Presentation Ball Ⅴ

The waltz comes to an end before they can speak, they and the dancers halt briefly to applaud the rest of the dancers along with the crowd. A few seconds later the orchestra strikes up with Rowan and James dance together for a second waltz. A second waltz implied that there is possible interest, and a third or a fourth waltz only confirmed a strong genuine interest. There would be rumors afloat with their second waltz, but it would keep the would-be suitors off Rowan's back which she did not mind at all. She was used to rumors and she could far more easily put up with them than a young man, who simply couldn't take a hint.

Rowan wasn't the only one as she spotted the figure of Severus and Lily joining the dancing crowd. She sighs and quietly says, "When we turn right don't flinch just keep looking ahead, James."

James's hand instinctively tightens around Rowan as they turn right, and he spots Lily dragging Severus onto the ballroom away from two very enchanting witches. The light-haired witch had tan skin with fine features, while the dark-haired witch had pale skin and poised features. They were as lovely as the day and the night, and they had a throng of suitors surrounding them.

Avoiding the subject of his agony, James gazes past Severus and Lily at the two enchanting witches. "And they are?" He deliberately asked.

"I believe they are Kain Shafiq's two unwed daughters," Rowan wryly replied. "However, it is a lost cause, Aunt Georgine dislikes Shafiq's mother-in-law, his wife's mother. The two of them never got along in Hogwarts and I am certain that Aunt Georgine would rather see Severus wed Lily than ever allow herself to be related to that woman."

"And besides," Rowan sadly confessed as she gazed into James's hazel eyes, "Severus has only ever had Lily in his eyes since we were children. He has ALWAYS loved her. And Severus is even more stubborn than even me. He will never change his mind once his mind is made up. A dreadful fault to have inherited from Godric Gryffindor, I must admit."

James's hand tightens around Rowan's waist and hand, before painfully glancing away. After a moment, he hoarsely answers, "I know."

Rowan knows there is nothing that she can say to comfort James and instead remains silent. They remain silent for the rest of the waltz before the waltz ends. The crowd begins to applaud, but instead, James finds himself being dragged away by Rowan. "Wait, where are we going?" James protested, but not really as he allowed himself to be pulled through the applauding throng.

"For a breath of fresh air," Rowan replied over her shoulder, before leading James out through the adjacent ballroom doors into the open gardens. Some in the crowd watch them disappear with interest through the ballroom patio doors out into the gardens.

Among those is the figure of Andrew and Petunia, who had been part of the dancers. "What is it my Pet?" Andrew adoringly said to his lovely girlfriend.

"My dear Drew," Petunia explained as she craned her neck in the direction that Rowan and that Potter boy had disappeared too. "I do believe that those two might be more friends."

"Rowan and James?" Andrew blurted out in shock. "Impossible! They've been friends since their first year!"

Petunia arched her brow at her boyfriend. "Explain Lily and Severus then."

"Er," Andrew flushed in embarrassment. "It's just, well, it would be strange since Rowan knows that James still likes Lily, and I don't think she would ever select someone who's emotionally compromised. I think she has too much pride to be anyone's second choice."

"Yet, Rowan trusts that Potter boy," Petunia countered. "Your words might be true for anyone else, but Rowan rarely trusts in anyone." Andrew opens his mouth to protest, but Petunia continues, "Not like this, Drew. No matter how much she trusts you, she doesn't trust you as much as Potter. And besides, whether Potter admits or not, he trusts Rowan plenty."

Andrew thoughtfully falls silent, before making a clever expression. "Your words do make sense; Pet. Would you care to waltz?" He said changing the subject.

Petunia snorts and knowingly looks at her boyfriend, before accepting his hand. The two of them glide onto the dancefloor. She had used her own allowance to pay for waltz lessons and she wasn't about to let them go to waste! She felt that she was a competent enough dancer as not to embarrass herself. That and well, no one had truly noticed that she was a muggle, which only made her feel that much better. She was going to enjoy her night! And she did as Andrew and she became lost in each other's gaze for the rest of the waltz.

