Late Night Dive Ⅱ

Finishing admiring the creation, Rowan turns and bows in greeting. "Chieftainess of the Lake," she solemnly greeted Merchieftainess Murcurs.

"Child of the Founders," Merchieftainess Murcurs tilted her head in faint greeting. She is a fierce, gray-skinned mermaid with iridescent yellow eyes. Her long, wild dark green hair hangs rather loosely around her muscled shoulders. Her shark fang pin and shark fang necklaces are notably missing. She had likely been resting, before being so rudely interrupted.

"My apologies, I would not have interrupted thine rest had I known, Chieftainess of the Lake," Rowan genuinely apologized to the Chieftainess.

"I have yet to rest," Merchieftainess Murcurs waved her webbed hand. "I had merely begun to prepare to slumber." Her bright yellow eyes pensively narrowed. "Tell me, Child of the Founders, why have you sought me out?"

"If I may," Rowan reached into her mokeskin pouch and removed the small chest that held the pensive memories of Marcellus, the First Headmaster of Hogwarts. "I wish to request and return this precious treasure to you."

"It is what Mother Lusca was entrusted with by the wizard, Marcellus," Merchieftainess Murcurs frowned. "Why are you seeking to return that which was entrusted to us?"

"War and the abomination freely roam the dry land," Rowan plainly answered. "In the event that should I fail in my task, I ask that the chest of Marcellus be protected and passed to another who may be entrusted to fulfill the task in my stead."

"Tell me, Child of the Founders," Merchieftainess Murcurs solemnly asked, "has the abomination acted against thee?"

"No," Rowan grimly answered, "However, I have found at least two tails. However, I fear the abomination will no longer stick to the shadows. It will truly and earnestly begin to move. And when that time comes, my existence will come into the light. The Hydra will not tolerate my existence unless I offer my allegiance and which I shall never do. Therefore, if it cannot possess me it will seek to destroy me."

Nadira's eyes sparked dangerously, and she let out a low hiss. "I will not permit it, Protector!" She angrily hissed. "I am not as weak as I once was, Protector! I shall not permit such a travesty to occur before me!"

"Calm yourself, Nadira," Rowan soothingly said. "We cannot know everything that is to come, but we must prepare amply. We are the weaker party in this situation. Caution is our only option, Nadira. Otherwise, we will be the ones to be defeated."

Nadira flicks her tongue unhappily but does not protest again. Seeing Nadira quiet down, Rowan turns again to face Merchieftainess Murcurs again. "I beseech thee to accept my request, Chieftainess of the lake," she bowed towards the mermaid.

"We swore to fulfill Mother Lusca's promise and we shall continue to do so until the great evil is defeated on land," Merchieftainess Murcurs solemnly vowed to accept the small chest back into her care, before eying Rowan again. "You have come for much more than simply this, Child of the Founders, what is your true desire?"

Rowan does not automatically answer carefully preparing her response. "Thousands of years ago, Marcellus offered your tribe a safe haven from war. Yet wizardkind begins to forget thine people even more as humankind expands even unto the sea in search of wealth."

"I know what you speak," Merchieftainess Murcurs grimly interrupted. "Our cousins of the South write to us and speak of unimaginable evil committed by the humans. The humans corral young whales to hunt and kill for their fat, while others are captured and showcased as pets for their amusement. Then there are their strange metal tubes that leak black poison from the depths of the sea floor causing all living thing to grow ill and perish."

Merchieftainess Murcurs slams her hand in a fist on the stone table threatening to crack it under her strength. "Have humans no respect for nature? Have they forgotten the promises of their forefathers?!"

"Humans by nature have a short memory," Rowan quietly said. "It is a terrible weakness to possess, I will be the first to admit it."

Merchieftainess Murcurs lets out a loud snort, before folding bulging arms over her ample chest. "My people know, but nothing will come of it."

"No that is not true," Rowan firmly countered. "It is only true because each passing generation is not taught Mermish nor shows any active interest in it."

"It has always been this way," Merchieftainess Murcurs shrugged. "Wizardkind only learns what they hold an interest in."

"Yes, but what if a permanent interest can be created?" Rowan suggested. "Enabling each passing wizarding generation to remember and speak for thine people."

Merchieftainess Murcurs is silent for a long-time causing Rowan to grow nervous. "I have spoken to the Centaurs during our monthly trade," she explained. "They speak of a centaur among them named Ronan who seeks to mate in a pledged handfast to a witch, a descendant of a powerful seer. The witch has taught them much about the stars and now the younger centaurs yearn to explore further than the confines of their home (the Forbidden Forest) have to offer. The tribe begins to remember their human ancestors and their human kin, who they left behind."

Merchieftainess Murcurs paused to stare Rowan in the eye. "Our tribe also once held humans," she solemnly contemplated. "Our foremother, Lusca was born of a mermaid and a human sailor. When the war began, our tribe departed from those waters for the safety found beneath distant waters. The village above land that resided near our original birthplace held our human mothers and fathers. When the tribe was forced to depart, we could not bring our human kin away with us. And we know not what became of them," her voice trailed off.

"Perchance it is a sign that we need arise once again from the safety of our waters," Merchieftainess Murcurs solemnly said. "Then so be it, we shall hold no fear and once again show the might of our people!"

"What is that you ask of us, Child of the Founders?" Merchieftainess Murcurs asked again much more confidently.

"The common room of the Slytherin house sees out into the lake," Rowan answered. "I wish to show the younger years the tribe and show them the power and might of your language. If a true interest can be created in the next generation of purebloods, they will desire to learn Mermish which will follow them as the next generation of politicians. Their words will have power and sway over the Ministry of Magic. Moreover, the other houses will not desire to be left behind. Perchance, just a once month visit to the surface of the lake can be arranged for the children of other houses to see and invoke curiosity in them. And if we play our cards right, Mermish much like gobbledegook will be added as an elective for the following generations to learn."

Merchieftainess Murcurs slowly nods her head. "Your words hold merit, Child of the Founders," she said glancing at one of the pottery vases. "Some of our younger members of the tribe are curious about the dry land above the lake. They seek to learn more but are prohibited from doing so. However, your idea holds merit, and I will permit it."

Rowan bows and sincerely says, "I thank the Chieftainess of the Lake for her generosity and great magnanimity." And she sincerely would. But she wasn't doing so entirely out of kindness rather it was one more piece to place on the chess board. One more chess piece to keep Hydra in check.