Pyre Ⅲ

On the morning after the attack, James and his father, Fleamont Potter had departed early from the manor. Rowan nor Severus had not much time to speak prior to his departure except to say goodbye. However, they had all sensed that something was off as Fleamont and Reginald had spoken to each other in a civil manner without any hidden barbs. Far more concerning was the fact that Fleamont Potter slept in the same clothes that he had been wearing the previous night before. It was an ill omen.

Rowan and Severus frowned together and shared a glance at seeing the rushed departure of James with his dad, Fleamont Potter. "That's strange," Severus drily remarked.

"Yes, it is," Rowan frowned further in agreement.

Before the two of them can discuss the subject even further, Aunt Georgine descends upon them wearing a bright red festive gown with golden tassels and embroidered wyverns. The robes were styled in fashion from the East with a high neck collar. Rowan and Severus both instinctively take a step back at seeing their aunt in such a bright color, (Gryffindor colors, really).

"Oh, good the pests are finally gone," Georgine said with a pleased smile.

"Aren't you up early Aunt Georgine," Rowan warily remarked.

"There are plenty of things to get done," Georgine pointedly said and motioned for them to follow her. Rowan and Severus warily glanced at each other until Georgine shouted at them, "Well, hurry up! I don't have time to dawdle all day!

"Says the women who sleeps in until late afternoon," Severus huffed under his breath, but both he and Rowan quickly moved forward to catch up with their aunt.

Georgine led her great-niece and nephew to the family parlor. A great large freshly cut pine tree is waiting for them inside. She deeply breathes in the scent of the pine, before sighing in contemned. "Brother was gracious enough to chop down a tree this morning." She pointed at the freshly cut tree. "He's rather busy this morning, but the three of us are going to decorate the tree together."

"The three of us?!" Rowan and Severus squawked in shock.

"Of course," Georgine arched her brow at the twins. "We are family."

Rowan and Severus nearly start choking out loud but are saved by the timely arrival of Tadbey with boxes of ornaments. "Here," he curtly said, before vanishing away rather grumpily.

Georgine's lips twitch in a satisfied smirk, before moving her wand to open a box. Ornaments begin to fly out from the box and hang themselves onto the tree. "Hurry up with the Tinsel!" She snapped.

Rowan and Severus both refrain from sighing and do as they are told. It took them a better part of the morning to complete decorating the Christmas Tree to Aunt Georgine's satisfaction. Though Sir Prince Knight did waltz into the parlor at some point and participated by offering compliments and positive criticism. Not that Georgine appreciated the feedback as at one point she had lobbed several decorations at the family ghost, and which passed harmlessly through Sir Prince Knight's ghostly body.

Then the day only got stranger as they were roped into making homemade gingerbread cookies and gingerbread houses. Never mind the fact that they had never been allowed to cook at Prince Manor. After all these years Rowan and Severus's cooking skills were largely rusted. Yet that is exactly what they did. If Rowan didn't know any better, she would say that Aunt Georgine was attempting to keep them occupied or rather distracted all day long. Although poor Dawn was severely distressed by the time, they finished baking in the kitchen especially since Aunt Georgine couldn't seem to tell the difference between salt and sugar…

By the time, they were done with family activities that had all been enforced by Aunt Georgine, the day had ended. Taking a hint from the day before on the morning of Christmas Eve, Rowan and Severus made certain to sleep in late. They lazily ate brunch later that morning, before having a rousing snowball fight on the grounds. It had been a rare jovial display as they laughed, shouted, and pushed each other. It was not that they were not concerned about the giant attacks (especially Rowan), but sometimes it was nice to simply act their age without any worry or concern. Why even Tadbey had joined in once little Ladley decided to play with them. A bright moment amid all the stark gray of winter.

It was past noon by the time, they retreated inside half-frozen, but with ruddy cheeks. After removing their wet clothes and changing into warm comfortable clothes, Rowan and Severus lazily spread out before the fireplace to read. They munched on tasty snacks and sipped hot drinks enjoying the rare moment of peace they had not had since becoming the Slytherin Prefects.

