16th Birthday

A blizzard did not stop the Professor from returning to their previous O.W.L. level classes and homework nor did the fact that it was Friday. The professors were clearing making up for a lost time during the winter break by supplying them with stacks of homework to complete during the upcoming weekend.

By Friday evening, Rowan was feeling rather sympathetic for the Spanish Inquisition. No wonder they went on a mass killing spree, they probably hated magic for good reason. Heck, maybe some of them were even former muggleborn students!

Rowan had a bit of headache by the end of her tediously long day. The only bright light at the end of the tunnel was that Dumbledore had taken pity on Rowan and Severus since it was their 16th Birthday. He'd kindly granted them the evening off, which Rowan used to desperately catch up on homework since she had a detention to serve with Caretaker Filch the following day on Saturday.

As usual none of Rowan and Severus's friends made a big deal about the yearly event. They merely gifted them a few sweets and treats from Honeyduke's. Although Terry empowered Rowan's addiction to ice mice, (which is entirely his fault) by gifting her an entire crate of ice mice. Even Lily knew better than to try to set up a date for Severus's birthday and settled for a kiss on the cheek. And which only caused Severus's lips to be faintly tilted upward for half of the day and Lily to randomly blush and murmur to herself in embarrassment and excitement throughout the rest of the day.

However, it most certainly wasn't for Rowan. The icing on the cake was the fact that it was Rowan and Severus's turn to patrol. It was a terrible, no good, rotten, bad day. And Rowan just wanted the day to finally end.

Still, Rowan dutifully patrolled the tunnels wearing a thick winter cloak and robes. Her face was half-frozen, but her hands were encased in warm leather gloves. The stone halls are empty of students as even the most romantic of students weren't foolish enough to sneak around in this type of cold weather.

The torches in the stone halls of Hogwarts flicker at an unseen breeze casting moving shadows across the stone walls. Rowan's lips are rather pale as clouds of steam from her every breath create small trails in the frigid air. Tired and impatient, she reaches into her pocket to pull out an intricate silver pocket watch. The silver pocket watch was a thing of beauty with smooth curves and intricately carved wood and plant-like details that glinted even under the flaming torches' light.

Rowan sighs at the time knowing full well that at least Severus was down in the Slytherin quarters keeping an eye on the common room. Not that anyone was stupid enough to sneak out this type of weather. But worst of all, they had tried to switch places by playing lots, but they had each lost. It was still her duty to be out in the cold wandering around.

The hour grew longer and longer until it was close to midnight. Rowan almost left, but it was tradition after all and despite being tired, she teleported at the bottom of the Astronomy tower. With a quiet grunt, she began the long climb until she reached a high enough point.

Rowan could feel a faint icy breeze on her face causing her winter cloak to flap behind her. She sat down in her spot and let out a deep breath forming a large cloud in front of her. So many things had transpired during the last year. At times, it felt as though she was that much older than her years.

Rowan sits in silence for a bit, but she hears a soft rustle behind. She almost calls out with a faint smile, but wariness creeps onto her face. That's right, James, shouldn't be here. He was different now.

Here midnight indigo-colored eyes widen, and Rowan is flabbergasted to see James appears from under the winter cloak. She presses her lips together uncertain how to feel. She instead says, "Couldn't sleep could you, James?"

"Not really," James truthfully shrugged sitting down pulls his cloak to cover his lap.

Rowan looks away as it looked like only James's upper body was visible while his lower middle half was gone. "Nightmares?" She asked staring at the first quarter moon of the year barely visible through passing cloud cover.

"Some," James muttered rubbing his face before his eyes go naturally to the glittering sapphire wyvern on his hand. He quickly drops his hand in his lap uncertain how to still feel about the betrothal ring on his left hand.

The two of them sit in silence as James unconsciously begins to toy with the ring on his left hand, it was a habit that has only begun forming as of late. Abruptly remembering the reason for his coming, he reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small chocolate-covered cake.

Rowan's eyes widen in genuine surprise and James grins a bit delight at having caused the rare expression on Rowan's face. "I read in my journal that it was a tradition to come pester you and share a bit of cake on your birthday," James boldly said splitting the cake in two and offering her the bigger half.

"Of course, you would decide to do so," Rowan grumbled unable to hide the good-natured tone in her voice. She carefully accepts her half and takes a bite. Her eyes fill with countless emotions before a rare genuine smile spreads across her entire face.

"Thank you, James," Rowan sincerely said not knowing how different her face looked under the rare transformation.

James is stunned for a moment, before glancing away uncertain of why he felt the air go out of his lungs. It must be because he's rarely ever seen her smile or that she wasn't hiding a part of herself. It was a true smile without any hidden remnants.

"You're welcome," James said in a rush to cover the abrupt lapse of silence. "So, what did you wish for?"

"Wish for?" Rowan mumbled, before swallowing. "I did not wish for anything."

"Why not?

"Because I don't believe in wishes anymore."

James's brow deepens in perplexion. "I'm sorry, I think I may have misheard that you don't believe in wishes anymore. Please explain to me exactly what you mean by that?"

"There is no point in wishing for something that cannot be changed nor gained without any effort," Rowan replied, "for in this world there are things that simply are and there are things that can potentially be changed only with great effort."

"That's strangely practical and philosophical," James admitted, before saying, "But it's still a tradition, so you should wish for something, Rowan."

"Isn't a little too late?" Rowan argued pointing at the mostly-eating cake in her hand. "I don't think this really still counts, do you?"

"There is still cake left, so it counts," James stubbornly retorted back. He wasn't sure why he was being so stubborn. But something about her words had struck an inner chord and he wanted to at least lighten the unseen burdens that were carried by her.

"Fine," Rowan resigned herself at James's stare. She knew that he was still just as stubborn as before. And that comforted her since that still felt like the James she had once known.

Rowan takes a large bite and closes her eyes as she chews, before swallowing and opening her eyes. "There happy now?" She grumbled having made a foolish wish.

"Yes," James answered with a satisfied grin.

"Fool," Rowan huffed, before finishing the last of her cake.

"My genius is simply misunderstood," James bantered back.

Rowan chokes and shakes her head, before rising to her feet. "C'mon off to bed, James, off you go," she said extending her hand for him to take.

James accepts Rowan's hand, and it feels strange for a moment before the feeling passes. He climbs to his feet, before grabbing the invisible cloak as he goes. "Good night, Rowan," he said before tugging the invisible cloak over his head promptly vanishing.

"Good night, James," Rowan said, before pointedly adding, "And I better not find you wandering about again. Off to bed, you go, James!" A muffled chuckle can be heard echoing in the Astronomy tower until she can no longer hear James's footsteps.

The corner of Rowan's lips tilt upward ash she closes her eyes and checks her mind mapscape. She waits there despite the cold until she sees James safely return to the Gryffindor tower. With a soft hum, she vanishes and teleports to the dungeons. It was late, she was tired, and she was eager to go to bed.