Feast of Saint Valentine

The ancestral home of the Rowle family despite once being a lavish and splendid mansion had grown hollower and hollower with each passing generation. Living grandly above their means each Rowle generation became poorer than the next selling more and more antique family heirlooms to maintain appearances. The current Rowle family needed a large bride price, but the only female in the current generation is Euphemia Rowle. A rather dour-faced witch with a thick face and pasty skin. Euphemia Rowle was no beauty, nor did she bring a large dowry with her upon marriage.

Livius Rowle's only hope was to marry his only daughter, Euphemia to new money seeking a pureblood marriage. There were not many interested in marrying his daughter, but there were a few prospective grooms. They were mainly in need of a pureblood wife to increase their standing in wizarding society. But even those few were reluctant to marry Euphemia since they did not wish to associate with a Death Eater, Father-in-law.

As such Livius Rowle attempted to appease any fears of the prospective grooms by throwing a Feast of Saint Valentine. Regardless of Livius Rowle's possible affiliation with Death Eaters plenty of purebloods were accepted to be in attendance. Some were sent by the Ministry of Magic to mingle and spy, some were present to keep appearances, and others simply wanted to enjoy the festivities.

As the host, Livius Rowle stood at the door of the Rowle mansion greeting guests. Livius Rowle is dressed in velvet robes that contrasted harshly with his pasty skin and slicked-back white hair. His broad shoulders combined with his flabby stomach made him appear short and stout. Still, his cobalt-colored eyes revealed a violent streak of cruelty that had been passed down to his children, Euphemia and Thorfinn Rowle. Tragically, his only son had mysteriously perished and as such upon his death, the seat of power would be transferred to another branch.

The ballroom is teeming with guests among them is a dark-haired wizard with steely eyes and a monocle, Stephen Flint along with his wife, Halina Flint, a poised slim brunet. The couple more happily converses with the Topsy couple. Arnold is a fine-looking wizard of medium build with elegantly groomed hair and mustache. His wife, Helena is a very pretty, but petite witch with elegant strawberry-colored hair. With their daughters having been steadfast friends since before Hogwarts, the two couples knew each other rather well.

Helena Topsy coyly smiles, "I am certain that the two of you cannot wait for your two daughters-in-law to deliver their lovely bundles of joy."

Halina Stephen is unable to hide a smile as she lovingly gazes at her husband, Stephen. "My eldest son's wife will deliver a boy in early August, and my youngest son's wife will deliver come late September. We won't know the gender of my second's son's wife until a few more weeks. However, my son's mother-in-law swears that it will be a girl. Perchance, there is some truth in it, and we will have the best of both worlds."

"I certainly hope so," Helena Topsy luscious pink lips pursed in a pretty manner. Despite not looking her age, she had birthed two children. And more importantly, she was already a grandmother to a precious grandson, Christopher, whom they all referred to as Chrissy-bear. She still had plenty of time for more grandchildren, but she knew just how much Halina had eagerly awaited grandchildren and had been dreadfully disappointed when none appeared soon after her eldest son's marriage.

Helena Topsy sensing the impatience of her husband on the subject tactfully changes the subject. "I noticed that the Nott are not in attendance most unusual, yes?"

Stephen Flint barely refrained from letting out a rude snort. He did not like Nott Sr., but he certainly did not dislike him as much as Orion Black. "Several members at the Ministry of Magic close that are close to Kain Shafiq have mentioned that there are ongoing betrothal negotiations between Shafiq and that of Nott Sr. between the youngest son, Thaddeus, and the unwed daughter of Shafiq, Sihava. The betrothal contract will certainly be announced soon with the marriage to take place next year."

"I thought that Shafiq had his heart on betrothing one of his two unwed daughters to Severus Prince," Arnold Topsy remarked in surprise.

"He did," Halina Flint drily replied. "However, during the presentation of the Prince grandchildren, it became abundantly clear that Georgine Prince rather vehemently dislikes Shafiq's mother-in-law. And considering Georgine Prince's position in the Prince family, Reginald Prince will certainly not betroth his only grandson to anyone that his sister absolutely despises."

"A shame, they would have been a good match," Helena Topsy muttered in good cheer. "Alas, it was simply not meant to be," before a spark of mischief appeared in her eyes. "Although I must admit I was shocked as any to hear that Alastor Moody is rather publicly wooing the widow, Druella Black. That is certainly one of the surprising bits of news that I have heard this season."

"Alastor Moody does come from a long line of distinguished Aurors," Stephen Flint nodded his head in brisk approval. "A distinguished Auror in his own right and from an impeccable line of purebloods. The widow Druella Black, although a widow, is a Rosier, and remarries with a hefty dowry. Not to mention that her children are grown and married, there is no need for Moody to raise any children that are not his own. And considering the age of Druella, she is still likely able to bear more children. And she is rather fertile considering that she birthed three daughters."

Helena Topsy moves her mouth to speak before her face darkens at spotting the Vespucci couple. Following the direction of his wife's gaze, Arnold's face darkens, before smoothing his wife's ruffled feathers. "It is alright, my dear, our Tiffany is in a much better company now," he whispered into her ear.

"Of course," Helena proudly said tilting her neck up in pride. Her precious daughter, Tiffany was being pursued by the Black family heir, Sirius Black. It was only a matter of time before the two were betrothed. A much better match than the son of a mere Italian wizard.

Helena turns away but not before catching the gaze of Lysithea Fawley. Radiant and ravishing in her gown, Lysithea arrogantly fluttered her fan at Helena. Gorgeous without equal and Lysithea knew it. She had skin as clear as milk and as smooth as silk, cascading auburn hair, and brilliant-colored eyes. She was delectable beauty without parallel.

Helena barely refrains from sneering as she sees Bogdan Fawley possessively put his arm around his wife's curved waist. Bogdan was an attractive wizard with wide shoulders, a thick upper body, and gleaming groomed hair. His skin was lightly tanned with a spray of freckles. His greatest flaw and determinant to others was his quick temper.

"Ignore them, darling, they are just jealous," Lysithea boldly said with seductive red lips, before temptingly pushing her round bosom against her husband's arm.

Bogdan's gaze quickly grew heated and pulled his wife's waist more against his. "How about we find a secluded corridor," he muttered lustfully into her ear.

"I might be convinced," Lysthiea purred, before being firmly dragged away by her husband in search of an empty corridor.

Tragically, they neglected only one single fact. Their eleven years old son. They had completely forgotten that they had brought their son, Spurgeon Fawley along with them in the first place. A sad fact of life is that this is not the first instance the Fawley couple had forgotten one of their children.