Et tu, Brute? Ⅲ Chapter

With the infiltration of the Death Eaters, Ragnok is forced to take the long route to the Main Lobby. Breathless he emerges from a door in front of the inner set of silver doors that are locked and sealed with goblin magic. The silver doors tremble as a loud thud is heard echoing from the outer burnished bronzed doors. He can only desperately hope that the Aurors have arrived in time to offer aid to them.

Ragnok releases the coin in his hand and reaches for an enchanted key forged by goblin magic kept in his innermost pocket. Typically, the Gringotts' doors could never be reopened after being shut. However, his grandfather had granted him a single-use emergency key. The key would reopen the Gringotts' door, but only once. His grandfather, (Grok Gringotts) had sternly warned him to never use the key unless the situation was dire.

Well, it was sufficiently dire, Ragnok grimly concluded at this time. He inserted the key into the lock and unlocked the inner goblin silver forged doors. The silver door's part and a thundering sound can be heard from the outer burnished bronzed doors. He hurriedly unlocked the outer burnished bronzed doors and the key literally melted away into nothing.

The outer burnished bronzed doors burst open to reveal crimson-robed Aurors all in the midst of casting a spell. The spells abruptly are canceled mid-spell as the leader Auror at the helm is a tawny-haired Auror like that of a lion's mane with imposing yellow-brown eyes, Auror Rufus Scrimgeour. "Status," Auror Scrimgeour pointedly asked.

"The Death Eaters headed straight for Grok Gringotts," Ragnok grimly explained. "There may be injured goblins along the way including Curse Breaker Tertius."

"Understood," Auror Scrimgeour gruffly said, before turning to his team. "Dawlish, Proudfoot, Savage, you are all on standby. You are to defend the main entrance until the second team arrives with the healers and the A.P.D."

"The rest are with me," Auror Rufus Scrimgeour gestured to the remaining Aurors. "Lead the way," he impatiently gestured to Ragnok.

"This way," Ragnok hurriedly said leading to a door and a shortcut only used by the goblins. The tunnel is dark and smaller typically only used by the goblins. The taller Aurors have to bend their heads as they move forward.

"I trust that Gringotts secrets will remain a secret, Auror's," Ragnok breathlessly reminded as he led the Auror's through the secret passageway.

"You have a word," Auror Rufus Scrimgeour grimly answered gripping his wand firmly in hand. Typically, Alastor Moody would be with him, but in case of a secondary attack, Moody known as they liked to jokingly call him Mad-Eye Moody remained at Headquarters in case of an imminent attack on the Ministry of Magic.

They emerge into the hall near the office of Grok Gringotts. The sounds of battle are heard as Auror Scrimgeour gestures at Radnok to stand aside. "Two and two, eyes on the back," he briskly ordered before leading the Aurors into battle against the Death Eaters.

The crimson robes of the Aurors barely make a sound as they rush around the corner. The goblins had lost their advantage after the Death Eaters ceased to play fair and simply summoned the spears out of the goblin's hands. The bodies of the goblin guards lay strewn across the hall. There still remained only a handful of severely wounded guards defending the Goblin King against the barrage of attacks.

The Death Eaters are already celebrating their victories and paid no attention to their unguarded backs. Abruptly a blue light appears behind them and produces an immense air explosion throwing a multitude of Death Eaters into the stone walls. The Expulso curse is followed a barrage of spells among them body binding sells binding the stunned Death Eaters.

"Attack!" Cried out a Death Eater before being abruptly silenced by the Silencing Charm rendered temporarily mute.

"Protego" several Death Eaters cast Shield Charms to protect themselves from immediate harm.

The Death Eaters behind them begin to rally as the muscular, Seth roars, "Death to the Aurors," and begins to cast, the Killing Curse without any discrimination. "Avada Kedavra," he cried out as a sickly emerald, green burst out of his wand striking directly an Auror in the chest.

The partner of the dead Auror releases an angry, grieving cry. "Transmogrifan!" The Auror cast the Trasmogrifan Curse that is cable of torturing one to death and rather resembled the Cruciatus Curse to a lesser degree.

The Death Eater, Seth lets out a pained grunt, but having been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse on multiple occasions he is more than capable of bearing the pain. Without hesitation, Seth casts the Killing curse again, but the curse skids harmlessly against the floor avoiding the Auror.

The Auror snarls back and casts the Eradication spell, "Deletrius."

In horror, Seth drops his wand as he sees his hand simply disintegrate under the weight of the spell. Clutching his stump of a hand, he falls in pain onto the floor. His shrieks of pain are in distinguishable in midst of the battle.

Despite the loss of his partner, the Auror presses forward in battle paring with another single Auror. The two of them battle at each other's back keeping watch. It was the best and most effective tactic as an Auror.

Another pair, an Auror with a long pointy tail, Auror Williamson, and a witch with an eyepatch over one eye, Auror Fields apprehend more Death Eaters for interrogation. They cast the Disarming Charm whenever possible, "Expelliarmus," and stun the Death Eaters into submission. It was a rather effective approach in its own manner.

Melting the face mask of a Death Eater without any hesitation, Auror Rufus Scrimgeour moves forward leaving the screaming Death Eater rolling on the ground behind. He hurriedly moves to face two Death Eaters, who had already severely wounded several of his Aurors. The taller of the two Death Eaters maintains the Shield Charm in their defense, while the shorter of the two casts curse after curse.

From behind his mask, Quilliam Arnold fervently shrieks, "The Dark Lord will triumph," before casting the Cruciatus curse.

Rufus Scrimgeour throws himself to the side to dodge causing the curse to harmlessly skid behind him against the singed, blood-stained carpet. Rolling to his feet, he conjures a flaming rope from the tip of his wand. The wand lashes forward like a lasso and wraps itself around the younger Death Eater.

Quilliam Arnold lets out a scream of pain as the scent of scorched flesh fills the air, before being forcibly dragged through the air. With his hands pinned to his side, Quilliam Arnold is unable to defend himself. The last thing that he ever sees is being slammed into the wall, before losing all consciousness.

Releasing the younger Death Eater, Rufus Scrimgeour moves to attack the taller of the two only to find the taller of the pair holding his hands up. "Thank you, Auror Scrimgeour," the Death Eater said. "I was placed under the Imperius Curse by my cousin. I had no choice but to obey!"

Rufus Scrimgeour dubiously points his wand at the taller Death Eater, who removes his mask to reveal the wane, but stern, proud featured face of, Garrick Arnold. "I swear upon my wife, whom I dearly love that I had no intention of participating in this fiasco of my own free will." He paused and dropped his wand at his feet. "I swear upon the unborn son that my wife carries that I will not raise my wand against you, Auror!"

With the ongoing battle raging, Rufus Scrimgeour has no time to interrogate the wizard. "Hold out your hands," he impatiently snarled and bound Garrick Arnold, before taking his wand into custody. "Stick to the wall for your safety," he scowled, before rushing to the aid of Grok Gringotts.

Feeling his legs slightly weak, Garrick Arnold retreats to the safety of the wall and hides behind a pile of bodies. He hadn't technically lied for he had vowed on a love that did not exist. However, his oath to bring no harm upon the Auror was true. And if he swung his cards right, he would be left as a pitiful person under the Imperius Curse.

Naturally, Garrick Arnold would need to completely remove himself from any Death Eaters in his known circle. Thankfully, he had never taken the mark. Tonight would merely be a blemish in his career. And if he used it right, he could perchance even go even further.

Garrick Arnold felt no loss or pity toward the tragic sacrifice of his cousin. It was as the French wizards say, "C'est la vie." And his cousin really should have known better.