New Moon Ⅲ

Seeing that the Pontifices have been subtly reminded of the treachery of humans, Pontifex Luther returns to enjoying the 1912 vintage having achieved his initial objective. He trusted not Voldemort's flattery nor much less the reason for the request of an audience. Voldemort had no further need of allies having forged a successful alliance with the giants. Either Voldemort was confident in winning the war or his giant allies were not sufficient to swing the war in his favor.

"My vision is not solely limited to the magical realm but to the muggle realm as well," Voldemort firmly declared earning gasps of surprise and shock from the gathered vampires. "I will create a new world order where wizardkind rules supreme. Join me and at my side, I will grant the coven the power that thine coven truly deserves."

Several of the Pontifices seem almost tempted at Voldemort's words, but Pontifex Hecate furrows her brow. "We have once heard those same words uttered before, boy," Pontifex Hecate pointedly emphasized by using the word, "boy," for he truly was a mere boy when in comparison to their age.

"Why just mere decades ago by a wizard far more powerful and cunning than you, Gellert Grindelwald made the exact same promises," Pontifex Hecate murmured causing many of the vampires to recall the powerful dark wizard that plunged both the known magical world and the human world into chaos.

"Years ago, I had the immense honor of meeting Grindelwald in his prime," Pontifex Hecate truthfully recalled, "and he was truly a wizard without equal." She paused to stare down the length of Voldemort with disinterest. "And you, boy, are powerful without question, but you are no match for the brilliant mind that Grindelwald held. And if Grindelwald with all his prowess could not achieve his objective, there is no chance in hell that you will. It is merely a mad man's folly."

"Now, now, Hecate," Pontifex Dario spoke in defense of Voldemort, "there is no need for such callous words. We all met Grindelwald and I can confidently declare that Voldemort is his equal in strength. Need I remind you that Grindelwald lacked the foresight and audacity to ally himself with others than his own kind. It was his greatest of follies and which ultimately lost him the war."

Pontifex Dario paused to proudly nod his head at Voldemort. "And unlike Grindelwald, Voldemort is certain of not repeating the same error."

Pontifex Hecate coldly snorts in reply but does not deny the statement made by Pontifex Dario. Whispers fill the room as the favor once more begins to turn towards Voldemort. Before Pontifex Dario can become smug, Pontifex Nikolas purses his lips confidently and says, "Be as that may be, the Ministry of Magic has announced an alliance with the Goblins, Hags, and Trolls. Ordinarily, I would agree that the giants are more than sufficient, but these three forces are sufficient enough to even keep the giants in check. And need I remind you, Voldemort allied himself with the cursed werewolves first only to lose them once their curse was removed."

Many of the Pontifices blink and narrow their eyes irritably at the thought of being second place to the mangy-cursed werewolves, who were no longer cursed. There was a very good reason that the magical equivalent to the muggle saying is"that they fought like cats and dogs," was that of "that they fought like vampires and werewolves (or bats and wolves)." And even with the werewolf cure now in existence, there still remained centuries of animosity between the two magical species that would not be so easily dispersed.

The three Death Eaters standing behind Lord Voldemort, their faces twisting at the words of the vampires. MaCann face twists in anger causing the long scar on his face to twist, while Sirglide a spotted face wizard sneers at the filthy blood leeches. It is Bonnenne, a witch with dragon pox scars on her skin that speaks up smoothly to appease the vampires on behalf of their master.

"Gracious Pontifiex's none will dare to deny the truth of thine words," Bonnenne carefully stated keeping one on the vampires and the other on their master. "However, what does the coven have to lose? In the event of a loss, the Ministry of Magic will not act rashly. And in the event of our glorious victory does the coven not have everything to gain?"

A thoughtful murmur fills the room the chamber before the raspy voice of Pontifex Maximus Ambrogio Sangria says, "I am not opposed to the alliance, but the coven must be promised much more than simply blood houses. The coven must have a seat of power on the ruling council."

MaCann sneers at the audacity of the vampire, while Sirglide froths at the mouth like a mad dog. The only calm figure among them is Bonnenne, who hides her pleasure at successfully swinging the favor of the vampires back towards their master. The witch quietly preens knowing that she would be rewarded for her efforts by the master.

Having lain in wait, Voldemort takes the initiative feeling the winds blow in his favor. "Beyond that which has already been promised in exchange for a formal alliance with the coven upon victory, the coven will be granted three seats at the high table."

Sensing that the flow of the tide could not be stemmed, Pontifex Delia spoke, "Be as that may be, the coven is of little use in the winter. Our bat forms freeze in the cold and naturally hibernate at this time of year. It is a rare bat in nature that dares to fly at this time of year without giving our true identities away. Might I suggest that we wait until late spring to make any sort of decision? This will grant us sufficient time to make a final decision and permit us the ability to enter the fray."

"I am also of a similar sentiment," Pontifex Lazarus firmly declared setting his golden goblet down. He could sense the ebb of the changing tide in the air and though he could not halt it, he most certainly could extend the length. The more time the council gained, the more time the coven was safe from any danger.

Pontifices Hecate also sensing a decision also agreed to the request as did Pontifex Nikolas. Several other Pontifices agreed, but Pontifex Dario did not along with other Pontifices. At the end by a slim margin, the vampire agreed to wait until Spring before making the final decision on the subject.

In a wheezing voice, Pontifex Maximus Ambrogio Sangria gasped, "The coven has spoken and so we shall wait until late spring." Feebly raising his hand, he excuses the Pontifices. "Go on, children of the night, enjoy the ongoing festivities."

"Though I wish to have a private word with our guest. Alone," Pontifex Maximus Ambrogio Sangria hoarsely declared.

The Pontifices exchange glances with each other, before gesturing for the Death Eaters to follow them out. MaCann, Sirglide, and Bonnenne unwillingly follow the vampires out. Including Nagini, who is instructed by Voldemort to go out and spy. The serpent hisses darkly to itself, before slithering off to dark corners to listen and watch. And if it was lucky, it would even find a tasty prey which to feed upon.