The temperature was relatively warm with the night stars glistening brightly overhead. There are bright, burning candle chandeliers in the garden enchanted to not go out by the light, but a cool night breeze. The gardens were not empty as several couples were leisurely strolling through the gardens or whispering nonsensical nonsense into each other's ears.

After several turns through the hedges, Rowan found an isolated location with a garden bench. Sighing in relief, she heads to the bench, before recalling the warm hand still held in her grasp. She instantly releases James's hand and sits down hurriedly to cover her frazzled emotions. She had completely forgotten that she was holding James's hand. A restless thought that pricked at her mind, but one that she did not pay further attention to.

James sits down to Rowan without an open invitation. The two of them sit there in silence each contemplating their own thoughts as they observed the starry night overhead. After some time, James breaks the pensive silence. "I suppose I have yet to thank you, Rowan."

"For what, James?" Rowan interrupted turning her neck to gaze at him. "I don't believe my actions require such merits. Believe me, it was for my own benefit as well."

A soft chuckle escapes from James' lips, before ruefully shaking his head at her. A whimsical smile appears on his face as he says, "I have the feeling that you've always like this from the very start Rowan is unable to accept praise nor sincere gratitude of others. That and if I am candid based on the journal entries of the post, I can firmly conclude that is an undeniable fact."

"That's your lot of Gryffindors," Rowan loudly sniffed. "I much rather prefer to remain in the shadows undisturbed. Thank you very much."

"Mm, but plenty of Slytherins like the limelight," James slyly countered. "Besides, I am certain it is just you, Rowan, since I've seen Severus accept praise much easier than you. And it's not as though you don't have any Gryffindor in you," he pointedly arched his brow at brow considering she was the descendant of Godric Gryffindor.

Rowan does not stiffen at James's comment, but the tip of her ears turned a light pink. She feigns indifference and instead says, "There is something I am curious about, James. Why did you accept to be my primary escort? You need not have attended and could have remained behind with your ill mother. It would have been a perfectly acceptable response and I am certain that I could have been escorted by one of the Verninac cousins in a pinch."

Rowan paused reading James's face before frowning. "You knew that Lily would be Severus's escort and you still elected to accompany me of your own free will and choice. And though we have been friends since our first year of Hogwarts, James, I am under no illusion nor the fact that we were forced to begin our friendship anew. We have only been friends for a few months at most and there is no need for you to go out of your way for me."

Rowan's expression changes at seeing James's face remain calm without revealing anything. "No, your expression reads that you did accept the duties of a primary escort out of your own free will. But why? What do you possibly have to gain?"

Rowan's voice trailed off as she studied him with cold contemplation, before raising her chin at him. "Well, you least have the nobility to be forthright with me?"

"I did not lie, when I said that I accepted the position as a primary escort because we are friends, Rowan," James carefully replied with the truth. Indeed, he would have never considered it otherwise. And as for his deal with Professor Prince, it was better the truth remained solely between the two of them.

Rowan carefully studies James's face but can find any sign of lying. For the moment, James had undeniably told the truth, but still, she could not ignore the strangeness of the situation. It was not that she believed that James was a vessel of Hydra, but at times like these even now she felt continually felt out of sorts. off her feet. Time and time again, she continued to be surprised by the present James, who even from before had always been a source of mixed feelings for her. She appreciated the more solemn, capable, and even cautious nature of James. Yet she found she missed the energetic, happy, Gryffindor that she had known ever since her first year of Hogwarts. She supposed if she was honest, she missed the innocence of James fort it was something that she lacked nor possessed.

Rowan finally nods her head at James in acceptance of his words. She turns away and rises to her feet. "We best return to the ball lest more rumors abound," she crisply said.

James acknowledges the statement and offers his arm for Rowan to take. Rowan gingerly accepts and the two strolled back in silence. Nothing seemed amiss between them as they returned to greet guests. Yet there was a hint of reservation between the two of them that had not been present before.