It was late in the afternoon when their relaxing Christmas Eve is interrupted by Tadbey. "The Master requires the presence of the young master and young mistress," the house elf solemnly stated.

Rowan and Severus look up from their books and reflexively glance at the time, before glancing at each other. They both silently converse with each other with their eyes. "Did you do anything?"

"No, I didn't."

"And you?"




Interrupting the unspoken conversation, Tadbey says, "Master stated that it was important."

"Fine, please tell grandfather, we're on our way, Tadbey," Rowan replied causing Severus to groan before Tadbey vanishes to deliver the message.

"Ug, and I was so comfortable to boot," Severus grumbled under his breath as Rowan hummed in agreement. It had been a rather nice day and now they were going to have to chat with their grandfather. What a bummer.

Striding through the corridors, Severus remarks, "So, what do you think this about, Rowan? I mean I thought our presentation ball went rather well considering the circumstances."

"So, did I," Rowan replied with a shrug. "But it's grandfather, who knows maybe we didn't correctly greet someone or ignored someone of importance."

"That would explain it," Severus sighed before they arrived at their grandfather's study. The oak study door is open as they walk in closing the door behind them as they do.

The fire warmly crackled in the fireplace in the chamber, but Rowan and Severus stiffen at seeing the somber appearance of their grandfather. They quickly sit down fearing the worst. Had their presentation ball failed due to being canceled? They didn't have to have another one, did they?!

"I have news for you, both," Reginald solemnly said.

"Is that why you have been having Dawn hide the Daily Prophet from us?" Rowan arched her brow at her grandfather.

"In part," Reginald replied looking older and now more his age. There are traces of shadows under his eyes deepening the crow's feet already present. "Rowan and Severus," he paused to gather his breath, "it is my duty to inform you that in the giant attack at Mould-on-the-Would Eileen Filch perished with her family."

Rowan's face goes completely blank almost devoid of emotion. She does not show her turbulent feelings that bubbled beneath a lake of ice. And for now, the frozen lake surface had yet to show any cracks.

"No, no, no," Severus repeated loudly, before abruptly rising. His chair falls back onto the carpeted ground. "This must be a joke, grandfather! A cruel one at that!"

"There were not sufficient remnants to be buried, their remains were part of the public pyre earlier in the afternoon," Reginald continued to explain. "I have already passed by the Filch family cottage and removed personal effects of Eileen and the child. I had Tadbey place the contents in the attic should you wish to see the personal effects."

Severus onyx-colored eyes glance wildly about before he feels a firm, reassuring tug on his wrist. He harshly turns around to meet the midnight black indigo-colored eyes of his twin, Rowan. Severus's gazes soften down as the two of them communicate in silence.

Severus's dark onyx eyes had grown more bitter and older. And a single moment, he'd lost traces of his boyish innocence becoming that much more of a man. He had begun to grow up resembling much more the Severus Snape of another place and time.

Rowan's eyes fill with sorrow at the impossible transformation that occurs before her. She had always and only wished the best for Severus, but that was an impossible feat. And she could not stop the flow of time and life even if she could.

Severus's face grows colder while onyx eyes seem to grow darker. He gently tugs his wrist out of Rowan's grasp, before apologetically turning to their grandfather. "I apologize, grandfather, I spoke out of turn," he hoarsely croaked.

Reginald woodenly nods his head at his grandson. He presses his lips together uncertain for a moment, before saying, "In the parlor under the Christmas Tree, I left the gift from Eileen for the two of you. The gifts had been previously wrapped and sat under the Christmas tree at the Filch family home. The two of you need not wait until Christmas Day to open them."

"Thank you, grandfather," Rowan quietly said. "Might we be excused?"

"You may," Reginald's face momentarily softened at that moment. For all his portrayed indifference for his disowned daughter, Eileen, he still had cared for his only child. And his child's death was no less hurtful than that of his beloved, Sirsa.