New Year Gathering Ⅳ

The four siblings finally retreat together to sit down with Marius Jr. and Marcel trailing after them. Once Pollux is seated and has composed himself, Walburga says, "It is my great honor to present the descendants of Eduardus Limette Black. I am pleased to present Annis Black and her brother, Eaton Black. And the two descendants of Eaton Black, Thurman and Harmon Black."

"The family welcomes the descendants of our many great-uncle, Eduardus Limette Black," Pollux sincerely said followed by murmuring nods.

Annis nervously bows, while Eaton's face rapidly darkens at spotting a certain relative with hair parted exactly in the middle and a tooth bar mustache that resembled the style of Adolf Hitler. Thurman and Harmon know better than to try to appease their dad. The war was a sensitive spot for him, and they were better off not bringing the subject up.

"Please have a seat," Walburga said, "and permit me the pleasure to present our family in turn." The party of four takes a seat with Eaton's yellow eyes remaining fixed on their relative whose hair and mustache resembled that of Adolf Hitler.

"I will commence with my husband, Orion Black," Walburga indicated to her handsome husband, who nodded at the family. "Arcturus Black, the 3rd, my husband's father," she said causing startled looks to appear on their faces of Annis and her nephews, Thurman and Harmon.

"My sister-in-law, Lucretia, and her husband, Ignaitus Prewett, were lost in the attack at Fernburgh," Walburga quietly said as Arcturus (Ⅲ) Black let out a loud sniff. Marius bows his head towards his cousin to expresses his condolences. Marius Jr. stiffly does the same, while Marcel's eyes fill with sincere empathy and understanding for the loss.

Pointing to the red-haired son and white-haired father, Walburga says, "Septimus Weasley is our in-law by marriage having married Cedrella Black. This is his youngest son, Arthur Weasley, who married Molly Prewett, but who is currently absent at present." She paused and quietly adds, "The second son, Ronell Weasley is currently at St. Mungo's recuperating, and as for the eldest son, Bilius Weasley, we tragically also lost him in the attack at Fernburgh."

Annis's face grows sad while her nephews Thurman and Harmon gaze with concern at each other. Their father and aunt had warned them that war was coming. But they had not truly believed it until now as they began to hear the actual casualties from within their estranged family.

"The two daughters of my belated brother Cygnus, Narcissa and Andromeda," Walburga said and their husbands, "Lucius Malfoy and Edward Tonks."

Lucius coolly greets them while Ted flashes the family a friendly smile. Annis smiles back at Ted and Andromeda having got to know the couple. Considering their daughter's age, she thought that little Dora would get along fairly well with Thurman's and Harmon's own children. And she had been told there were more children than Dora and she was rather excited to meet them all.

"You have already met my father, Pollux, and his two sisters, Cassiopeia Black, and Dorea Potter," Walburga gestured at, before signaling at the remaining couple. Eaton's eyes narrow expectantly as he waits for the last couple to be introduced.

"The son of Caspar Crouch and Charis Black, Bartemius Crouch Sr., whom we all call cousin 'Barty' and his wife, Bertha," Walburga murmured, before saying, "Now that introductions are finished on our end if Uncle Marius and Cousin Eaton would do us the pleasure of introducing their family members by name that we might know them."

Marius leans on his cane forward and chokes back a sob. "My only son, Marius, the second," he said pointing to the cold-faced man. "And my grandson, Marcel." He paused and sighed. "I have a young great-grandson named Marcellus, an only child." His voice grows dimmer as he continues, "Our wives were all lost in a sudden accident shortly after his birth."

The Black family members murmur their loss before they all turn to look expectantly at the weathered old man, Eaton Black. "Our family is a long line of squibs," he proudly said, "my sons are as well, Thurman and Harmon."

Eaton's yellow eyes narrow pointedly into glints. "However, my sister, Annis is magical enough. Our Dad married a hag and Annis is a talented potioneer," causing the plain-looking Annis to flush at her brother's praise. "But if you've got a problem with our being descended from Hags speak now or forever hold your peace."

