that they were all born fair-haired with almost pale blonde hair that eerily resembled that of the Greengrass Matriarch, who was a Veela. Not that the Malfoy family would ever openly admit to possessing Veela ancestry, but their pale hair was a dead giveaway of their magical creature heritage.

Subsequently following were the forms of Secundus and Mercury Wilkes. The Wilkes family had been disgraced due to the actions of their eldest son, S.R. Wilkes. With the acceptance of Secundus Wilkes into the Board of Hogwarts and his friendship with the deceased Potion Master Damocles, Wilkes reputation had been largely redeemed. And with Lucius Malfoy permitting the presence of Wilkes near his family, he had all but whitewashed their reputation. The rumors would firmly be silenced, and the Wilkes would return to their former stature. Not that there wouldn't be a price to be paid as they would undoubtedly owe Lucius Malfoy and Reginald Prince a large debt for the invitation.

After these famalies came another influential pureblood family and Ministry members including Bartemius (Barty) Crouch Sr. His short grey hair was neatly parted as usual along with his narrow toothbrush mustache. He was accompanied by his wife, Bertha, a wispy-looking witch with straw-colored hair like their son. The freckled Barty Jr. happily followed his parents accompanied by his girlfriend, Leticia Bones, a square-jawed girl with flaxen hair.

Directly behind them were Leticia's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Bones along with their three other children, Susan, Edgar, and Jacques Bones. The elder sons were already married and were accompanied by their wives. The Bones were no less powerful than the Crouch's as Mr. Bones came from a long line of Auror's and Ministry officials. The Bones had always possessed power in the political circle for hundreds of years and they were never to be estimated. Nor were they alone as they were accompanied by various Bone branches of which many still actively flourished on the old continent.

They were followed by other families including the Prewett's. There was Great Aunt Muriel Prewett, an elderly witch wearing a full set of silver goblin forged jewel ensembles including a tiara. Escorting her is an old wizard with a long nose, Lancelot Prewett, a healer at St. Mungos. Behind them in an unprecedented event is their squib nephew, Geoffrey Prewetty with his wife, (Molly Weasley's second cousin). Now a popular and powerful investor at Gringott's Bank. The squib had become a source of pride for the family.

In attendance were also the Prewett couple along with their two sons, Fabian and Gideon Prewett. And their squib nephew, Geoffrey Prewett, who had been welcomed back into the family after becoming a successful hedge fund manager for Gringotts in the muggle world. He was accompanied by his squib wife, who had been raised in the muggle world. She was rather in awe of the party, but she knew that their excited children would eagerly await their return to hear about the fairytale ball.

To even the further delight of the entire family, Fabian and Emmeline Vance had married in a small wedding. The entire family had been delighted to welcome the newest family member, Emmeline Prewett (nee Vance). The newly wedded couple had recently returned from their honeymoon and were very much in love the only way that newlyweds can be. Tragically, for Gideon, it was a stark reminder for his parents and everyone else in the family to vehemently ask when he was going to get married. He was never going to hear the end of it!

Countless more families came after them such as the Avery's, Rosier, and the Nott family. Nott Sr. a widower was accompanied by his two sons. Dorian recently wed and his youngest son, Thaddeus who had yet to wed. The presentation ball was a perfect place to seek out a bride for his son. Personally, had his eye on Kain Shafiq's daughters who had yet to be betrothed and were said to be great beauties, Sihaya and Serana. It would be a most excellent match.

More and more families continued arriving, the Selwyn's, Crowley, Crabbe, Goyle, Sicca, Fowl, Pizzaro, Patil, Goldstein, and much more. Among those included the Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins accompanied by various other Ministry officials. The British Minister of Magic was not the only Minister in attendance as was the French Minister of Magic along with their ministry officials and numerous other ambassadors in attendance. The presentation ball of the Prince's was a great social and political gathering event. Negations could be conducted as well as sounding the rest of the Ministries of the wizarding world. Many ministries around the world were interested in the application of the Auto Data, the Magical Brain, and Wiz Link.

Among the ministry officials in attendance is Lyall Lupin who is unaccompanied by his wife nor son, Remus. His wife, Hope was far too gone in her pregnancy to safely portkey and not wanting to leave her alone, Remus, their son had happily remained behind. Apparently, the fancy ball's made Remus feel groggy especially the Yule Ball held in their 4th year at Hogwarts.

Thankfully, Lyall Lupin was not alone accompanied by the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Elphinstone Urquart, and his fiancé, Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Despite the importance of the event, the headmaster and apprentice Master of Rowan and Severus was unable to be in attendance due to a previous engagement. However, he had sent his two apprentice gifts and had properly excused himself from the event sending the Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress in his stead.

Guests continued to arrive until nearly the last minute. There is doubt that late-arriving guests would continue to arrive, but as they were late, they would be forced to enter on their own into the main ballroom. The doors to the main ballroom at long last close shut with the host and hostess, Phillippe and Louise Verninac entering the hall. The crowd grows quiet and solemn. The presentation ceremony was about to begin.