Aftermath of Giant Attack Ⅴ

Seeing the shaken state of Albus, Reginald waits patiently observing Albus until he sees the older wizard begin to return to the present from his thoughts. "In ancient times, it was believed that names given at birth held great power over the child's future," Reginald deliberately mused out loud.

"Albus for White," Reginald barely refrained from smirking. "Ah, yes, the great defeater of Grindelwald, but we both know that you are far from pure, Albus."

"Percival for the great hero of legend that also means to Pierce," Reginald coldly mocked. "How very adequate in retrospect, have you not pierced through everything in your life, Dumbledore? Yes, just like a sharp, jagged lance that cannot distinguish between friend and foe."

"Wulfric meaning Powerful," Reginald murmured keeping an eye on the changing expressions and color of Dumbledore's face. "And you are certainly powerful beyond any measure, Dumbledore. Ah yes, the greatest wizard of our time, so to speak."

Dumbledore's face slowly begins to stiffen under the onslaught of Reginald Prince's words. "Brian meaning High and Noble. It is almost sheer mockery, but then again, it was you, Dumbledore, who stated that you are that much more content to remain in your tower. Indeed, the Headmaster of Hogwarts has always been content to remain in his tower watching the world below him scurry around like ants. Yes, far too pure to descend down below and dirty his hands to fix the situation."

Albus's blue eyes begin to glitter with bitter winter's cold. The childish spark had completely faded away, but true anger did not yet reign within them. And see it thus, Reginald continued to speak trying to stock the fire within Dumbledore's heart.

"And last but not least Dumbledore meaning Bumblebee," Reginald loudly declared with a cold grin. "A clever bee that flies in circles to fulfill its perceived desires. A creature that can sting anyone including friend or foe who should cross their path or impede their goals."

Albus's face tightened in anger, but his blue eyes could not hide his inner emotions that were guilt and old pain. He could not deny that which had been said of him. It was ironic, but Albus Dumbledore had been named very appropriately.

"Ah, you are irked, Professor Dumbledore," Reginald deliberately taunted the elder wizard trying to rouse the old lion. "Yet even to this day, you continue hideaway pretending to be a cowardly lion in that tower of yours despite possessing sufficient power to change the world for your own gain or for the betterment of others!"

Taking a breath, Reginald paused to allow his words to resonate for added emphasis. "Despite all your confessions of weakness, Dumbledore, if you were truly as altruistic as you claim, you would have long ago given up your position as Chief Warlock of Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards."

A cold grin begins to spread across Reginald's face at seeing a certain spark beginning to burn in Dumbledore's gaze. The seed had been successfully planted. "You may lie to everyone else, Dumbledore, but we both know that a hungry lion still roars within you."

Albus's face hardens and he no longer appears as the kindly Hogwarts Headmaster, but rather a fierce and still incredibly powerful wizard. "Do not speak of that which you do not know, Prince!" A dreadful power and pressure begin to emanate from Dumbledore as if awakening from a long slumber.

"Much better," Reginald acknowledged with a gleaming grin. "This is who you truly are, Dumbledore, and the sooner you acknowledge the truth the better it shall be for all of us."

"I shan't ask again, Prince!" Albus hissed. "What is that you desire?!"

"Precisely this," Reginald pointedly replied. "Desist in hiding yourself away, Professor, you would do the world so much good to actively involve yourself."

The bursting power surrounding Albus abruptly dies leaving only suspicion in the depths of his blue eyes. "I can see your bewilderment, Dumbledore," Reginald plainly stated. "However, we both know that you and Gellert began on the same path so many years ago."

Albus flinches as if slapped as Reginald knowingly continues, "Foolish and idealistic. The two of you sought the same goal, a better future for wizardkind, and yet in the end your paths diverged with the terrible tragedy that took place causing an unprecedented fork in the road. It is ironic that the great tale of Albus Dumbledore both begins and ends with Gellert Grindelwald, is that not the case, Headmaster?"

Albus's blue eyes seem to shake in shock, before quickly recovering. "That time has come and gone, Prince," but he is unable to hide the caution in his eyes. Just how did Prince know about that summer. Less than a handful of individuals still knew about his and Gellert's shared past.

"I am an old man now and I am not the foolish youth I once was," Albus clarified after a wary pause.

"From where I am standing that man still very much exists," Reginald bluntly pointed out. "I will not force you, for now, Headmaster, but I beseech that you sincerely consider my proposal. You are far more useful in society than in your self-imposed imprisonment at Hogwarts."

"I fail to understand the inference, Prince," Albus immediately corrected. "I very much do enjoy my time as Headmaster at Hogwarts and nor in the future do I have any intentions to leave my post."

"Ah, but it is for the greater good, Headmaster," Reginald slowly said slightly relishing the brief emotional distress that flashes across Albus Dumbledore's face. "As I previously said, Professor, I will abide by your decisions for now, but my patience is not indefinite."

Reginald begins to turn away as Albus flatly says, "Or what, Prince? You will force my hand as you did with the Wizengamot today? Do not believe for an instant that I did not notice nor recognize your manipulations?!"

Reginald half-turns to face Albus Dumbledore with the tips of his lips curling in a cold smirk. "Ah, just as I thought," he slowly said, "you did not fail to notice my actions, Dumbledore. And yet you did not out me before the Wizengamot nor the Minister of Magic. You used me just as much I did or as Geller would have infamously put it, it was for the greater good was it not, Headmaster?"

Albus stumbles back as though he had been violently struck across the face. "The sooner that you desist in pretending and hiding behind that weak façade, Professor, the better for all of us," Reginald muttered. "That is why I know exactly what I am, Professor, but the more pertinent question is do you know who you are?"

Without waiting for a reply, Reginald turns away and waves his wand once to unlock the doors, before departing from the dungeons. A cold victorious smile is on his face. He had successfully planted the seed within Albus's heart and sooner or later that seed would begin to sprout he would make sure of it.

The doors slowly close shut behind Reginald but not before revealing showing the stricken pale face of Albus Dumbledore. A mix of self-loathing and mixed emotions flash across Albus's face before the dungeon doors shut loudly. There is a finality about the sound that echoes throughout the Ministry Halls and beyond. The sound echoes like the ending of a chapter and the start of another.