Wind-up Ⅱ

Seeing that everyone is gathered, at last, Albus Dumbledore rises from his chair to commence the secretive meeting. His long silver hair and beard tucked into his belt glitter under the light of the fireplace. His robes are rather conservative a darker gray with silver embroidered ancient runes on the hems of his robes. His usually conservative robes sweep nearly to the floor with the tip of his high-heeled buckled boots to peek out. His blue eyes scrutinize those present from behind half-moon spectacles that hang on a long, crooked nose.

"There are those among us who have urgent matters to attend to. So let us all be brief and to the point," Albus matter-of-factly stated earning an arched brow from Aberforth that held a hint of pride at his brother's pragmaticism.

Being the utmost Senior Veteran Auror among the Aurors present, Alastor Moody confidently steps forward to speak up. "The giant skirmishes are still ongoing, between the Auror Corps, the hags, and goblins, we have been able to prevent any major losses for now."

"However, I speak for the Auror Corps," Alastor growled. "It is only a matter of time until there is another massive giant attack. The giants thus far have only been attacking in groups of three or four. And normally, I would say that the giant clan as a whole is incapable of planning an attack, but their Gurg is clever. And even I can't deny that the attacks have been carefully planned and executed. Elphinstone is convinced the giants have been deliberately testing our defenses until they are ready to strike, and I cannot exactly deny that supposition given the current circumstances."

Alastor Moody glances back at the younger Aurors, but none move forward to report. The Scottish wizard peers in the direction of the two Bones Brothers. Auror Edgar Bones shakes his head, but Jacques Bones moves forward to speak. "As part of the International Magical Cooperation Department, there have been many arrivals including foreign dignitaries from around the globe including scholars. There is great interest in the Magical Brain and the Wizard Link system. We have been most fortunate that no foreign witch or wizard has been lost in a giant attack. However, as time progresses those odds will be stacked against us. The Ministry of Magic cannot permit for an international scandal to occur. The giants must be stopped at all costs."

Marlene McKinnon grimly interjected, "I have heard as much from my husband. Minister Jenkins has already lifted the use of the dark arts and permitted the use of lethal force, but rumor has it that Minister Jenkins may permit the use of forbidden magic to bring down the threat of giants."

Several of them nod their heads in response as Elphias Doge grimaces in confirmation. "It is merely rumor for now," he rasped, "but it may not be long before the topic becomes before the Wizengamot. He purposely turned his eyes to gaze at Albus. "There are hints that Reginald Prince is behind it all."

"Reginald Prince?" Dorcas Meadows gasped before frowning in confusion. "That simply doesn't make any sense! Reginald Prince possesses no motive and has nothing to gain by doing so unless it is related to his family."

Aberforth's brilliant blue eyes narrow a fraction of an inch at the young witch's statement. He subtly glances at his older brother, Albus, who also does not miss the slip-up. Reginald Prince had plenty of motives including the fact that his disinherited daughter, Eileen had perished in the attack with her husband and child. Many did not know that Eileen Prince had been disinherited nor much less had still been alive. Still, disinherited or not, Eileen Prince was Reginald Prince's only child. And as a father, Reginald Prince would avenge his daughter.

Elphias loudly coughs into a silk hankie, but before he can speak, Albus smoothly replies, "Regardless of the reason, Reginald Prince cannot be reasoned with." Dorcas remains silent at the response and does not speak up again.

Having known Albus since boyhood, Elphias did not miss Albus's purposeful interruption. Catching the hint, he changes the subject in a nasal voice. "I have heard rumors from a cousin of McNair that Walden McNair has been pronounced deceased. Normally, that would be a great deal of good news except that Albert Runcorn has become even more secretive. He's almost impossible to pin down and has cleverly hidden his tail out of sight. For the time being Runcorn is at a dead end."

Benjy Fetwick glances purposefully at the nervous figure of Caradoc Dearborn. The gazes in the entire room one by one move over to the timid wizard, who anxiously licks his dry chapped licks. "Go on, Caradoc," Benjy gently urged his friend to speak up.

The wide-eyed Caradoc's eyes dart wildly around the room. "Runcorn came down to the Filing Department the other day. He was especially interested in Auror's expulsed from their post for misconduct. I managed to stall him that day, but I don't think he will easily give up," he gloomily added.

"Expulsed Auror's, huh," Sturgis Podmore mused out loud while rubbing his square jaw with one hand. "It sounds like Runcorn is recruiting."

The face of Alastor Moody and the rest of the Aurors darken. What an Auror hated more than even wanted criminals is a crooked Auror! The Aurors were a tight-knit group and not without their flaws. But a traitor to the Auror Corps was the most loathsome of beings, who wouldn't be spat on even if they were on fire.

"We all know exactly who Runcorn is recruiting for," Kingsley Shacklebolt grimly stated. They all knew the party that was responsible was Tom Mavolo Riddle, the murderous wanted dark wizard known by two other aliases, the Dark Lord & Lord Voldemort.

Seeing an opening, Dorcas emotionally said, "We will need more members of the Order of the Phoenix to cover more ground if that is the case. We are already constrained by our personal and work responsibilities. If we had more members, we would be able to dole out our responsibilities."

There is a faint murmur of agreement especially from the younger Aurors including Fabian Prewett, since he was a newlywed and wanted to spend more time with his wife, Emmaline (nee Vance). It wasn't like the younger Aurors were an exception. Edger and Jaques Bones were both married and had children. They too had families and wanted to spend more time with them. Why even Alastor Moody wouldn't be opposed to a bit more free time to court the beautiful and majestic Druella.

Time is a perpetual paradox. There is either too much time or there is simply never enough time. Either way, time is the most bewildering existence.