Kau Cim Ⅱ

None of the class members are surprised at Hortense Sicca's audacious actions as the pureblood witch had been rather disrespectful to Professor Babbling since the start of the year. Still, it did the Slytherins no favor and only served to sour the Slytherins in the classroom against their two housemates. And frankly, it seemed to be a poor choice considering that the Slytherins in the classroom could very much avenge themselves in the privacy of their house common area. Because after all, they really did know and had readly access to where the two girls slept….

Tired at the repeated performance, Professor Babbling presses her lips together solemnly and gazes down at the two Slytherin girls. "Miss Sicca and Miss Fowl, it would appear that the loss of house points nor several detentions served with Caretaker Filch have deterred your tongues. In that case, I shall increase the punishment," she ominously declared causing the Slytherins in the classroom to begin to coldly glare at the two pureblood witches. IF they all ended up punished, the two girls were going to pay!

Hortense Sicca haughtily tilted her chin upward in defiance at the pronouncement, while Gertrude Fowl sneers hatefully, but does not have the courage to act as arrogantly as a companion. "Seeing as Caretaker Filch holds no fear for the two of you, each of you will be each assigned two weeks of detention with the Head of Slytherin, Professor Mortimer to be served separately."

"You can't!" Hortense protested a horribly pasty white with red scorching dots on her cheeks.

"I can and I have," Professor Babbling coldly said. "Professor Mortimer and I have already discussed your atrocious behavior in my class and believe it is in your best interests. More importantly, it is the duty and responsibility of the Head of Slytherin to correct the behavior of the students of her house."

Gertrude lets out an uneasy hiccup of fear. Professor Mortimer unlike Professor Slughorn was not to be crossed. Professor Slughorn could be bought with favors, but not Professor Mortimer. Maybe it was the unnaturally beast blood found within Professor Mortimer, but even the youngest of Slytherins knew not to cross their Head of House. Instinct or honed preservation skills, but they all inherently understood that this was one of the unspoken rules of their house.

Hortense Sicca and Gertrude Fowl in the end fall horribly silent and sulk. The two witches had no one to blame but themselves. And this time around, their family name would not be enough to save them.

Professor Babbling turns to the board and says, "There are dozens of ancient rune systems including tribal systems that still have pertinent use to this day. One of these rune script forms is called Kau Chim. It is a fortune-telling method where one draws a wooden stick with these ancient rune scripts. Even today there are muggles that still practice this method," her last words caused many of the students to blink in surprise.

"However, the muggle method is determined by asking a question of wooden sticks that are numbered and then permitting fate to determine the fortune. They rely on numerology and luck rather than on far more accurate magical fortunetelling," Professor Babbling explained.

"Each of you will come up front and draw four rune sticks that call you. The four rune sticks will represent your Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi) to reveal the Heavenly Stem (Energy) and the Earthly Branch (Manifestation). I shall expect a detailed essay on the interpretation and symbolism of the Four Pillars of Destiny," Professor Babbly firmly instructed, before glancing over the class.

"We shall commence with the first floor, Prefect Prince, if you would come up," Professor Babbling firmly said causing Rowan to sigh.

With a blank poker face, Rowan rose from her seat and headed to the front of the classroom. Professor Babbling motioned for Rowan to plunge her hand into the chest. More than a bit reluctant, Rowan did as she was instructed to. Surprisingly, she was immediately drawn to four rune sticks. She instinctively grasped them, before carefully removing them from the chest.

"Excellent," Professor Babbling said, before gesturing at Andrew Abbott to come up.

Rowan returned to her seat as Andrew passed her and headed to the front. With care, Rowan carefully observed and noted the ancient tribal runes on the rune sticks. She carefully lined the rune sticks and began to translate the tribal runes starting with the Heavenly Stem (Energy).

The rune sticks read as "Geng for the element of Metal representing Transformation, Ding for the element of Fire representing strength." She frowned at seeing once again the representation of strength followed by "Ji for the element Earth representing Ripeness," but ripeness for what?

Normally Rowan would have discounted the rune sticks as coincidence except that the rune sticks had listed strength twice. It certainly correlated and spoke to her initial desire for power to change fate. However, the rune sticks also spoke of transformation hence growth. Though she remained uncertain about the meaning of ripeness, perchance it referred to her becoming an adult witch in her own right.

Rowan moved on to the rune sticks that represented the Earthly Branch (Manifestation). "The character Zi means Rat, sharp, flexible, but also quick-tempered," she couldn't exactly deny any of those characteristics. "The character You meaning Rooster, forthright, decisive, opinionated."

Rowan snorted and continued to the next rune stick. "The character Chou means Ox, hard-working, reliable, devoted, stubborn and rigid." She grumbled under her breath, "Must my character be so deliberately criticized, sheesh!"

Still, Rowan did not stop and read the last and final rune stick, "The character Hai meaning Pig, generous, optimistic, tolerant, materialistic and naïve…"

Now, Rowan could agree with almost all or most of the definitions, but naïve? Really?! But then again perchance the rune sticks were more forthcoming than she was. Despite everything that had transpired, there still remained a part of her that was innocent. A part that she was not yet willing to relinquish.

A wry expression appeared on Rowan's face as she gazed down at the seemingly innocent rune sticks. Hortense Sicca had mocked the rune sticks as archaic and savage. Maybe, they were from an era long gone, but that did not mean that the old ways were less powerful nor any less useful. It is merely a product of the change of time and as time passes so changes the magic that is in usage just as much as any clothing style. Although, it cannot be denied that the results of rune sticks are much more generalized.

Rowan lets out a sigh and rubs the back of her neck only to see Andrew's eyes practically glued to the rune sticks. She wisely decides not to interrupt and begins her essay. The sooner she started on her assignment the faster she would be done. She already had an entire stack of homework waiting for her as it was, and she could do one with fewer assignments to have to deal with.