Wind-up Ⅳ

The two of them arrived in a cozy parlor with a roaring fire. In a large armchair sits the petite Miss Arabella Doreen Fig. A bit batty the older woman's grizzled gray fly-away hair is pulled up into a semi-neat updo with a pair of black cat ears on top of her head. She wears a clean velvet dress and coat with a pair of soft oxfords-styled tartan carpet slippers. There are a few cat hairs here and there having been gained upon departing from her home. And a very large pin on her coat acknowledging her as a Senior Member of the Whispers of the Meow.

"You are late," Arabella Fig primly chided glancing over at the two tall, thin wizards.

"We had a difficult finding your presence," Aberforth rumbled folding his arms over his chest and staring down his nose at the petite elderly squib. "As far as locations go, it is anything but secluded."

"Ah, but it is the perfect cover," Arabella wagged her finger at the grumpy wizard. "With so many of us coming and going, it is difficult to confirm any other on-goings. And more importantly, the location itself serves to discourage any spies."

"Mm, yes, that is truly a sensible idea," Albus thoughtfully acknowledged taking a seat in the armchair directly across from the secret spy of the Order of the Phoenix. "Very few Death Eaters would be able to enter the premise of this building without giving themselves away."

"My point exactly," Arabella nodded in satisfaction. "And besides I would never miss a meeting of the Whispers of the Meow!"

Aberforth mutters something about cat-loving cults under his breath, while Albus looks slightly intrigued at the comment. Seeing his brother's interest in the crazy cat-loving cult, he briskly intervenes. "Well, we haven't got all evening. I have places to be and things to do."

Arabella purses her lips in a disgruntled expression. "That chit, Dorcas sure is something else," she huffed with a frown. "She never even noticed me following her despite being an Auror. Although, she easily sensed the wizard I paid to follow her to test her and which she easily avoided with practiced ease. But as I said already, she didn't even pay a lick of attention to me since I was beneath her for being a squib."

"Disdain for a squib is nothing new despite the new laws," Aberforth plainly said. "And that only proves that Dorcas is biased, but that is not a crime."

"I thought that as well," Arabella nodded in agreement. "Yet her circle of connections doesn't make any sense at all. Firstly, she meets with Dedalus Diggle of the A.P.D." (Dedalus Diggle, an excitable wizard that likes wearing a purple hat).

"It is not unusual for an A.P.D. officer and an Auror to meet up and become friends, but Dorcas is often sending this particular A.P.D. officer on errands. And as far as I know, she is not a Senior Auror nor has the authority to command an A.P.D. officer. It is highly irregular, but not uncommon considering that there still exists some corruption in the Ministry of Magic despite Minister Jenkins' earnest efforts," Albus pensively tugged on his long silver beard with one hand.

"I thought of that much as well," Arabella confessed, "but then things take a turn for the unexpected. Dorcas is not limited in her circle of influence with members of the Ministry of Magic, but with members of the society that is not related in any familial context or same social circle."

"Please explain yourself, Arabella," Albus asked scrunching his brow.

"Ignoring any possible Ministry of Magic connections, there are connections that simply can't be explained as being normal considering her age and status as a younger Auror," Arabella rasped. "The first inconsistency is that of Mr. Herbert, an Apothecary owner in Diagon Alley. Normally, I would have ignored the frequent visits to the Apothecary except that Mr. Herbert happened to be close to the famous deceased Potions Master Damocles Belby. And as we all recall, Mr. Herbert was also the last person to see Potions Master Belby in the infamous failed kidnapping attempt which occurred just outside of his shop."

Albus's brilliant blue eyes darken behind his half-moon spectacles as Aberforth wrinkles his long nose as if having smelled something foul. Aberforth instinctively knew there was just something off about the seemingly innocent witch. And even he knew that Albus couldn't easily argue away the strange inconsistencies in behavior.

"Further investigation revealed that Mr. Herbert is in no way related to Miss Meadows or is even on friendly terms with her extended family. Taking into account their age gaps, it is impossible for them to have become friends via similar circles or interests, "Arabella concluded.