"A hag?" Lucius's blurted out with interest. His blue eyes expectantly study the plain-looking woman. "You would not have participated in the protection of the Ministry of Magic and are part of the war efforts would you know, Cousin Annis?"

Annis blinks in surprise and says, "Why yes, I was there with many of my hag sisters. And I also continue to participate as part of a rotating team providing aerial support to the Ministry of Magic."

Lucius hides a smug smile and says, "Then it is our honor to be in your presence, we are honored to have you as part of the family." And the rest of the family politely applauds Annis causing her to flush bright pink in embarrassment.

Lucius pointedly shares a glance with Orion and Barty over the applause. To have such a relative would be most excellent of use in the political field. It would appear that abrupt pronouncement to accept the exiled family branches had been a most excellent of decisions.

"Wonderful," Walburga said, before loudly saying, "Dinner is to be served."

With a loud pop, Finny and Kreacher appeared carrying heavy-laden, but floating trays behind them. Thurman and Harmon gaze in awe at the tiny creatures in suits with pointed ears. Why even Marius Jr. is mildly impressed by the scene. The food is quickly served, before Kreacher rasps, "Dinner is served," before the two house-elves vanish.

The family begins to eat, but Annis and her nephews stare blankly at all the silverware. Seeing the blank look on their faces, Marcel leans over and whispers, "Start with the silverware on the outside and work your way in." Annis and her nephews gaze in thanks to their newly found cousin before commencing to eat.

The only family member not eating is that of Eaton Black, whose gaze remains fixated on Barty Crouch. Annoyed at being signaled out, Barty Crouch frowns and stiffly says, "Cousin Eaton is there something the matter?"

"It's your bloody mustache and hair," Eaton growled causing the sound of silverware and chewing to abruptly cease.

"Language, brother," Annis chided her brother.

"My hair and mustache?" Barty blinked in utter bewilderment. "I fail to see what the problem is?" The other Black family members also stare in confusion except for Marius Black and his family. Marius Black was a survivor of the war and his son and grandson had been educated in muggle private schools. He knew exactly which dictator cousin Eaton had a problem with.

"They are replicas of Adolf Hitler."

"Adolf Hitler and who is that?"

There is a bit of a puzzled silence at the table as Annis glances anxiously at her brother, Eaton, who looks like he is about to explode. Anxious to explain she says, "Adolf Hitler was one of the main reasons for the second great world war or as you would know it the second great muggle war. He was a dictator, who slaughtered countless other muggles on a whim. The style that distinguished him was his hair that was carefully parted in the middle and his tooth bar mustache."

"A vile murderer, you say?" Barty said with great distaste. "Excuse me," he abruptly said, rising to his feet and departing from the dining room. His wife, Bertha, glances around and quickly excuses herself running quickly after her husband.

Annis looks apologetic and she nudges her brother with her elbow accusingly. Eaton unwillingly says, "I apologize for my rude behavior, but I fought in that muggle war. And I lost my parents in an airplane bombing along with my two younger sisters."

Eaton sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his calloused hand. "At that time, Annis was just a babe during the bombing and she was the only survivor just out of pure luck. And I just don't have many fond memories of those two things combined."

"Your rash remarks were not made out of ill will, cousin," Walburga, "your rashness is pardoned."

The rest of the family murmurs the same, before Arthur says, "I am sorry, but would you speak more about the muggle great war. Father says, he still remembered the great muggle metal birds in the sky dropping awful smelling eggs that exploded and splattered most terribly upon the ground."

Curious even Lucius expectantly waits to hear more on the news. "Well, if you all don't mind, I will recount some of my old yarns," Eaton said and began to recount his time in the war. The Black family members gaze in awe as he continues with his tales even managing to cause a glint of admiration in Lucius's eyes and that of the other pureblood wizards. Perchance, there was something to muggle courage after all.