All Board! Ⅴ

They all chatter for some time, before Rowan says, "Severus and I need to finish up our patrol, we'll be seeing you all later at dinner." Severus grumpily rises to his feet, but he knew that Rowan had already been quite lenient and tolerant of him evading their shared Prefect responsibilities.

Rowan and Severus resume patrolling the Hogwarts Express until it is time to return to the Prefect's Department and switch out with the next set of Prefects. Tired Rowan slumps back in their seat and gratefully accepts the offered lunch from Andrew and Pandora, who had ordered lunch for them from the lunch cart lady. Famished, she happily chews on food while Pandora lovingly prattles on about her boyfriend, Xeno, and Andrew about his beloved girlfriend, Petunia.

Severus is quieter than usual, both Lily and Remus notice, but they cover the silence with various topics for a time. Eventually the topic changes to the current muggle news, Lily says, "Mum and Dad are constantly worried about Petunia going out with her friends to watch a film or even just heading out to the pizza parlor."

At this point, Andrew jumps in with worry. "Wait, what is going on?"

"Well," Lily tactfully paused, "there has been a bit of unrest really and there's still a lot of talk about the awful murder that took place a few months ago in October in Leeds. I mean, the papers all say that she might have been a call girl and such, but it's just awful what was done to her! And worst of all, she was a mum with small children at home!"

The conversation abruptly turns to the current turbulent state of the nation including the hoodlums, the IRA, and the ongoing issues with visible discontent throughout the nation. Yet Rowan tuned out their voices as she had the inkling that the mentioned murder was just the start of a serial killer. A name almost appeared in her mind, but she could not recall anything except for the words, "The Yorkshire Ripper." She could not recall any further detail and perchance she was not meant to.

Rowan must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew, she was gently being awakened by Remus. She startles awake and is dazed for a moment before her ears turn a bit pink in mortification. "Severus said that you haven't been sleeping," Remus said. "He said to let you sleep a bit more and that he'd and Lily would start patrolling."

Remus thoughtfully shrugs and smiles, "Although that could just be an excuse for Severus to spend more time with Lily all alone."

"Probably," Rowan snorts and stretches hearing a faint pop in her back. "Ug," she mumbled rubbing her face, "How long was I out for?"

"For a good portion of the trip," Remus said pointing to the glowing lamps and the dark windows. Not much can be seen out the windows except for clouds of swirling snow. "The storm's picked up over the last stretch to Hogwarts."

"Right," Rowan said, before straightening her Prefect badge and apprenticeship badge on her robes. "Well, c'mon Remus, we can patrol and chat all about your romantic affairs with Mary (MacDonald). Merlin knows that Sirius can't keep his trap to save his life, Peter and Severus are much too wrapped up in their girlfriends, James-."

Rowan paused and frowned. "Well, I doubt James will be much of a help," she said visibly showing off her betrothal ring. "And as for Terry, well, he tends to use emotional blackmail."

Remus snorts and says, "Well, apparently you're the only female friend I have."

"Of course not, that would be just plain silly and presumptuous of me," Rowan retorted back. "Rather I am the only female friend that you trust that won't go and spill the beans."

"Alright, alright," Remus said rolling his eyes, before stopping to help a first-year to straighten their robes, before resuming their walk.

"So?" Rowan supplied with a pointed brow.

Remus sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and says, "Well, I guess I can take one thing off my mind." He licks his lips as if unsure what to say or how to explain. "I really like Mary, Rowan, but sometimes she is a bit cold and distant. She always apologies afterward and is dreadfully embarrassed by her actions. Yet during those instances, it almost feels as though she's not entirely there, but rather a stranger in her place. A doppelganger if you will. Still, she's been so much better as of late, so maybe, it's just me."

Rowan's eyes narrow for a moment, before peering at Remus through her eyelashes. It may be nothing, but then again maybe not. She couldn't say for certain since puberty is truly an awful time period for teenagers with rapidly fluctuating tempers and attitudes. Yet she could not discard the possibility and Remus was a former werewolf. Those instincts still remained despite being cured. Perchance, he sensed something that she could not.

The two of them switch onto lighter topics such as Remus's younger brother, who is still in the womb. Against all odds, Remus right perks up with a bit of a glow. Apparently, he had wanted a sibling in his younger years, but he never thought his wish would be granted so many years after. He was quite excited as were his parents that they had already prepared a nursery room for Romulus to use once he was born.

A loud announcement is heard in the train signaling that they are only thirty minutes from the Hogsmeade station. Remus and Rowan desist in chattering but hurry forward reminding students to put things back into their trunks and change into their robes if they had not already. By the time, they returned to the front of the train, they only had enough time to don on warm winter cloaks, scarfs, gloves, and in Rowan's case, she had even packed a warm winter hat.

The Hogwarts Express slid to a squeaky halt and puffs of steam are released. It is a blurry white landscape and Hagrid is barely visible through the thick snow. This lamp can only be faintly seen as a murky light as he bellows to the first years (and transfer students in that year), "This way lads and lasses," he cried out. "Stick close, we don' want anyone to get lost!"

The rest of the school years hurry past the first years to the waiting carriages in the distance, but the Prefects ensure that all the first years depart with Hagrid. The snow howls in their ears, but with the thick snow, there are not enough carriages returning quickly enough. The older years cast warming charms as do the Prefects, especially on the younger years.

The snowfall is thick, wet, and heavy reaching even Rowan's upper shins and higher for those younger. For a moment, Rowan considers building an Igloo, but it simply would not be worth it considering the time and size required to build an Igloo large enough to house everyone. The only thing they really can do is cast warming charms and they did as the students continued to board the carriages.

A loud shriek is heard and Rowan hurries over with her wand held high. She instantly recognizes Lorcan D'Eath shaking with fright and Glenda Chittock as the source for the shriek. The two of them anxiously gaze at the invisible steads of the carriages that are now plainly visible to them.

"It's alright," Rowan said, "They are merely Thestrals." She even went up to the skeleton, reptile-like, horse. She gently patted the Thestral, who quietly neighed at her. "Their appearance is a little frightening, but they are quite loyal and trustworthy if you gain their trust."

Visibly reassured, Gilderoy Lockhart bravely puffs out his chest, before climbing aboard. He couldn't see the Thestrals, but he believed that they were there. "See there is nothing to it. Now hurry up, it's cold!" Something about Lockhart's cocky attitude put his friends at ease and they hurriedly boarded after them. Seconds later, the carriage hurries forward rolling through the heavy snow.

After what seemed forever, and half-frozen the last of the students board a carriage with the Prefect's climbing into the last two carriages. In Rowan's carriage, Severus, Lily, and Remus had boarded together. Remus who had given away his gloves to a younger year hastily blows on his half-frozen hands.

"Here," Rowan said tossing her warm pair of gloves at him. "My hands aren't frozen unlike yours; I'll just keep them under my winter cloak."

"Thanks, Rowan," Remus said through bluish-colored lips having trouble putting on the gloves.

Lily's hair is half frozen much like Remus's wet and has bits of snow melting. She enviously stares at Rowan's fluffy warm hat, but Rowan has no intentions of sharing. They all remain quiet trying to stay warm with Lily and Severus cuddling together for warmth. After some time, they pass the bronze gates with winged boars and rolled up the cobbled road to Hogwarts.

The carriage at long last rolls to a muffled stop before the front entrance of Hogwarts. They hurriedly get out and close the carriage door behind them. Rowan hopes that Hagrid dries the Thestral herd down with a warm blanket and feeds them extra treats for their hard-earned labor.