Career Advice

Thursday happened to be April 1st. The tiptoeing of Tiffany awoke Rowan who instinctively reached for her wand hidden under her pillow. Not waiting for Tiffany to play a prank on her, she slithered out of her bed and hid on the other side. "Aha! Got you, Rowan!" Tiffany squealed throwing brightly colored confetti onto the bed only to find it empty…

"Uh oh," Tiffany muttered only to squeal as a spray of icy cold water catches her in the face. "Rowan, stop! I'm sorry!" She desperately sputtered as the cold spry finally stopped.

"That will teach you," Sylvia smirked from her bed, her grayish-blue eyes flashing wickedly. "Really, what did you think was going to happen Tiffany?" She arched her brow in disbelief at her friend.

"I could hope, couldn't I?" Tiffany grumbled drying her face with the sleeve of her damp bed robe, before turning to glare at Rowan who was innocently getting dressed.

"I personally blame, Sirius," Rowan grumbled. "His Gryffindor tendencies seem to be rubbing off on you, Tiffany," she critically eyed her strawberry blond-haired friend.

Tiffany guiltily flushed as Bethanie shook her head pulling her night cap off her auburn head. "There is no reason to comport yourself in such an unladylike manner, Tiffany," she gently chided gently running her fingers through her silky long hair. "April Fool's or not, you were taught better."

Tiffany rolls her eyes before heading over to change for the school day. She had just wanted to surprise and hopefully make Rowan laugh. Rowan had been rather somber ever since she and Severus had stopped speaking. It wasn't that Tiffany hat truly wanted to play a prank, but she just worried about Rowan. Rowan tended to keep everything shut inside and rarely ever voiced her worries to them. Still, there were hours left before the end of the day. Tiffany wasn't about to easily give up!

Rowan momentarily shivers before eyeing Tiffany warily. Being the first one to be dressed, she hurries down into the common room. She was about to head out of the Great Hall when she spots a notice on the common room board. Believing it is a prank she does not pay much attention to it until she passes by. She pauses half-step and turns around to see it is a Career Advice Sign-Up Sheet! And begins to read the instructions from their Head of House, Professor Mortimer.

ALL Fifth Years are to sign up in a respective time slot to receive Career Advice. All those that fail to adhere to the directions above will receive two detention's with me. The only exceptions to this mandate are Apprentice's Rowan & Severus Prince.

Professor E. Mortimer, Head of Slytherin

Rowan made a personal note to remind the other 5th years lest they perceive the notice is a prank. It was the first week of April and granted it started mid-week on April 1st, but typically 5th years are required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during this month. Then again, Rowan and Severus technically had already had a career advice meeting with Professor Dumbledore considering they were his apprentices.

With great glee, Rowan signed Terry Greengrass for the earliest time slot on Saturday morning. She was still annoyed about last week. And she had been waiting all week to exact revenge. Petty, yes, but truly satisfying.

In fact, as many of the 5th years descended into the Slytherin common board, those that spotted the notice dismissed it into the back of their minds believing it was a prank. It wasn't until the 5th years began to read out loud the Career Advice notice that many of them realized it was real. It was as if a pail of icy cold water of reality doused them. Their career advice appointment may very well determine their futures. Many of the 5th years all hurried over to the common room board to sign up at a reasonable hour for Thursday avoiding the early morning slots commencing at 5 o'clock in the morning the next day on Friday before classes and continuing through Saturday and Sunday.

Tragically for Sirius during breakfast, Regulus smugly shoved the copy of the Daily Prophet into his face, and Sirius almost fainted. There on the front cover was their mother! The title read, "WALBURGA BLACK, the newest HOGWARTS BOARD MEMBER! WHAT ARE THE BLACK FAMILY VALUES? And HOW WILL THEY IMPACT OUR CHILDREN, THE PUBLIC DEMANDS TO KNOW! Turn to page 2 for an exclusive interview with Walburga Black!"

Sirius moaned gripping his hair with his fists. His mother truly wouldn't leave his grades alone now. How would look for a member of the Hogwarts Board to have a son failing a subject?! Not that Regulus minded, he was a good boy. Though Sirius would argue Regulus is a teacher's pet or in this case their parents….

Of course, Sirius convinced himself that it was all a prank. An incredibly EVIL, VILE prank by Regulus. Alas, his fear was confirmed with a letter from both his father and mother relaying the joyous news. All he knew, it was the WORST DAY EVER!

As the day passed by those that had signed up to meet with Professor Mortimer during lunch carried about bright pink and orange leaflets that read, "So you think you'd like to work in muggle relations?" A few of the 5th years were loudly commenting, "Well, there don't seem to be that many qualifications apparently it is more important to have enthusiasm, patience, and a good sense of fun."

"I don't know about that, Professor (Elias) Murphy, (the Muggle Studies Professor) said with the influx of muquibs and squibs, Professor Murphy said that there may be more requirements imposed in the upcoming years."

The group continues to discuss the changes, while another group discusses another bright pamphlet that reads, "Wizard Banking! Are you seeking a challenging career involving travel, adventure, and substantial, danger-related treasure bonuses? Then consider a position with Gringotts Wizarding Bank, who are currently recuring Curse Breakers for thrilling opportunities abroad?" The group discusses the requirements required such as Arithmancy, Ancient Studies, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and more.

Another pamphlet reads "Have you got what it takes to train security trolls?" Or one from the Ministry of Magic says, "Make a bang with the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes!" There were countless pamphlets roaming about as 5th years discussed possible avenues for a career.

Rowan calmly ate her lunch as Terry loudly sat down and glared at her. "I know it was you," he darkly accused her.

"Exactly what do you refer to?" Rowan pretended to be unaware of what Terry was referring to her.

"You signed me up to meet with Cousin Mortimer at 5 o'clock in the morning on Saturday!" Terry said rather scandalized. "I am never up on Saturdays until 8 o'clock at the earliest."

"I know," Rowan answered with a sharkish smile. "I'm still mad about last week."

Terry opens and closes his mouth as Sylvia shakes her head at him. "You would think you would know better by now," she mumbled under her breath wisely keeping her comment to herself. And frankly, Terry did deserve it.

Tiffany sitting right next to Sylvia snorts into her drink, while Bethanie frowns at the two of them. She reaches over and very motherly wipes Tiffany's face with a linen cloth. Tiffany grimaces and says, "Bethanie, I don't need to be mothered!"

"I was only trying to help," Bethanie primly said, before setting her settee in her lap to begin eating.

Terry sputtered loudly in indignation before eating lunch. Tragically, Severus was sitting with Lily for lunch as such Terry had no stout supporters. Alas, it was a tragedy, but one that Terry vowed to quickly remedy.