Christmas Day Divulges Ⅳ

Much later in the day that same Christmas evening, Severus had finally awakened. Despite having slept, he still felt exhausted and without energy. Yet it was tradition for the family to have a Christmas dinner. Forcing himself to compile, Severus rose from the couch and returned to his chambers to wash and ready himself for dinner.

By the time Severus was ready to descend downstairs, Rowan was patiently waiting for him outside his door. The two of them did not speak a single word in mute understanding that neither had any desire to speak. As they traversed the corridors the scent of gingerbread, rolls, turkey, honey ham, and countless other delectable delights filled the air. Yet their mouths did not water at the scents but rather tasted of ashes.

Rowan and Severus were the first to arrive in the dining room. The golden chandeliers hanging overhead glittered like diamonds. The mahogany dining table glistens newly polished. There are glorious freshly scented wreaths with incense filled with species, the scents of memories past.

Not to mention the glorious feast that is already laid out on the mahogany table. There are fat, roasted, glistening turkeys, a thick steaming honey ham, platters of roasted potatoes, mashed potato and gravy, seasoned fried vegetables, tureens of buttered peas, and cranberry sauce, and much, much more. Why every inch of the table is seemly covered in glittering silver and gold platters filled with food. If one listened closely, the dining room table almost seemed to be groaning under the sheer weight of the food.

Rowan and Severus stood there in the hallway for some time, before stepping into the dining hall. They automatically took their customary seats in the dining hall. They sat there in silence trapped in the memories of Christmas past.

Unable to bear it any longer, Severus filched a fresh dinner roll from a basket of still steaming rolls. "Oh, hot, hot," he whispered tossing the roll between his hands to cool. Tearing off a chunk, he tosses it into his mouth. "So gut," he lied trying to break the tension in the room, before taking another bite out of his bread roll that tasted only of ash to him.

Rowan wrinkles her nose at Severus, before grabbing a steaming roll for herself. She understood what Severus was trying to do so she followed his lead. Yet upon taking a bite of the perfectly soft steaming roll, she tasted nothing but ash in her mouth. Her lips twitch in a flicker of a smile at the obvious lie that Severus had said to her. How could the food be delicious, when neither of them has had an appetite since the day before. Nevertheless, they still had forced themselves to eat because that is what the living does.

Severus pretends to sneak another roll when Rowan gently slaps his hand away. "Ouch!" Severus hissed in fake pain pulling his hand back. "What was that for?" He growled rubbing his hand in feigned pain.

"You won't have room for dessert later," Rowan solemnly chided with a hint of mirth.

Severus' own lips twitch weakly, but he can't bring himself to smile. But he did not want to worry Rowan just as he knew his twin was also attempting to lighten the atmosphere in her own way. "Fine," he murmured in feigned resignation, before changing the subject. "So, have you started on your proposal yet?"

Rowan winced in annoyance and resignation. She hated to admit it, but she was deeply behind on her research on many forefronts. With her stacks of schoolwork and countless Prefect Duties, the only time she ever researched her own line of inquiry was late at night. And even then, it was only for two or three hours at a time. Typically, she was so tired at night that her eyes closed involuntarily without her input.

"I have at least started on it," Rowan grumbled, before staring down her nose at her twin. "And what about you, Sev? I mean with dating Lily and all, I haven't exactly seen you studying."

Severus snorts and opens his mouth then closes it. He sheepishly glances away unable to retort the statement. When not studying or completing his Prefect duties, he would usually spend his time with beloved Lily.

Seeing Severus remain silent, Rowan's lips twitch into a smirk, but before she can speak, the sound of footsteps can be heard. The two of them turn to the door to see Sir Prince Knight ghostly form glide in first. The ghost is followed by Grandfather, who looked rather dashing in his robes. Close behind him, Georgine follows wearing a blue, silver embroidered dress in the Prince family colors. Yet their eyes were not drawn to her, but rather to the shy toddler held in her arms dressed in comfortable, rich robes.

Severus onyx-colored eyes become fixated on the toddler. A sense of familiarity arises from the little boy. The boy indeed looked like Aunt Georgine with sharp cheekbones and a long straight nose. He was pale and dark-haired much as they usually tend to be. Yet the little boy is stouter than Rowan or Severus and will likely be a broad-shouldered man when fully grown.

However, Severus couldn't shake the feeling he had met the child before. A sick feeling begins to grow in the pit of his stomach, before turning to eye his twin. Rowan's midnight indigo-colored eyes meet his own coolly. At that moment with no need for speech, he implicitly understood the unspoken confirmation.

A wave of nausea threatens to overwhelm Severus before he closes his eyes in an attempt to breathe deeply through his nose. His breath sounds shrilly in his ears, and he is barely able to hear his grandfather's words. "I present, Rodrigo Prince, your cousin."

Severus is unable to hear the rest of his grandfather's words over his too-loud breathing. He didn't need to hear what his grandfather was saying to know THAT child must have been blood adopted by Aunt Georgine. THAT child was now his cousin and though he had never borne any resentment towards the child that did not mean that he was completely ambivalent either.

After a while, Severus feels a cool and warm sensation pressing against the back of his neck. Breathing more calmly, he turns his head to meet the concerned gaze of his twin. He presses his lips together and nods at his twin, slowly straightening up. Rowan removes her hand that held a small bag filled with conjured ice that had been pressed against the back of Severus's neck.

Severus notes the concerned expressions of his grandfather and the apprehensive expression of his Aunt Georgine. His eyes naturally gravitate to the curious toddler held in her arms gazing with awe at the feast setup up in the dining room. The dark eyes of the toddler sparkle as he licks his lips with great expectancy towards the abundance of food.

Truthfully, Severus wasn't certain that he could truly accept THAT child. It was true that he did not hate the child. But that child also represented HER betrayal. Yet this child would not be HER child, but rather Aunt Georgine's. And strangely enough, that made all the difference in his mind.