"There are even stranger meetings with others that happen in passing individuals from all social ranks, but more importantly all in some important post even among Guilds. But the two that surprised me the most were because of the frequent encounters and that was with Alchemist Murtagh Burke and the owner of the Chudley Cannons, Linus Gamp," Arabella pointedly held up her two fingers in mid-air.

"Now the main question is why would two powerful wizards meet with a young Auror and more importantly treat her as their equal? I even thought they might be some sort of triage of lovers, but they do not show any affection for each other nor slip up unconsciously as lovers do," Arabella wrinkled her face in distaste. "No, they act as if they are old friends which is odd considering the age of Miss Meadows in comparison, and as I said before they do not share the same interests or the same social circles."

"Burke and Gamp," Aberforth muttered out loud with a furrowed brow. "The two of them are not rumored to be connected to Death Eater's nor are they vehement purebloods. On the contrary, they are moderates in society." He deliberately paused, "Unless she is spying for a third party."

Aberforth's brilliant blue eyes from behind his own spectacles meet the equally brilliant blue eyes of his brother, Albus. "NO," Albus firmly replied to the unspoken accusation. "It simply cannot be."

Aberforth finally nods his head relenting for the time being, but Albus visibly gives himself away by relaxing his tight grip on the armchair. "But be as that may, we cannot ignore the fact that this proves that Dorcas is a spy even if we don't know for who yet," Aberforth matter-of-factly stated. "We cannot afford to lower our guard."

"Yes," Albus quietly said.

"Aurors are not famous for their ability to hide their emotions," Aberforth drily commented. "I doubt even Moody could act normally when commanding her on the field. He'd undoubtedly give himself away much less the rest."

"No, you are right," Albus firmly replied. "We cannot risk letting Miss Meadows know we are onto her and nor can we inform those that know her of her treachery." He paused to glance at Arabella Fig. "We will have to continue to entrust this grave task to you, Arabella."

"It will be my pleasure, Professor Dumbledore," Arabella nodded gravely, before glancing up at the clock on the mantelpiece. "Oh my, it is getting late! The group circle is about to start!" She hurriedly arose. "My apologies for cutting our meeting short," she said quickly walking away towards the group circle for the Whispers of the Meow.

Aberforth and Albus watched Miss Fig disappear down the hallway and vanish leaving them alone with the crackle of the fire and the ticking of the clock. "Meadows and the Dedalus Diggle of the A.P.D. can't be trusted. We cannot accept Diggle as a member of the Order."

"That is blatantly obvious even to me, Aberforth," Albus deadpanned.

"I was ensuring that you were not blinded by your good intentions, Albus," Aberforth coldly retorted.

Albus does not flinch at the insult and instead says, "Be as that may be, we must take care. It is apparent even to me that the enemies that we face are not as simple as they appear to be."

"Constant Vigilance," Aberforth snorted recalling the favorite phase of Auror Moody.

"Yes," Albus acknowledged and stretched hearing his knees pop. "Ah, the joys of aging."

"You're only turning 95, this year, Albus," Aberforth quipped rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't live to be at least 200 years old."

"You're absolutely right," Albus perked up with a child-like twinkle returning to his eyes. "Shall we throw a party for your 93 birthday this year, Aberforth?"

"I'll kill you, Albus" Aberforth ominously threatened. "Make no mistake about it!"

"I'm sure that Ariana will simply be delighted," Albus knowingly said with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. He knew full well that the slight mention of Ariana was Aberforth's weakness.

Aberforth loudly chokes at the mere mention of Ariana turning different shades of color. Glaring at Albus, Aberforth grumbles, "Well, I am leaving!"

"Come now, Aberforth," Albus trailed after his younger brother. "We were invited to stay for the Whispers of the Meow activities. I am sure it will simply be a delightful evening!"

This only spurs Aberforth to pick up his pace. At this rate, he'd end up a member along with Albus! His very sanity was at stake!